#!/bin/bash # These global variables are required for common.sh SERVER_EXE=counter CLIENT_EXE=countercli ACCOUNTS=(jae ethan bucky rigel igor) RICH=${ACCOUNTS[0]} POOR=${ACCOUNTS[4]} oneTimeSetUp() { quickSetup .basecoin_test_counter counter-chain } oneTimeTearDown() { quickTearDown } test00GetAccount() { SENDER=$(getAddr $RICH) RECV=$(getAddr $POOR) assertFalse "requires arg" "${CLIENT_EXE} query account" checkAccount $SENDER "0" "9007199254740992" ACCT2=$(${CLIENT_EXE} query account $RECV 2>/dev/null) assertFalse "has no genesis account" $? } test01SendTx() { SENDER=$(getAddr $RICH) RECV=$(getAddr $POOR) assertFalse "missing dest" "${CLIENT_EXE} tx send --amount=992mycoin --sequence=1 2>/dev/null" assertFalse "bad password" "echo foo | ${CLIENT_EXE} tx send --amount=992mycoin --sequence=1 --to=$RECV --name=$RICH 2>/dev/null" TX=$(echo qwertyuiop | ${CLIENT_EXE} tx send --amount=992mycoin --sequence=1 --to=$RECV --name=$RICH 2>/dev/null) txSucceeded $? "$TX" "$RECV" HASH=$(echo $TX | jq .hash | tr -d \") TX_HEIGHT=$(echo $TX | jq .height) checkAccount $SENDER "1" "9007199254740000" checkAccount $RECV "0" "992" # make sure tx is indexed checkSendTx $HASH $TX_HEIGHT $SENDER "992" } test02GetCounter() { COUNT=$(${CLIENT_EXE} query counter 2>/dev/null) assertFalse "no default count" $? } # checkCounter $COUNT $BALANCE # Assumes just one coin, checks the balance of first coin in any case checkCounter() { # make sure sender goes down ACCT=$(${CLIENT_EXE} query counter) assertTrue "count is set" $? assertEquals "proper count" "$1" $(echo $ACCT | jq .data.Counter) assertEquals "proper money" "$2" $(echo $ACCT | jq .data.TotalFees[0].amount) } test03AddCount() { SENDER=$(getAddr $RICH) assertFalse "bad password" "echo hi | ${CLIENT_EXE} tx counter --amount=1000mycoin --sequence=2 --name=${RICH} 2>/dev/null" TX=$(echo qwertyuiop | ${CLIENT_EXE} tx counter --amount=10mycoin --sequence=2 --name=${RICH} --valid --countfee=5mycoin) txSucceeded $? "$TX" "counter" HASH=$(echo $TX | jq .hash | tr -d \") TX_HEIGHT=$(echo $TX | jq .height) checkCounter "1" "5" # FIXME: cannot load apptx properly. # Look at the stack trace # This cannot be fixed with the current ugly apptx structure... # Leave for refactoring # make sure tx is indexed # echo hash $HASH # TX=$(${CLIENT_EXE} query tx $HASH --trace) # echo tx $TX # if [-z assertTrue "found tx" $?]; then # assertEquals "proper height" $TX_HEIGHT $(echo $TX | jq .height) # assertEquals "type=app" '"app"' $(echo $TX | jq .data.type) # assertEquals "proper sender" "\"$SENDER\"" $(echo $TX | jq .data.data.input.address) # fi # echo $TX } # Load common then run these tests with shunit2! DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" #get this files directory . $DIR/common.sh . $DIR/shunit2