package rootmulti import ( "bufio" "compress/zlib" "encoding/binary" "fmt" "io" "math" "sort" "strings" iavltree "" protoio "" gogotypes "" "" abci "" dbm "" "" snapshottypes "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" sdkerrors "" ) const ( latestVersionKey = "s/latest" pruneHeightsKey = "s/pruneheights" commitInfoKeyFmt = "s/%d" // s/ // Do not change chunk size without new snapshot format (must be uniform across nodes) snapshotChunkSize = uint64(10e6) snapshotBufferSize = int(snapshotChunkSize) snapshotMaxItemSize = int(64e6) // SDK has no key/value size limit, so we set an arbitrary limit ) // Store is composed of many CommitStores. Name contrasts with // cacheMultiStore which is for cache-wrapping other MultiStores. It implements // the CommitMultiStore interface. type Store struct { db dbm.DB lastCommitInfo *types.CommitInfo pruningOpts types.PruningOptions storesParams map[types.StoreKey]storeParams stores map[types.StoreKey]types.CommitKVStore keysByName map[string]types.StoreKey lazyLoading bool pruneHeights []int64 initialVersion int64 traceWriter io.Writer traceContext types.TraceContext interBlockCache types.MultiStorePersistentCache } var ( _ types.CommitMultiStore = (*Store)(nil) _ types.Queryable = (*Store)(nil) ) // NewStore returns a reference to a new Store object with the provided DB. The // store will be created with a PruneNothing pruning strategy by default. After // a store is created, KVStores must be mounted and finally LoadLatestVersion or // LoadVersion must be called. func NewStore(db dbm.DB) *Store { return &Store{ db: db, pruningOpts: types.PruneNothing, storesParams: make(map[types.StoreKey]storeParams), stores: make(map[types.StoreKey]types.CommitKVStore), keysByName: make(map[string]types.StoreKey), pruneHeights: make([]int64, 0), } } // GetPruning fetches the pruning strategy from the root store. func (rs *Store) GetPruning() types.PruningOptions { return rs.pruningOpts } // SetPruning sets the pruning strategy on the root store and all the sub-stores. // Note, calling SetPruning on the root store prior to LoadVersion or // LoadLatestVersion performs a no-op as the stores aren't mounted yet. func (rs *Store) SetPruning(pruningOpts types.PruningOptions) { rs.pruningOpts = pruningOpts } // SetLazyLoading sets if the iavl store should be loaded lazily or not func (rs *Store) SetLazyLoading(lazyLoading bool) { rs.lazyLoading = lazyLoading } // GetStoreType implements Store. func (rs *Store) GetStoreType() types.StoreType { return types.StoreTypeMulti } // MountStoreWithDB implements CommitMultiStore. func (rs *Store) MountStoreWithDB(key types.StoreKey, typ types.StoreType, db dbm.DB) { if key == nil { panic("MountIAVLStore() key cannot be nil") } if _, ok := rs.storesParams[key]; ok { panic(fmt.Sprintf("store duplicate store key %v", key)) } if _, ok := rs.keysByName[key.Name()]; ok { panic(fmt.Sprintf("store duplicate store key name %v", key)) } rs.storesParams[key] = storeParams{ key: key, typ: typ, db: db, } rs.keysByName[key.Name()] = key } // GetCommitStore returns a mounted CommitStore for a given StoreKey. If the // store is wrapped in an inter-block cache, it will be unwrapped before returning. func (rs *Store) GetCommitStore(key types.StoreKey) types.CommitStore { return rs.GetCommitKVStore(key) } // GetCommitKVStore returns a mounted CommitKVStore for a given StoreKey. If the // store is wrapped in an inter-block cache, it will be unwrapped before returning. func (rs *Store) GetCommitKVStore(key types.StoreKey) types.CommitKVStore { // If the Store has an inter-block cache, first attempt to lookup and unwrap // the underlying CommitKVStore by StoreKey. If it does not exist, fallback to // the main mapping of CommitKVStores. if rs.interBlockCache != nil { if store := rs.interBlockCache.Unwrap(key); store != nil { return store } } return rs.stores[key] } // LoadLatestVersionAndUpgrade implements CommitMultiStore func (rs *Store) LoadLatestVersionAndUpgrade(upgrades *types.StoreUpgrades) error { ver := getLatestVersion(rs.db) return rs.loadVersion(ver, upgrades) } // LoadVersionAndUpgrade allows us to rename substores while loading an older version func (rs *Store) LoadVersionAndUpgrade(ver int64, upgrades *types.StoreUpgrades) error { return rs.loadVersion(ver, upgrades) } // LoadLatestVersion implements CommitMultiStore. func (rs *Store) LoadLatestVersion() error { ver := getLatestVersion(rs.db) return