#!/bin/bash #!/bin/bash # These global variables are required for common.sh SERVER_EXE=basecoin CLIENT_EXE=basecli ACCOUNTS=(jae ethan bucky rigel igor) RICH=${ACCOUNTS[0]} POOR=${ACCOUNTS[4]} # Uncomment the following line for full stack traces in error output # CLIENT_EXE="basecli --trace" oneTimeSetUp() { # These are passed in as args BASE_DIR_1=$HOME/.basecoin_test_ibc/chain1 CHAIN_ID_1=test-chain-1 CLIENT_1=${BASE_DIR_1}/client PREFIX_1=1234 PORT_1=${PREFIX_1}7 BASE_DIR_2=$HOME/.basecoin_test_ibc/chain2 CHAIN_ID_2=test-chain-2 CLIENT_2=${BASE_DIR_2}/client PREFIX_2=2345 PORT_2=${PREFIX_2}7 # Clean up and create the test dirs rm -rf $BASE_DIR_1 $BASE_DIR_2 2>/dev/null mkdir -p $BASE_DIR_1 $BASE_DIR_2 # Set up client for chain 1- make sure you use the proper prefix if you set # a custom CLIENT_EXE BC_HOME=${CLIENT_1} prepareClient BC_HOME=${CLIENT_2} prepareClient # Start basecoin server, giving money to the key in the first client BC_HOME=${CLIENT_1} initServer $BASE_DIR_1 $CHAIN_ID_1 $PREFIX_1 if [ $? != 0 ]; then return 1; fi PID_SERVER_1=$PID_SERVER # Start second basecoin server, giving money to the key in the second client BC_HOME=${CLIENT_2} initServer $BASE_DIR_2 $CHAIN_ID_2 $PREFIX_2 if [ $? != 0 ]; then return 1; fi PID_SERVER_2=$PID_SERVER # Connect both clients BC_HOME=${CLIENT_1} initClient $CHAIN_ID_1 $PORT_1 if [ $? != 0 ]; then return 1; fi BC_HOME=${CLIENT_2} initClient $CHAIN_ID_2 $PORT_2 if [ $? != 0 ]; then return 1; fi printf "...Testing may begin!\n\n\n" } oneTimeTearDown() { printf "\n\nstopping both $SERVER_EXE test servers... $PID_SERVER_1 $PID_SERVER_2" kill -9 $PID_SERVER_1 kill -9 $PID_SERVER_2 sleep 1 } test00GetAccount() { SENDER_1=$(BC_HOME=${CLIENT_1} getAddr $RICH) RECV_1=$(BC_HOME=${CLIENT_1} getAddr $POOR) export BC_HOME=${CLIENT_1} assertFalse "requires arg" "${CLIENT_EXE} query account 2>/dev/null" assertFalse "has no genesis account" "${CLIENT_EXE} query account $RECV_1 2>/dev/null" checkAccount $SENDER_1 "0" "9007199254740992" export BC_HOME=${CLIENT_2} SENDER_2=$(getAddr $RICH) RECV_2=$(getAddr $POOR) assertFalse "requires arg" "${CLIENT_EXE} query account 2>/dev/null" assertFalse "has no genesis account" "${CLIENT_EXE} query account $RECV_2 2>/dev/null" checkAccount $SENDER_2 "0" "9007199254740992" # Make sure that they have different addresses on both chains (they are random keys) assertNotEquals "sender keys must be different" "$SENDER_1" "$SENDER_2" assertNotEquals "recipient keys must be different" "$RECV_1" "$RECV_2" } test01SendIBCTx() { # Trigger a cross-chain sendTx... from RICH on chain1 to POOR on chain2 # we make sure the money was reduced, but nothing arrived SENDER=$(BC_HOME=${CLIENT_1} getAddr $RICH) RECV=$(BC_HOME=${CLIENT_2} getAddr $POOR) export BC_HOME=${CLIENT_1} TX=$(echo qwertyuiop | ${CLIENT_EXE} tx send --amount=20002mycoin \ --sequence=1 --to=${CHAIN_ID_2}/${RECV} --name=$RICH) txSucceeded $? "$TX" "${CHAIN_ID_2}/${RECV}" # an example to quit early if there is no