package rest import ( "fmt" "net/http" "" "" "" "" sdk "" "" ) func registerQueryRoutes(clientCtx client.Context, r *mux.Router) { // Get the total rewards balance from all delegations r.HandleFunc( "/distribution/delegators/{delegatorAddr}/rewards", delegatorRewardsHandlerFn(clientCtx), ).Methods("GET") // Query a delegation reward r.HandleFunc( "/distribution/delegators/{delegatorAddr}/rewards/{validatorAddr}", delegationRewardsHandlerFn(clientCtx), ).Methods("GET") // Get the rewards withdrawal address r.HandleFunc( "/distribution/delegators/{delegatorAddr}/withdraw_address", delegatorWithdrawalAddrHandlerFn(clientCtx), ).Methods("GET") // Validator distribution information r.HandleFunc( "/distribution/validators/{validatorAddr}", validatorInfoHandlerFn(clientCtx), ).Methods("GET") // Commission and self-delegation rewards of a single a validator r.HandleFunc( "/distribution/validators/{validatorAddr}/rewards", validatorRewardsHandlerFn(clientCtx), ).Methods("GET") // Outstanding rewards of a single validator r.HandleFunc( "/distribution/validators/{validatorAddr}/outstanding_rewards", outstandingRewardsHandlerFn(clientCtx), ).Methods("GET") // Get the current distribution parameter values r.HandleFunc( "/distribution/parameters", paramsHandlerFn(clientCtx), ).Methods("GET") // Get the amount held in the community pool r.HandleFunc( "/distribution/community_pool", communityPoolHandler(clientCtx), ).Methods("GET") } // HTTP request handler to query the total rewards balance from all delegations func delegatorRewardsHandlerFn(clientCtx client.Context) http.HandlerFunc { return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { clientCtx, ok := rest.ParseQueryHeightOrReturnBadRequest(w, clientCtx, r) if !ok { return } delegatorAddr, ok := checkDelegatorAddressVar(w, r) if !ok { return } params := types.NewQueryDelegatorParams(delegatorAddr) bz, err := clientCtx.JSONMarshaler.MarshalJSON(params) if err != nil { rest.WriteErrorResponse(w, http.StatusBadRequest, fmt.Sprintf("failed to marshal params: %s", err)) return } route := fmt.Sprintf("custom/%s/%s", types.QuerierRoute, types.QueryDelegatorTotalRewards) res, height, err := clientCtx.QueryWithData(route, bz) if rest.CheckInternalServerError(w, err) { return } clientCtx = clientCtx.WithHeight(height) rest.PostProcessResponse(w, clientCtx, res) } } // HTTP request handler to query a delegation rewards func delegationRewardsHandlerFn(clientCtx client.Context) http.HandlerFunc { return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { clientCtx, ok := rest.ParseQueryHeightOrReturnBadRequest(w, clientCtx, r) if !ok { return } delAddr := mux.Vars(r)["delegatorAddr"] valAddr := mux.Vars(r)["validatorAddr"] // query for rewards from a particular delegation res, height, ok := checkResponseQueryDelegationRewards(w, clientCtx, types.QuerierRoute, delAddr, valAddr) if !ok { return } clientCtx = clientCtx.WithHeight(height) rest.PostProcessResponse(w, clientCtx, res) } } // HTTP request handler to query a delegation rewards func delegatorWithdrawalAddrHandlerFn(clientCtx client.Context) http.HandlerFunc { return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { delegatorAddr, ok := checkDelegatorAddressVar(w, r) if !ok { return } clientCtx, ok = rest.ParseQueryHeightOrReturnBadRequest(w, clientCtx, r) if !ok { return } bz := clientCtx.JSONMarshaler.MustMarshalJSON(types.NewQueryDelegatorWithdrawAddrParams(delegatorAddr)) res, height, err := clientCtx.QueryWithData(fmt.Sprintf("custom/%s/withdraw_addr", types.QuerierRoute), bz) if rest.CheckInternalServerError(w, err) { return } clientCtx = clientCtx.WithHeight(height) rest.PostProcessResponse(w, clientCtx, res) } } // ValidatorDistInfo defines the properties of // validator distribution information response. type ValidatorDistInfo struct { OperatorAddress sdk.AccAddress `json:"operator_address" yaml:"operator_address"` SelfBondRewards sdk.DecCoins `json:"self_bond_rewards" yaml:"self_bond_rewards"` ValidatorCommission types.ValidatorAccumulatedCommission `json:"val_commission" yaml:"val_commission"` } // NewValidatorDistInfo creates a new instance of ValidatorDistInfo. func NewValidatorDistInfo(operatorAddr sdk.AccAddress, rewards sdk.DecCoins, commission types.ValidatorAccumulatedCommission) ValidatorDistInfo { return ValidatorDistInfo{ OperatorAddress: operatorAddr, SelfBondRewards: rewards, ValidatorCommission: commission, } } // HTTP request handler to query validator's distribution information func validatorInfoHandlerFn(clientCtx client.Context) http.HandlerFunc { return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { valAddr, ok := checkValidatorAddressVar(w, r) if !ok { return } clientCtx, ok = rest.ParseQueryHeightOrReturnBadRequest(w, clientCtx, r) if !ok { return } // query commission bz, err := common.QueryValidatorCommission(clientCtx, types.QuerierRoute, valAddr) if rest.CheckInternalServerError(w, err) { return } var commission types.ValidatorAccumulatedCommission if rest.CheckInternalServerError(w, clientCtx.JSONMarshaler.UnmarshalJSON(bz, &commission)) { return } // self bond rewards delAddr := sdk.AccAddress(valAddr) bz, height, ok := checkResponseQueryDelegationRewards(w, clientCtx, types.QuerierRoute, delAddr.String(), valAddr.String()) if !ok { return } var rewards sdk.DecCoins if rest.CheckInternalServerError(w, clientCtx.JSONMarshaler.UnmarshalJSON(bz, &rewards)) { return } bz, err = clientCtx.JSONMarshaler.MarshalJSON(NewValidatorDistInfo(delAddr, rewards, commission)) if rest.CheckInternalServerError(w, err) { return } clientCtx = clientCtx.WithHeight(height) rest.PostProcessResponse(w, clientCtx, bz) } } // HTTP request handler to query validator's commission and self-delegation rewards func validatorRewardsHandlerFn(clientCtx client.Context) http.HandlerFunc { return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { valAddr := mux.Vars(r)["validatorAddr"] validatorAddr, ok := checkValidatorAddressVar(w, r) if !ok { return } clientCtx, ok = rest.ParseQueryHeightOrReturnBadRequest(w, clientCtx, r) if !ok { return } delAddr := sdk.AccAddress(validatorAddr).String() bz, height, ok := checkResponseQueryDelegationRewards(w, clientCtx, types.QuerierRoute, delAddr, valAddr) if !ok { return } clientCtx = clientCtx.WithHeight(height) rest.PostProcessResponse(w, clientCtx, bz) } } // HTTP request handler to query the distribution params values func paramsHandlerFn(clientCtx client.Context) http.HandlerFunc { return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { clientCtx, ok := rest.ParseQueryHeightOrReturnBadRequest(w, clientCtx, r) if !ok { return } route := fmt.Sprintf("custom/%s/%s", types.QuerierRoute, types.QueryParams) res, height, err := clientCtx.QueryWithData(route, nil) if rest.CheckInternalServerError(w, err) { return } clientCtx = clientCtx.WithHeight(height) rest.PostProcessResponse(w, clientCtx, res) } } func communityPoolHandler(clientCtx client.Context) http.HandlerFunc { return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { clientCtx, ok := rest.ParseQueryHeightOrReturnBadRequest(w, clientCtx, r) if !ok { return } res, height, err := clientCtx.QueryWithData(fmt.Sprintf("custom/%s/community_pool", types.QuerierRoute), nil) if rest.CheckInternalServerError(w, err) { return } var result sdk.DecCoins if rest.CheckInternalServerError(w, clientCtx.JSONMarshaler.UnmarshalJSON(res, &result)) { return } clientCtx = clientCtx.WithHeight(height) rest.PostProcessResponse(w, clientCtx, result) } } // HTTP request handler to query the outstanding rewards func outstandingRewardsHandlerFn(clientCtx client.Context) http.HandlerFunc { return func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) { validatorAddr, ok := checkValidatorAddressVar(w, r) if !ok { return } clientCtx, ok = rest.ParseQueryHeightOrReturnBadRequest(w, clientCtx, r) if !ok { return } bin := clientCtx.JSONMarshaler.MustMarshalJSON(types.NewQueryValidatorOutstandingRewardsParams(validatorAddr)) res, height, err := clientCtx.QueryWithData(fmt.Sprintf("custom/%s/validator_outstanding_rewards", types.QuerierRoute), bin) if rest.CheckInternalServerError(w, err) { return } clientCtx = clientCtx.WithHeight(height) rest.PostProcessResponse(w, clientCtx, res) } } func checkResponseQueryDelegationRewards( w http.ResponseWriter, clientCtx client.Context, queryRoute, delAddr, valAddr string, ) (res []byte, height int64, ok bool) { res, height, err := common.QueryDelegationRewards(clientCtx, queryRoute, delAddr, valAddr) if rest.CheckInternalServerError(w, err) { return nil, 0, false } return res, height, true }