package client import ( "bufio" "bytes" "fmt" "io/ioutil" "os" "strings" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" sdk "" sdkerrors "" authtypes "" ) // Codec defines the x/auth account codec to be used for use with the // AccountRetriever. The application must be sure to set this to their respective // codec that implements the Codec interface and must be the same codec that // passed to the x/auth module. // // TODO:/XXX: Using a package-level global isn't ideal and we should consider // refactoring the module manager to allow passing in the correct module codec. var Codec codec.Marshaler // GasEstimateResponse defines a response definition for tx gas estimation. type GasEstimateResponse struct { GasEstimate uint64 `json:"gas_estimate" yaml:"gas_estimate"` } func (gr GasEstimateResponse) String() string { return fmt.Sprintf("gas estimate: %d", gr.GasEstimate) } // GenerateOrBroadcastMsgs creates a StdTx given a series of messages. If // the provided context has generate-only enabled, the tx will only be printed // to STDOUT in a fully offline manner. Otherwise, the tx will be signed and // broadcasted. func GenerateOrBroadcastMsgs(clientCtx client.Context, txBldr authtypes.TxBuilder, msgs []sdk.Msg) error { if clientCtx.GenerateOnly { return PrintUnsignedStdTx(txBldr, clientCtx, msgs) } return CompleteAndBroadcastTxCLI(txBldr, clientCtx, msgs) } // CompleteAndBroadcastTxCLI implements a utility function that facilitates // sending a series of messages in a signed transaction given a TxBuilder and a // QueryContext. It ensures that the account exists, has a proper number and // sequence set. In addition, it builds and signs a transaction with the // supplied messages. Finally, it broadcasts the signed transaction to a node. func CompleteAndBroadcastTxCLI(txBldr authtypes.TxBuilder, clientCtx client.Context, msgs []sdk.Msg) error { txBldr, err := PrepareTxBuilder(txBldr, clientCtx) if err != nil { return err } fromName := clientCtx.GetFromName() if txBldr.SimulateAndExecute() || clientCtx.Simulate { txBldr, err = EnrichWithGas(txBldr, clientCtx, msgs) if err != nil { return err } gasEst := GasEstimateResponse{GasEstimate: txBldr.Gas()} _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s\n", gasEst.String()) } if clientCtx.Simulate { return nil } if !clientCtx.SkipConfirm { stdSignMsg, err := txBldr.BuildSignMsg(msgs) if err != nil { return err } var json []byte if viper.GetBool(flags.FlagIndentResponse) { json, err = clientCtx.Codec.MarshalJSONIndent(stdSignMsg, "", " ") if err != nil { panic(err) } } else { json = clientCtx.Codec.MustMarshalJSON(stdSignMsg) } _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s\n\n", json) buf := bufio.NewReader(os.Stdin) ok, err := input.GetConfirmation("confirm transaction before signing and broadcasting", buf, os.Stderr) if err != nil || !ok { _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%s\n", "cancelled transaction") return err } } // build and sign the transaction txBytes, err := txBldr.BuildAndSign(fromName, msgs) if err != nil { return err } // broadcast to a Tendermint node res, err := clientCtx.BroadcastTx(txBytes) if err != nil { return err } return clientCtx.PrintOutput(res) } // EnrichWithGas calculates the gas estimate that would be consumed by the // transaction and set the transaction's respective value accordingly. func EnrichWithGas(txBldr authtypes.TxBuilder, clientCtx client.Context, msgs []sdk.Msg) (authtypes.TxBuilder, error) { _, adjusted, err := simulateMsgs(txBldr, clientCtx, msgs) if err != nil { return txBldr, err } return txBldr.WithGas(adjusted), nil } // CalculateGas simulates the execution of a transaction and returns // the simulation response obtained by the query and the adjusted gas amount. func CalculateGas( queryFunc func(string, []byte) ([]byte, int64, error), cdc *codec.Codec, txBytes []byte, adjustment float64, ) (sdk.SimulationResponse, uint64, error) { // run a simulation (via /app/simulate query) to // estimate gas and update TxBuilder accordingly rawRes, _, err := queryFunc("/app/simulate", txBytes) if err != nil { return sdk.SimulationResponse{}, 0, err } simRes, err := parseQueryResponse(rawRes) if err != nil { return sdk.SimulationResponse{}, 0, err } adjusted := adjustGasEstimate(simRes.GasUsed, adjustment) return simRes, adjusted, nil } // PrintUnsignedStdTx builds an unsigned StdTx and prints it to os.Stdout. func PrintUnsignedStdTx(txBldr authtypes.TxBuilder, clientCtx client.Context, msgs []sdk.Msg) error { stdTx, err := buildUnsignedStdTxOffline(txBldr, clientCtx, msgs) if err != nil { return err } var json []byte if viper.GetBool(flags.FlagIndentResponse) { json, err = clientCtx.Codec.MarshalJSONIndent(stdTx, "", " ") } else { json, err = clientCtx.Codec.MarshalJSON(stdTx) } if err != nil { return err } _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(clientCtx.Output, "%s\n", json) return nil } // SignStdTx appends a signature to a StdTx and returns a copy of it. If appendSig // is false, it replaces the signatures already