# What is Gaia? `gaia` is the name of the Cosmos SDK application for the Cosmos Hub. It comes with 2 main entrypoints: - `gaiad`: The Gaia Daemon, runs a full-node of the `gaia` application. - `gaiacli`: The Gaia command-line interface, which enables interraction with a Gaia full-node. `gaia` is built on the Cosmos SDK using the following modules: - `x/auth`: Accounts and signatures. - `x/bank`: Token transfers. - `x/staking`: Staking logic. - `x/mint`: Inflation logic. - `x/distribution`: Fee distribution logic. - `x/slashing`: Slashing logic. - `x/gov`: Governance logic. - `x/ibc`: Inter-blockchain transfers. - `x/params`: Handles app-level parameters. >About the Cosmos Hub: The Cosmos Hub is the first Hub to be launched in the Cosmos Network. The role of a Hub is to facilitate transfers between blockchains. If a blockchain connects to a Hub via IBC, it automatically gains access to all the other blockchains that are connected to it. The Cosmos Hub is a public Proof-of-Stake chain. Its staking token is called the Atom. Next, learn how to [install Gaia](./installation.md).