point in more tests if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "aborting!"; return 1; fi HASH=$(echo $TX | jq .hash | tr -d \") TX_HEIGHT=$(echo $TX | jq .height) # Make sure balance went down and tx is indexed checkAccount $SENDER "1" "9007199254720990" checkSendTx $HASH $TX_HEIGHT $SENDER "20002" # Make sure nothing arrived - yet waitForBlock ${PORT_1} assertFalse "no relay running" "BC_HOME=${CLIENT_2} ${CLIENT_EXE} query account $RECV" # Start the relay and wait a few blocks... # (already sent a tx on chain1, so use higher sequence) startRelay 2 1 if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "can't start relay"; cat ${BASE_DIR_1}/../relay.log; return 1; fi # Give it a little time, then make sure the money arrived echo "waiting for relay..." sleep 1 waitForBlock ${PORT_1} waitForBlock ${PORT_2} # Check the new account echo "checking ibc recipient..." BC_HOME=${CLIENT_2} checkAccount $RECV "0" "20002" # Stop relay printf "stoping relay\n" kill -9 $PID_RELAY } # StartRelay $seq1 $seq2 # startRelay hooks up a relay between chain1 and chain2 # it needs the proper sequence number for $RICH on chain1 and chain2 as args startRelay() { # Send some cash to the default key, so it can send messages RELAY_KEY=${BASE_DIR_1}/server/key.json RELAY_ADDR=$(cat $RELAY_KEY | jq .address | tr -d \") echo starting relay $PID_RELAY ... # Get paid on chain1 export BC_HOME=${CLIENT_1} SENDER=$(getAddr $RICH) RES=$(echo qwertyuiop | ${CLIENT_EXE} tx send --amount=100000mycoin \ --sequence=$1 --to=$RELAY_ADDR --name=$RICH) txSucceeded $? "$RES" "$RELAY_ADDR" if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "can't pay chain1!"; return 1; fi # Get paid on chain2 export BC_HOME=${CLIENT_2} SENDER=$(getAddr $RICH) RES=$(echo qwertyuiop | ${CLIENT_EXE} tx send --amount=100000mycoin \ --sequence=$2 --to=$RELAY_ADDR --name=$RICH) txSucceeded $? "$RES" "$RELAY_ADDR" if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "can't pay chain2!"; return 1; fi # Initialize the relay (register both chains) ${SERVER_EXE} relay init --chain1-id=$CHAIN_ID_1 --chain2-id=$CHAIN_ID_2 \ --chain1-addr=tcp://localhost:${PORT_1} --chain2-addr=tcp://localhost:${PORT_2} \ --genesis1=${BASE_DIR_1}/server/genesis.json --genesis2=${BASE_DIR_2}/server/genesis.json \ --from=$RELAY_KEY > ${BASE_DIR_1}/../relay.log if [ $? != 0 ]; then echo "can't initialize relays"; cat ${BASE_DIR_1}/../relay.log; return 1; fi # Now start the relay (constantly send packets) ${SERVER_EXE} relay start --chain1-id=$CHAIN_ID_1 --chain2-id=$CHAIN_ID_2 \ --chain1-addr=tcp://localhost:${PORT_1} --chain2-addr=tcp://localhost:${PORT_2} \ --from=$RELAY_KEY >> ${BASE_DIR_1}/../relay.log & sleep 2 PID_RELAY=$! disown # Return an error if it dies in the first two seconds to make sure it is running ps $PID_RELAY >/dev/null return $? } # Load common then run these tests with shunit2! DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" #get this files directory . $DIR/common.sh . $DIR/shunit2