package simapp import ( "encoding/json" "flag" "fmt" "io" "io/ioutil" "math/rand" "os" "testing" "time" "" abci "" dbm "" "" "" sdk "" authsim "" "" distrsim "" govsim "" paramsim "" "" slashingsim "" "" stakingsim "" ) func init() { flag.StringVar(&genesisFile, "SimulationGenesis", "", "custom simulation genesis file; cannot be used with params file") flag.StringVar(¶msFile, "SimulationParams", "", "custom simulation params file which overrides any random params; cannot be used with genesis") flag.Int64Var(&seed, "SimulationSeed", 42, "simulation random seed") flag.IntVar(&numBlocks, "SimulationNumBlocks", 500, "number of blocks") flag.IntVar(&blockSize, "SimulationBlockSize", 200, "operations per block") flag.BoolVar(&enabled, "SimulationEnabled", false, "enable the simulation") flag.BoolVar(&verbose, "SimulationVerbose", false, "verbose log output") flag.BoolVar(&lean, "SimulationLean", false, "lean simulation log output") flag.BoolVar(&commit, "SimulationCommit", false, "have the simulation commit") flag.IntVar(&period, "SimulationPeriod", 1, "run slow invariants only once every period assertions") flag.BoolVar(&onOperation, "SimulateEveryOperation", false, "run slow invariants every operation") flag.BoolVar(&allInvariants, "PrintAllInvariants", false, "print all invariants if a broken invariant is found") } // helper function for populating input for SimulateFromSeed func getSimulateFromSeedInput(tb testing.TB, w io.Writer, app *SimApp) ( testing.TB, io.Writer, *baseapp.BaseApp, simulation.AppStateFn, int64, simulation.WeightedOperations, sdk.Invariants, int, int, bool, bool, bool, bool) { return tb, w, app.BaseApp, appStateFn, seed, testAndRunTxs(app), invariants(app), numBlocks, blockSize, commit, lean, onOperation, allInvariants } func appStateFn( r *rand.Rand, accs []simulation.Account, genesisTimestamp time.Time, ) (appState json.RawMessage, simAccs []simulation.Account, chainID string) { cdc := MakeCodec() switch { case paramsFile != "" && genesisFile != "": panic("cannot provide both a genesis file and a params file") case genesisFile != "": appState, simAccs, chainID = AppStateFromGenesisFileFn(r, accs, genesisTimestamp) case paramsFile != "": appParams := make(simulation.AppParams) bz, err := ioutil.ReadFile(paramsFile) if err != nil { panic(err) } cdc.MustUnmarshalJSON(bz, &appParams) appState, simAccs, chainID = appStateRandomizedFn(r, accs, genesisTimestamp, appParams) default: appParams := make(simulation.AppParams) appState, simAccs, chainID = appStateRandomizedFn(r, accs, genesisTimestamp, appParams) } return appState, simAccs, chainID } // TODO refactor out random initialization code to the modules func appStateRandomizedFn( r *rand.Rand, accs []simulation.Account, genesisTimestamp time.Time, appParams simulation.AppParams, ) (json.RawMessage, []simulation.Account, string) { cdc := MakeCodec() genesisState := NewDefaultGenesisState() var ( amount int64 numInitiallyBonded int64 ) appParams.GetOrGenerate(cdc, StakePerAccount, &amount, r, func(r *rand.Rand) { amount = int64(r.Intn(1e12)) }) appParams.GetOrGenerate(cdc, InitiallyBondedValidators, &amount, r, func(r *rand.Rand) { numInitiallyBonded = int64(r.Intn(250)) }) numAccs := int64(len(accs)) if numInitiallyBonded > numAccs { numInitiallyBonded = numAccs } fmt.Printf( `Selected randomly