request_funds(1){ find_account{ currency = {"symbol":"stake", "decimals":0}; random_account = find_balance({ "minimum_balance":{ "value": "0", "currency": {{currency}} }, "create_limit":1 }); }, send_funds{ account_identifier = {{random_account.account_identifier}}; address = {{account_identifier.address}}; idk = http_request({ "method": "POST", "url": "http:\/\/faucet:8000", "timeout": 10, "body": {{random_account.account_identifier.address}} }); }, // Create a separate scenario to request funds so that // the address we are using to request funds does not // get rolled back if funds do not yet exist. request{ loaded_account = find_balance({ "account_identifier": {{random_account.account_identifier}}, "minimum_balance":{ "value": "50", "currency": {{currency}} } }); } } create_account(1){ create{ network = {"network":"network", "blockchain":"app"}; key = generate_key({"curve_type": "secp256k1"}); account = derive({ "network_identifier": {{network}}, "public_key": {{key.public_key}} }); // If the account is not saved, the key will be lost! save_account({ "account_identifier": {{account.account_identifier}}, "keypair": {{key}} }); } } transfer(3){ transfer{ = {"network":"network", "blockchain":"app"}; currency = {"symbol":"stake", "decimals":0}; sender = find_balance({ "minimum_balance":{ "value": "100", "currency": {{currency}} } }); acc_identifier = {{sender.account_identifier}}; sender_address = {{acc_identifier.address}}; // Set the recipient_amount as some value <= sender.balance-max_fee max_fee = "0"; fee_amount = "1"; fee_value = 0 - {{fee_amount}}; available_amount = {{sender.balance.value}} - {{max_fee}}; recipient_amount = random_number({"minimum": "1", "maximum": {{available_amount}}}); print_message({"recipient_amount":{{recipient_amount}}}); // Find recipient and construct operations sender_amount = 0 - {{recipient_amount}}; recipient = find_balance({ "not_account_identifier":[{{sender.account_identifier}}], "minimum_balance":{ "value": "0", "currency": {{currency}} }, "create_limit": 100, "create_probability": 50 }); transfer.confirmation_depth = "1"; recipient_account_identifier = {{recipient.account_identifier}}; recipient_address = {{recipient_account_identifier.address}}; transfer.operations = [ { "operation_identifier":{"index":0}, "type":"", "account":{{sender.account_identifier}}, "metadata": { "amount": [ { "amount": {{recipient_amount}}, "denom": {{currency.symbol}} } ], "from_address": {{sender_address}}, "to_address": {{recipient_address}} } } ]; transfer.preprocess_metadata = { "gas_price": "1stake", "gas_limit": 250000 }; } }