package crypto import ( "encoding/hex" "fmt" "" "" "" cryptoAmino "" "" sdkerrors "" ) const ( blockTypePrivKey = "TENDERMINT PRIVATE KEY" blockTypeKeyInfo = "TENDERMINT KEY INFO" blockTypePubKey = "TENDERMINT PUBLIC KEY" defaultAlgo = "secp256k1" headerVersion = "version" headerType = "type" ) // Make bcrypt security parameter var, so it can be changed within the lcd test // Making the bcrypt security parameter a var shouldn't be a security issue: // One can't verify an invalid key by maliciously changing the bcrypt // parameter during a runtime vulnerability. The main security // threat this then exposes would be something that changes this during // runtime before the user creates their key. This vulnerability must // succeed to update this to that same value before every subsequent call // to the keys command in future startups / or the attacker must get access // to the filesystem. However, with a similar threat model (changing // variables in runtime), one can cause the user to sign a different tx // than what they see, which is a significantly cheaper attack then breaking // a bcrypt hash. (Recall that the nonce still exists to break rainbow tables) // For further notes on security parameter choice, see var BcryptSecurityParameter = 12 //----------------------------------------------------------------- // add armor // Armor the InfoBytes func ArmorInfoBytes(bz []byte) string { header := map[string]string{ headerType: "Info", headerVersion: "0.0.0", } return armor.EncodeArmor(blockTypeKeyInfo, header, bz) } // Armor the PubKeyBytes func ArmorPubKeyBytes(bz []byte, algo string) string { header := map[string]string{ headerVersion: "0.0.1", } if algo != "" { header[headerType] = algo } return armor.EncodeArmor(blockTypePubKey, header, bz) } //----------------------------------------------------------------- // remove armor // Unarmor the InfoBytes func UnarmorInfoBytes(armorStr string) ([]byte, error) { bz, header, err := unarmorBytes(armorStr, blockTypeKeyInfo) if err != nil { return nil, err } if header[headerVersion] != "0.0.0" { return nil, fmt.Errorf("unrecognized version: %v", header[headerVersion]) } return bz, nil } // UnarmorPubKeyBytes returns the pubkey byte slice, a string of the algo type, and an error func UnarmorPubKeyBytes(armorStr string) (bz []byte, algo string, err error) { bz, header, err := unarmorBytes(armorStr, blockTypePubKey) if err != nil { return nil, "", fmt.Errorf("couldn't unarmor bytes: %v", err) } switch header[headerVersion] { case "0.0.0": return bz, defaultAlgo, err case "0.0.1": if header[headerType] == "" { header[headerType] = defaultAlgo } return bz, header[headerType], err case "": return nil, "", fmt.Errorf("header's version field is empty") default: err = fmt.Errorf("unrecognized version: %v", header[headerVersion]) return nil, "", err } } func unarmorBytes(armorStr, blockType string) (bz []byte, header map[string]string, err error) { bType, header, bz, err := armor.DecodeArmor(armorStr) if err != nil { return } if bType != blockType { err = fmt.Errorf("unrecognized armor type %q, expected: %q", bType, blockType) return } return } //----------------------------------------------------------------- // encrypt/decrypt with armor // Encrypt and armor the private key. func EncryptArmorPrivKey(privKey crypto.PrivKey, passphrase string, algo string) string { saltBytes, encBytes := encryptPrivKey(privKey, passphrase) header := map[string]string{ "kdf": "bcrypt", "salt": fmt.Sprintf("%X", saltBytes), } if algo != "" { header[headerType] = algo } armorStr := armor.EncodeArmor(blockTypePrivKey, header, encBytes) return armorStr } // encrypt the given privKey with the passphrase using a randomly // generated salt and the xsalsa20 cipher. returns the salt and the // encrypted priv key. func encryptPrivKey(privKey crypto.PrivKey, passphrase string) (saltBytes []byte, encBytes []byte) { saltBytes = crypto.CRandBytes(16) key, err := bcrypt.GenerateFromPassword(saltBytes, []byte(passphrase), BcryptSecurityParameter) if err != nil { panic(sdkerrors.Wrap(err, "error generating bcrypt key from passphrase")) } key = crypto.Sha256(key) // get 32 bytes privKeyBytes := privKey.Bytes() return saltBytes, xsalsa20symmetric.EncryptSymmetric(privKeyBytes, key) } // UnarmorDecryptPrivKey returns the privkey byte slice, a string of the algo type, and an error func UnarmorDecryptPrivKey(armorStr string, passphrase string) (privKey crypto.PrivKey, algo string, err error) { blockType, header, encBytes, err := armor.DecodeArmor(armorStr) if err != nil { return privKey, "", err } if blockType != blockTypePrivKey { return privKey, "", fmt.Errorf("unrecognized armor type: %v", blockType) } if header["kdf"] != "bcrypt" { return privKey, "", fmt.Errorf("unrecognized KDF type: %v", header["kdf"]) } if header["salt"] == "" { return privKey, "", fmt.Errorf("missing salt bytes") } saltBytes, err := hex.DecodeString(header["salt"]) if err != nil { return privKey, "", fmt.Errorf("error decoding salt: %v", err.Error()) } privKey, err = decryptPrivKey(saltBytes, encBytes, passphrase) if header[headerType] == "" { header[headerType] = defaultAlgo } return privKey, header[headerType], err } func decryptPrivKey(saltBytes []byte, encBytes []byte, passphrase string) (privKey crypto.PrivKey, err error) { key, err := bcrypt.GenerateFromPassword(saltBytes, []byte(passphrase), BcryptSecurityParameter) if err != nil { return privKey, sdkerrors.Wrap(err, "error generating bcrypt key from passphrase") } key = crypto.Sha256(key) // Get 32 bytes privKeyBytes, err := xsalsa20symmetric.DecryptSymmetric(encBytes, key) if err != nil && err.Error() == "Ciphertext decryption failed" { return privKey, sdkerrors.ErrWrongPassword } else if err != nil { return privKey, err } privKey, err = cryptoAmino.PrivKeyFromBytes(privKeyBytes) return privKey, err }