generated parameters for simulated genesis: { stake_per_account: "%v", initially_bonded_validators: "%v" } `, amount, numInitiallyBonded, ) GenGenesisAccounts(cdc, r, accs, genesisTimestamp, amount, numInitiallyBonded, genesisState) GenAuthGenesisState(cdc, r, appParams, genesisState) GenBankGenesisState(cdc, r, appParams, genesisState) GenSupplyGenesisState(cdc, amount, numInitiallyBonded, int64(len(accs)), genesisState) GenGovGenesisState(cdc, r, appParams, genesisState) GenMintGenesisState(cdc, r, appParams, genesisState) GenDistrGenesisState(cdc, r, appParams, genesisState) stakingGen := GenStakingGenesisState(cdc, r, accs, amount, numAccs, numInitiallyBonded, appParams, genesisState) GenSlashingGenesisState(cdc, r, stakingGen, appParams, genesisState) appState, err := MakeCodec().MarshalJSON(genesisState) if err != nil { panic(err) } return appState, accs, "simulation" } func testAndRunTxs(app *SimApp) []simulation.WeightedOperation { cdc := MakeCodec() ap := make(simulation.AppParams) if paramsFile != "" { bz, err := ioutil.ReadFile(paramsFile) if err != nil { panic(err) } cdc.MustUnmarshalJSON(bz, &ap) } return []simulation.WeightedOperation{ { func(_ *rand.Rand) int { var v int ap.GetOrGenerate(cdc, OpWeightDeductFee, &v, nil, func(_ *rand.Rand) { v = 5 }) return v }(nil), authsim.SimulateDeductFee(app.accountKeeper, app.supplyKeeper), }, { func(_ *rand.Rand) int { var v int ap.GetOrGenerate(cdc, OpWeightMsgSend, &v, nil, func(_ *rand.Rand) { v = 100 }) return v }(nil), bank.SimulateMsgSend(app.accountKeeper, app.bankKeeper), }, { func(_ *rand.Rand) int { var v int ap.GetOrGenerate(cdc, OpWeightSingleInputMsgMultiSend, &v, nil, func(_ *rand.Rand) { v = 10 }) return v }(nil), bank.SimulateSingleInputMsgMultiSend(app.accountKeeper, app.bankKeeper), }, { func(_ *rand.Rand) int { var v int ap.GetOrGenerate(cdc, OpWeightMsgSetWithdrawAddress, &v, nil, func(_ *rand.Rand) { v = 50 }) return v }(nil), distrsim.SimulateMsgSetWithdrawAddress(app.accountKeeper, app.distrKeeper), }, { func(_ *rand.Rand) int { var v int ap.GetOrGenerate(cdc, OpWeightMsgWithdrawDelegationReward, &v, nil, func(_ *rand.Rand) { v = 50 }) return v }(nil), distrsim.SimulateMsgWithdrawDelegatorReward(app.accountKeeper, app.distrKeeper), }, { func(_ *rand.Rand) int { var v int ap.GetOrGenerate(cdc, OpWeightMsgWithdrawValidatorCommission, &v, nil, func(_ *rand.Rand) { v = 50 }) return v }(nil), distrsim.SimulateMsgWithdrawValidatorCommission(app.accountKeeper, app.distrKeeper), }, { func(_ *rand.Rand) int { var v int ap.GetOrGenerate(cdc, OpWeightSubmitVotingSlashingTextProposal, &v, nil, func(_ *rand.Rand) { v = 5 }) return v }(nil), govsim.SimulateSubmittingVotingAndSlashingForProposal(app.govKeeper, govsim.SimulateTextProposalContent), }, { func(_ *rand.Rand) int { var v int ap.GetOrGenerate(cdc, OpWeightSubmitVotingSlashingCommunitySpendProposal, &v, nil, func(_ *rand.Rand) { v = 5 }) return v }(nil), govsim.SimulateSubmittingVotingAndSlashingForProposal(app.govKeeper, distrsim.SimulateCommunityPoolSpendProposalContent(app.distrKeeper)), }, { func(_ *rand.Rand) int { var v int ap.GetOrGenerate(cdc, OpWeightSubmitVotingSlashingParamChangeProposal, &v, nil, func(_ *rand.Rand) { v = 5 }) return v }(nil), govsim.SimulateSubmittingVotingAndSlashingForProposal(app.govKeeper, paramsim.SimulateParamChangeProposalContent), }, { func(_ *rand.Rand) int { var v int ap.GetOrGenerate(cdc, OpWeightMsgDeposit, &v, nil, func(_ *rand.Rand) { v = 100 }) return v }(nil), govsim.SimulateMsgDeposit(app.govKeeper), }, { func(_ *rand.Rand) int { var v int ap.GetOrGenerate(cdc, OpWeightMsgCreateValidator, &v, nil, func(_ *rand.Rand) { v = 100 }) return v }(nil), stakingsim.SimulateMsgCreateValidator(app.accountKeeper, app.stakingKeeper), }, { func(_ *rand.Rand) int { var v int ap.GetOrGenerate(cdc, OpWeightMsgEditValidator, &v, nil, func(_ *rand.Rand) { v = 5 }) return v }(nil), stakingsim.SimulateMsgEditValidator(app.stakingKeeper), }, { func(_ *rand.Rand) int { var v int ap.GetOrGenerate(cdc, OpWeightMsgDelegate, &v, nil, func(_ *rand.Rand) { v = 100 }) return v }(nil), stakingsim.SimulateMsgDelegate(app.accountKeeper, app.stakingKeeper), }, { func(_ *rand.Rand) int { var v int ap.GetOrGenerate(cdc, OpWeightMsgUndelegate, &v, nil, func(_ *rand.Rand) { v = 100 }) return v }(nil), stakingsim.SimulateMsgUndelegate(app.accountKeeper, app.stakingKeeper), }, { func(_ *rand.Rand) int { var v int ap.GetOrGenerate(cdc, OpWeightMsgBeginRedelegate, &v, nil, func(_ *rand.Rand) { v = 100 }) return v }(nil), stakingsim.SimulateMsgBeginRedelegate(app.accountKeeper, app.stakingKeeper), }, { func(_ *rand.Rand) int { var v int ap.GetOrGenerate(cdc, OpWeightMsgUnjail, &v, nil, func(_ *rand.Rand) { v = 100 }) return v }(nil), slashingsim.SimulateMsgUnjail(app.slashingKeeper), }, } } func invariants(app *SimApp) []sdk.Invariant { // TODO: fix PeriodicInvariants, it doesn't seem to call individual invariants for a period of 1 // Ref: if period == 1 { return app.crisisKeeper.Invariants() } return simulation.PeriodicInvariants(app.crisisKeeper.Invariants(), period, 0) } // Pass this in as an option to use a dbStoreAdapter instead of an IAVLStore for simulation speed. func fauxMerkleModeOpt(bapp *baseapp.BaseApp) { bapp.SetFauxMerkleMode() } // Profile with: // /usr/local/go/bin/go test -benchmem -run=^$ -bench ^BenchmarkFullAppSimulation$ -SimulationCommit=true -cpuprofile cpu.out func BenchmarkFullAppSimulation(b *testing.B) { logger := log.NewNopLogger() var db dbm.DB dir, _ := ioutil.TempDir("", "goleveldb-app-sim") db, _ = sdk.NewLevelDB("Simulation", dir) defer func() { db.Close() os.RemoveAll(dir) }() app := NewSimApp(logger, db, nil, true, 0) // Run randomized simulation // TODO parameterize numbers, save for a later PR _, err := simulation.SimulateFromSeed(getSimulateFromSeedInput(b, os.Stdout, app)) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) b.Fail() } if commit { fmt.Println("GoLevelDB Stats") fmt.Println(db.Stats()["leveldb.stats"]) fmt.Println("GoLevelDB cached block size", db.Stats()["leveldb.cachedblock"]) } } func TestFullAppSimulation(t *testing.T) { if !enabled { t.Skip("Skipping application simulation") } var logger log.Logger if verbose { logger = log.TestingLogger() } else { logger = log.NewNopLogger() } var db dbm.DB dir, _ := ioutil.TempDir("", "goleveldb-app-sim") db, _ = sdk.NewLevelDB("Simulation", dir) defer func() { db.Close() os.RemoveAll(dir) }() app := NewSimApp(logger, db, nil, true, 0, fauxMerkleModeOpt) require.Equal(t, "SimApp", app.Name()) // Run randomized simulation _, err := simulation.SimulateFromSeed(getSimulateFromSeedInput(t, os.Stdout, app)) if