package keys import ( "bufio" "fmt" "" "" "" "" ) const ( flagUnarmoredHex = "unarmored-hex" flagUnsafe = "unsafe" ) // ExportKeyCommand exports private keys from the key store. func ExportKeyCommand() *cobra.Command { cmd := &cobra.Command{ Use: "export ", Short: "Export private keys", Long: `Export a private key from the local keyring in ASCII-armored encrypted format. When both the --unarmored-hex and --unsafe flags are selected, cryptographic private key material is exported in an INSECURE fashion that is designed to allow users to import their keys in hot wallets. This feature is for advanced users only that are confident about how to handle private keys work and are FULLY AWARE OF THE RISKS. If you are unsure, you may want to do some research and export your keys in ASCII-armored encrypted format.`, Args: cobra.ExactArgs(1), RunE: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error { buf := bufio.NewReader(cmd.InOrStdin()) clientCtx, err := client.GetClientQueryContext(cmd) if err != nil { return err } unarmored, _ := cmd.Flags().GetBool(flagUnarmoredHex) unsafe, _ := cmd.Flags().GetBool(flagUnsafe) if unarmored && unsafe { return exportUnsafeUnarmored(cmd, args[0], buf, clientCtx.Keyring) } else if unarmored || unsafe { return fmt.Errorf("the flags %s and %s must be used together", flagUnsafe, flagUnarmoredHex) } encryptPassword, err := input.GetPassword("Enter passphrase to encrypt the exported key:", buf) if err != nil { return err } armored, err := clientCtx.Keyring.ExportPrivKeyArmor(args[0], encryptPassword) if err != nil { return err } cmd.Println(armored) return nil }, } cmd.Flags().Bool(flagUnarmoredHex, false, "Export unarmored hex privkey. Requires --unsafe.") cmd.Flags().Bool(flagUnsafe, false, "Enable unsafe operations. This flag must be switched on along with all unsafe operation-specific options.") return cmd } func exportUnsafeUnarmored(cmd *cobra.Command, uid string, buf *bufio.Reader, kr keyring.Keyring) error { // confirm deletion, unless -y is passed if yes, err := input.GetConfirmation("WARNING: The private key will be exported as an unarmored hexadecimal string. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK. Continue?", buf, cmd.ErrOrStderr()); err != nil { return err } else if !yes { return nil } hexPrivKey, err := keyring.NewUnsafe(kr).UnsafeExportPrivKeyHex(uid) if err != nil { return err } cmd.Println(hexPrivKey) return nil }