Local Testnet ============= This tutorial demonstrates the basics of setting up a gaia testnet locally. If you haven't already made a key, make one now: :: gaia client keys new alice otherwise, use an existing key. Initialize The Chain -------------------- Now initialize a gaia chain, using ``alice``'s address: :: gaia node init 5D93A6059B6592833CBC8FA3DA90EE0382198985 --home=$HOME/.gaia1 --chain-id=gaia-test This will create all the files necessary to run a single node chain in ``$HOME/.gaia1``: a ``priv_validator.json`` file with the validators private key, and a ``genesis.json`` file with the list of validators and accounts. We'll add a second node on our local machine by initiating a node in a new directory, with the same address, and copying in the genesis: :: gaia node init 5D93A6059B6592833CBC8FA3DA90EE0382198985 --home=$HOME/.gaia2 --chain-id=gaia-test cp $HOME/.gaia1/genesis.json $HOME/.gaia2/genesis.json We also need to modify ``$HOME/.gaia2/config.toml`` to set new seeds and ports. It should look like: :: proxy_app = "tcp://" moniker = "anonymous" fast_sync = true db_backend = "leveldb" log_level = "state:info,*:error" [rpc] laddr = "tcp://" [p2p] laddr = "tcp://" seeds = "" Start Nodes ----------- Now that we've initialized the chains, we can start both nodes: NOTE: each command below must be started in seperate terminal windows. Alternatively, to run this testnet across multiple machines, you'd replace the ``seeds = ""`` in ``~/.gaia2.config.toml`` with the IP of the first node, and could skip the modifications we made to the config file above because port conflicts would be avoided. :: gaia node start --home=$HOME/.gaia1 gaia node start --home=$HOME/.gaia2 Now we can initialize a client for the first node, and look up our account: :: gaia client init --chain-id=gaia-test --node=tcp://localhost:46657 gaia client query account 5D93A6059B6592833CBC8FA3DA90EE0382198985 To see what tendermint considers the validator set is, use: :: curl localhost:46657/validators and compare the information in this file: ``~/.gaia1/priv_validator.json``. The ``address`` and ``pub_key`` fields should match. To add a second validator on your testnet, you'll need to bond some tokens be declaring candidacy.