attached with the new signature. // Don't perform online validation or lookups if offline is true. func SignStdTx( txBldr authtypes.TxBuilder, clientCtx client.Context, name string, stdTx authtypes.StdTx, appendSig bool, offline bool, ) (authtypes.StdTx, error) { var signedStdTx authtypes.StdTx info, err := txBldr.Keybase().Key(name) if err != nil { return signedStdTx, err } addr := info.GetPubKey().Address() // check whether the address is a signer if !isTxSigner(sdk.AccAddress(addr), stdTx.GetSigners()) { return signedStdTx, fmt.Errorf("%s: %s", sdkerrors.ErrorInvalidSigner, name) } if !offline { txBldr, err = populateAccountFromState(txBldr, clientCtx, sdk.AccAddress(addr)) if err != nil { return signedStdTx, err } } return txBldr.SignStdTx(name, stdTx, appendSig) } // SignStdTxWithSignerAddress attaches a signature to a StdTx and returns a copy of a it. // Don't perform online validation or lookups if offline is true, else // populate account and sequence numbers from a foreign account. func SignStdTxWithSignerAddress( txBldr authtypes.TxBuilder, clientCtx client.Context, addr sdk.AccAddress, name string, stdTx authtypes.StdTx, offline bool, ) (signedStdTx authtypes.StdTx, err error) { // check whether the address is a signer if !isTxSigner(addr, stdTx.GetSigners()) { return signedStdTx, fmt.Errorf("%s: %s", sdkerrors.ErrorInvalidSigner, name) } if !offline { txBldr, err = populateAccountFromState(txBldr, clientCtx, addr) if err != nil { return signedStdTx, err } } return txBldr.SignStdTx(name, stdTx, false) } // Read and decode a StdTx from the given filename. Can pass "-" to read from stdin. func ReadStdTxFromFile(cdc *codec.Codec, filename string) (stdTx authtypes.StdTx, err error) { var bytes []byte if filename == "-" { bytes, err = ioutil.ReadAll(os.Stdin) } else { bytes, err = ioutil.ReadFile(filename) } if err != nil { return } if err = cdc.UnmarshalJSON(bytes, &stdTx); err != nil { return } return } func populateAccountFromState( txBldr authtypes.TxBuilder, clientCtx client.Context, addr sdk.AccAddress, ) (authtypes.TxBuilder, error) { num, seq, err := authtypes.NewAccountRetriever(Codec).GetAccountNumberSequence(clientCtx, addr) if err != nil { return txBldr, err } return txBldr.WithAccountNumber(num).WithSequence(seq), nil } // GetTxEncoder return tx encoder from global sdk configuration if ones is defined. // Otherwise returns encoder with default logic. func GetTxEncoder(cdc *codec.Codec) (encoder sdk.TxEncoder) { encoder = sdk.GetConfig().GetTxEncoder() if encoder == nil { encoder = authtypes.DefaultTxEncoder(cdc) } return encoder } // simulateMsgs simulates the transaction and returns the simulation response and // the adjusted gas value. func simulateMsgs(txBldr authtypes.TxBuilder, clientCtx client.Context, msgs []sdk.Msg) (sdk.SimulationResponse, uint64, error) { txBytes, err := txBldr.BuildTxForSim(msgs) if err != nil { return sdk.SimulationResponse{}, 0, err } return CalculateGas(clientCtx.QueryWithData, clientCtx.Codec, txBytes, txBldr.GasAdjustment()) } func adjustGasEstimate(estimate uint64, adjustment float64) uint64 { return uint64(adjustment * float64(estimate)) } func parseQueryResponse(bz []byte) (sdk.SimulationResponse, error) { var simRes sdk.SimulationResponse if err := jsonpb.Unmarshal(strings.NewReader(string(bz)), &simRes); err != nil { return sdk.SimulationResponse{}, err } return simRes, nil } // PrepareTxBuilder populates a TxBuilder in preparation for the build of a Tx. func PrepareTxBuilder(txBldr authtypes.TxBuilder, clientCtx client.Context) (authtypes.TxBuilder, error) { from := clientCtx.GetFromAddress() accGetter := authtypes.NewAccountRetriever(Codec) if err := accGetter.EnsureExists(clientCtx, from); err != nil { return txBldr, err } txbldrAccNum, txbldrAccSeq := txBldr.AccountNumber(), txBldr.Sequence() // TODO: (ref #1903) Allow for user supplied account number without // automatically doing a manual lookup. if txbldrAccNum == 0 || txbldrAccSeq == 0 { num, seq, err := authtypes.NewAccountRetriever(Codec).GetAccountNumberSequence(clientCtx, from) if err != nil { return txBldr, err } if txbldrAccNum == 0 { txBldr = txBldr.WithAccountNumber(num) } if txbldrAccSeq == 0 { txBldr = txBldr.WithSequence(seq) } } return txBldr, nil } func buildUnsignedStdTxOffline(txBldr authtypes.TxBuilder, clientCtx client.Context, msgs []sdk.Msg) (stdTx authtypes.StdTx, err error) { if txBldr.SimulateAndExecute() { if clientCtx.Offline { return stdTx, errors.New("cannot estimate gas in offline mode") } txBldr, err = EnrichWithGas(txBldr, clientCtx, msgs) if err != nil { return stdTx, err } _, _ = fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "estimated gas = %v\n", txBldr.Gas()) } stdSignMsg, err := txBldr.BuildSignMsg(msgs) if err != nil { return stdTx, err } return authtypes.NewStdTx(stdSignMsg.Msgs, stdSignMsg.Fee, nil, stdSignMsg.Memo), nil } func isTxSigner(user sdk.AccAddress, signers []sdk.AccAddress) bool { for _, s := range signers { if bytes.Equal(user.Bytes(), s.Bytes()) { return true } } return false }