commit { // for memdb: // fmt.Println("Database Size", db.Stats()["database.size"]) fmt.Println("GoLevelDB Stats") fmt.Println(db.Stats()["leveldb.stats"]) fmt.Println("GoLevelDB cached block size", db.Stats()["leveldb.cachedblock"]) } require.Nil(t, err) } func TestAppImportExport(t *testing.T) { if !enabled { t.Skip("Skipping application import/export simulation") } var logger log.Logger if verbose { logger = log.TestingLogger() } else { logger = log.NewNopLogger() } var db dbm.DB dir, _ := ioutil.TempDir("", "goleveldb-app-sim") db, _ = sdk.NewLevelDB("Simulation", dir) defer func() { db.Close() os.RemoveAll(dir) }() app := NewSimApp(logger, db, nil, true, 0, fauxMerkleModeOpt) require.Equal(t, "SimApp", app.Name()) // Run randomized simulation _, err := simulation.SimulateFromSeed(getSimulateFromSeedInput(t, os.Stdout, app)) if commit { // for memdb: // fmt.Println("Database Size", db.Stats()["database.size"]) fmt.Println("GoLevelDB Stats") fmt.Println(db.Stats()["leveldb.stats"]) fmt.Println("GoLevelDB cached block size", db.Stats()["leveldb.cachedblock"]) } require.Nil(t, err) fmt.Printf("Exporting genesis...\n") appState, _, err := app.ExportAppStateAndValidators(false, []string{}) require.NoError(t, err) fmt.Printf("Importing genesis...\n") newDir, _ := ioutil.TempDir("", "goleveldb-app-sim-2") newDB, _ := sdk.NewLevelDB("Simulation-2", dir) defer func() { newDB.Close() os.RemoveAll(newDir) }() newApp := NewSimApp(log.NewNopLogger(), newDB, nil, true, 0, fauxMerkleModeOpt) require.Equal(t, "SimApp", newApp.Name()) var genesisState GenesisState err = app.cdc.UnmarshalJSON(appState, &genesisState) if err != nil { panic(err) } ctxB := newApp.NewContext(true, abci.Header{}), genesisState) fmt.Printf("Comparing stores...\n") ctxA := app.NewContext(true, abci.Header{}) type StoreKeysPrefixes struct { A sdk.StoreKey B sdk.StoreKey Prefixes [][]byte } storeKeysPrefixes := []StoreKeysPrefixes{ {app.keyMain, newApp.keyMain, [][]byte{}}, {app.keyAccount, newApp.keyAccount, [][]byte{}}, {app.keyStaking, newApp.keyStaking, [][]byte{staking.UnbondingQueueKey, staking.RedelegationQueueKey, staking.ValidatorQueueKey}}, // ordering may change but it doesn't matter {app.keySlashing, newApp.keySlashing, [][]byte{}}, {app.keyMint, newApp.keyMint, [][]byte{}}, {app.keyDistr, newApp.keyDistr, [][]byte{}}, {app.keySupply, newApp.keySupply, [][]byte{}}, {app.keyParams, newApp.keyParams, [][]byte{}}, {app.keyGov, newApp.keyGov, [][]byte{}}, } for _, storeKeysPrefix := range storeKeysPrefixes { storeKeyA := storeKeysPrefix.A storeKeyB := storeKeysPrefix.B prefixes := storeKeysPrefix.Prefixes storeA := ctxA.KVStore(storeKeyA) storeB := ctxB.KVStore(storeKeyB) kvA, kvB, count, equal := sdk.DiffKVStores(storeA, storeB, prefixes) fmt.Printf("Compared %d key/value pairs between %s and %s\n", count, storeKeyA, storeKeyB) require.True(t, equal, GetSimulationLog(storeKeyA.Name(), app.cdc, newApp.cdc, kvA, kvB)) } } func TestAppSimulationAfterImport(t *testing.T) { if !enabled { t.Skip("Skipping application simulation after import") } var logger log.Logger if verbose { logger = log.TestingLogger() } else { logger = log.NewNopLogger() } dir, _ := ioutil.TempDir("", "goleveldb-app-sim") db, _ := sdk.NewLevelDB("Simulation", dir) defer func() { db.Close() os.RemoveAll(dir) }() app := NewSimApp(logger, db, nil, true, 0, fauxMerkleModeOpt) require.Equal(t, "SimApp", app.Name()) // Run randomized simulation stopEarly, err := simulation.SimulateFromSeed(getSimulateFromSeedInput(t, os.Stdout, app)) if commit { // for memdb: // fmt.Println("Database Size", db.Stats()["database.size"]) fmt.Println("GoLevelDB Stats") fmt.Println(db.Stats()["leveldb.stats"]) fmt.Println("GoLevelDB cached block size", db.Stats()["leveldb.cachedblock"]) } require.Nil(t, err) if stopEarly { // we can't export or import a zero-validator genesis fmt.Printf("We can't export or import a zero-validator genesis, exiting test...\n") return } fmt.Printf("Exporting genesis...\n") appState, _, err := app.ExportAppStateAndValidators(true, []string{}) if err != nil { panic(err) } fmt.Printf("Importing genesis...\n") newDir, _ := ioutil.TempDir("", "goleveldb-app-sim-2") newDB, _ := sdk.NewLevelDB("Simulation-2", dir) defer func() { newDB.Close() os.RemoveAll(newDir) }() newApp := NewSimApp(log.NewNopLogger(), newDB, nil, true, 0, fauxMerkleModeOpt) require.Equal(t, "SimApp", newApp.Name()) newApp.InitChain(abci.RequestInitChain{ AppStateBytes: appState, }) // Run randomized simulation on imported app _, err = simulation.SimulateFromSeed(getSimulateFromSeedInput(t, os.Stdout, newApp)) require.Nil(t, err) } // TODO: Make another test for the fuzzer itself, which just has noOp txs // and doesn't depend on the application. func TestAppStateDeterminism(t *testing.T) { if !enabled { t.Skip("Skipping application simulation") } numSeeds := 3 numTimesToRunPerSeed := 5 appHashList := make([]json.RawMessage, numTimesToRunPerSeed) for i := 0; i < numSeeds; i++ { seed := rand.Int63() for j := 0; j < numTimesToRunPerSeed; j++ { logger := log.NewNopLogger() db := dbm.NewMemDB() app := NewSimApp(logger, db, nil, true, 0) // Run randomized simulation simulation.SimulateFromSeed( t, os.Stdout, app.BaseApp, appStateFn, seed, testAndRunTxs(app), []sdk.Invariant{}, 50, 100, true, false, false, false, ) appHash := app.LastCommitID().Hash appHashList[j] = appHash } for k := 1; k < numTimesToRunPerSeed; k++ { require.Equal(t, appHashList[0], appHashList[k], "appHash list: %v", appHashList) } } } func BenchmarkInvariants(b *testing.B) { logger := log.NewNopLogger() dir, _ := ioutil.TempDir("", "goleveldb-app-invariant-bench") db, _ := sdk.NewLevelDB("simulation", dir) defer func() { db.Close() os.RemoveAll(dir) }() app := NewSimApp(logger, db, nil, true, 0) // 2. Run parameterized simulation (w/o invariants) _, err := simulation.SimulateFromSeed( b, ioutil.Discard, app.BaseApp, appStateFn, seed, testAndRunTxs(app), []sdk.Invariant{}, numBlocks, blockSize, commit, lean, onOperation, false, ) if err != nil { fmt.Println(err) b.FailNow() } ctx := app.NewContext(true, abci.Header{Height: app.LastBlockHeight() + 1}) // 3. Benchmark each invariant separately // // NOTE: We use the crisis keeper as it has all the invariants registered with // their respective metadata which makes it useful for testing/benchmarking. for _, cr := range app.crisisKeeper.Routes() { b.Run(fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", cr.ModuleName, cr.Route), func(b *testing.B) { if res, stop := cr.Invar(ctx); stop { fmt.Printf("broken invariant at block %d of %d\n%s", ctx.BlockHeight()-1, numBlocks, res) b.FailNow() } }) } }