#!/bin/bash seeds=(1 2 4 7 9 20 32 123 4728 37827 981928 87821 891823782 989182 89182391) echo "Running multi-seed simulation with seeds: ${seeds[@]}" echo "Edit scripts/multisim.sh to add new seeds. Keeping parameters in the file makes failures easy to reproduce." echo "This script will kill all sub-simulations on SIGINT/SIGTERM/EXIT (i.e. Ctrl-C)." trap 'kill $(jobs -pr)' SIGINT SIGTERM EXIT tmpdir=$(mktemp -d) echo "Using temporary log directory: $tmpdir" sim() { seed=$1 echo "Running full Gaia simulation with seed $seed. This may take awhile!" file="$tmpdir/gaia-simulation-seed-$seed-date-$(date -Iseconds -u).stdout" echo "Writing stdout to $file..." go test ./cmd/gaia/app -run TestFullGaiaSimulation -SimulationEnabled=true -SimulationNumBlocks=1000 \ -SimulationVerbose=true -SimulationCommit=true -SimulationSeed=$seed -v -timeout 24h > $file } i=0 pids=() for seed in ${seeds[@]}; do sim $seed & pids[${i}]=$! i=$(($i+1)) sleep 0.1 # start in order, nicer logs done echo "Simulation processes spawned, waiting for completion..." code=0 i=0 for pid in ${pids[*]}; do wait $pid last=$? if [ $last -ne 0 ]; then seed=${seeds[${i}]} echo "Simulation with seed $seed failed!" code=1 fi i=$(($i+1)) done exit $code