rs.loadVersion(ver, nil) } // LoadVersion implements CommitMultiStore. func (rs *Store) LoadVersion(ver int64) error { return rs.loadVersion(ver, nil) } func (rs *Store) loadVersion(ver int64, upgrades *types.StoreUpgrades) error { infos := make(map[string]types.StoreInfo) cInfo := &types.CommitInfo{} // load old data if we are not version 0 if ver != 0 { var err error cInfo, err = getCommitInfo(rs.db, ver) if err != nil { return err } // convert StoreInfos slice to map for _, storeInfo := range cInfo.StoreInfos { infos[storeInfo.Name] = storeInfo } } // load each Store (note this doesn't panic on unmounted keys now) var newStores = make(map[types.StoreKey]types.CommitKVStore) for key, storeParams := range rs.storesParams { store, err := rs.loadCommitStoreFromParams(key, rs.getCommitID(infos, key.Name()), storeParams) if err != nil { return errors.Wrap(err, "failed to load store") } newStores[key] = store // If it was deleted, remove all data if upgrades.IsDeleted(key.Name()) { if err := deleteKVStore(store.(types.KVStore)); err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to delete store %s", key.Name()) } } else if oldName := upgrades.RenamedFrom(key.Name()); oldName != "" { // handle renames specially // make an unregistered key to satify loadCommitStore params oldKey := types.NewKVStoreKey(oldName) oldParams := storeParams oldParams.key = oldKey // load from the old name oldStore, err := rs.loadCommitStoreFromParams(oldKey, rs.getCommitID(infos, oldName), oldParams) if err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to load old store %s", oldName) } // move all data if err := moveKVStoreData(oldStore.(types.KVStore), store.(types.KVStore)); err != nil { return errors.Wrapf(err, "failed to move store %s -> %s", oldName, key.Name()) } } } rs.lastCommitInfo = cInfo rs.stores = newStores // load any pruned heights we missed from disk to be pruned on the next run ph, err := getPruningHeights(rs.db) if err == nil && len(ph) > 0 { rs.pruneHeights = ph } return nil } func (rs *Store) getCommitID(infos map[string]types.StoreInfo, name string) types.CommitID { info, ok := infos[name] if !ok { return types.CommitID{} } return info.CommitId } func deleteKVStore(kv types.KVStore) error { // Note that we cannot write while iterating, so load all keys here, delete below var keys [][]byte itr := kv.Iterator(nil, nil) for itr.Valid() { keys = append(keys, itr.Key()) itr.Next() } itr.Close() for _, k := range keys { kv.Delete(k) } return nil } // we simulate move by a copy and delete func moveKVStoreData(oldDB types.KVStore, newDB types.KVStore) error { // we read from one and write to another itr := oldDB.Iterator(nil, nil) for itr.Valid() { newDB.Set(itr.Key(), itr.Value()) itr.Next() } itr.Close() // then delete the old store return deleteKVStore(oldDB) } // SetInterBlockCache sets the Store's internal inter-block (persistent) cache. // When this is defined, all CommitKVStores will be wrapped with their respective // inter-block cache. func (rs *Store) SetInterBlockCache(c types.MultiStorePersistentCache) { rs.interBlockCache = c } // SetTracer sets the tracer for the MultiStore that the underlying // stores will utilize to trace operations. A MultiStore is returned. func (rs *Store) SetTracer(w io.Writer) types.MultiStore { rs.traceWriter = w return rs } // SetTracingContext updates the tracing context for the MultiStore by merging // the given context with the existing context by key. Any existing keys will // be overwritten. It is implied that the caller should update the context when // necessary between tracing operations. It returns a modified MultiStore. func (rs *Store) SetTracingContext(tc types.TraceContext) types.MultiStore { if rs.traceContext != nil { for k, v := range tc { rs.traceContext[k] = v } } else { rs.traceContext = tc } return rs } // TracingEnabled returns if tracing is enabled for the MultiStore. func (rs *Store) TracingEnabled() bool { return rs.traceWriter != nil } // LastCommitID implements Committer/CommitStore. func (rs *Store) LastCommitID() types.CommitID { if rs.lastCommitInfo == nil { return types.CommitID{} } return rs.lastCommitInfo.CommitID() } // Commit implements Committer/CommitStore. func (rs *Store) Commit() types.CommitID { var previousHeight, version int64 if rs.lastCommitInfo.GetVersion() == 0 && rs.initialVersion > 1 { // This case means that no commit has been made in the store, we // start from initialVersion. version = rs.initialVersion } else { // This case can means two things: // - either there was already a previous commit in the store, in which // case we increment the version from there, // - or there was no previous commit, and initial version was not set, // in which case we start at version 1. previousHeight = rs.lastCommitInfo.GetVersion() version = previousHeight + 1 } rs.lastCommitInfo = commitStores(version, rs.stores) // Determine if pruneHeight height needs to be added to the list of heights to // be pruned, where pruneHeight = (commitHeight - 1) - KeepRecent. if int64(rs.pruningOpts.KeepRecent) < previousHeight { pruneHeight := previousHeight - int64(rs.pruningOpts.KeepRecent) // We consider this height to be pruned iff: // // - KeepEvery is zero as that means that all heights should be pruned. // - KeepEvery % (height - KeepRecent) != 0 as that means the height is not // a 'snapshot' height. if rs.pruningOpts.KeepEvery == 0 || pruneHeight%int64(rs.pruningOpts.KeepEvery) != 0 { rs.pruneHeights = append(rs.pruneHeights, pruneHeight) } } // batch prune if the current height is a pruning interval height if rs.pruningOpts.Interval > 0 && version%int64(rs.pruningOpts.Interval) == 0 { rs.pruneStores() } flushMetadata(rs.db, version, rs.lastCommitInfo, rs.pruneHeights) return types.CommitID{ Version: version, Hash: rs.lastCommitInfo.Hash(), } } // pruneStores will batch delete a list of heights from each mounted sub-store. // Afterwards, pruneHeights is reset. func (rs *Store) pruneStores() { if len(rs.pruneHeights) == 0 { return } for key, store := range rs.stores { if store.GetStoreType() == types.StoreTypeIAVL { // If the store is wrapped with an inter-block cache, we must first unwrap // it to get the underlying IAVL store. store = rs.GetCommitKVStore(key) if err := store.(*iavl.Store).DeleteVersions(rs.pruneHeights...); err != nil { if errCause := errors.Cause(err); errCause != nil && errCause != iavltree.ErrVersionDoesNotExist { panic(err) } } } } rs.pruneHeights = make([]int64, 0) } // CacheWrap implements CacheWrapper/Store/CommitStore. func (rs *Store) CacheWrap() types.CacheWrap { return rs.CacheMultiStore().(types.CacheWrap) } // CacheWrapWithTrace implements the CacheWrapper interface. func (rs *Store) CacheWrapWithTrace(_ io.Writer, _ types.TraceContext) types.CacheWrap { return rs.CacheWrap() } // CacheMultiStore cache-wraps the multi-store and returns a CacheMultiStore. // It implements the MultiStore interface. func (rs *Store) CacheMultiStore() types.CacheMultiStore { stores := make(map[types.StoreKey]types.CacheWrapper) for k, v := range rs.stores { stores[k] = v } return cachemulti.NewStore(rs.db, stores, rs.keysByName, rs.traceWriter, rs.traceContext) } // CacheMultiStoreWithVersion is analogous to CacheMultiStore except that it // attempts to load stores at a given version (height). An error is returned if // any store cannot be loaded. This should only be used for querying and // iterating at past heights. func (rs *Store) CacheMultiStoreWithVersion(version int64) (types.CacheMultiStore, error) { cachedStores := make(map[types.StoreKey]types.CacheWrapper) for key, store := range rs.stores { switch store.GetStoreType() { case types.StoreTypeIAVL: // If the store is wrapped with an inter-block cache, we must first unwrap // it to get the underlying IAVL store. store = rs.GetCommitKVStore(key) // Attempt to lazy-load an already saved IAVL store version. If the // version does not exist or is pruned, an error should be returned. iavlStore, err := store.(*iavl.Store).GetImmutable(version) if err != nil { return nil, err } cachedStores[key] = iavlStore default: cachedStores[key] = store } } return cachemulti.NewStore(rs.db, cachedStores, rs.keysByName, rs.traceWriter, rs.traceContext), nil } // GetStore returns a mounted Store for a given StoreKey. If the StoreKey does // not exist, it will panic. If the Store is wrapped in an inter-block cache, it // will be unwrapped prior to being returned. // // TODO: This isn't used directly upstream. Consider returning the Store as-is // instead of unwrapping. func (rs *Store) GetStore(key types.StoreKey) types.Store { store := rs.GetCommitKVStore(key) if store == nil { panic(fmt.Sprintf("store does not exist for key: %s", key.Name())) } return store } // GetKVStore returns a mounted KVStore for a given StoreKey. If tracing is // enabled on the KVStore, a wrapped TraceKVStore will be returned with the root // store's tracer, otherwise, the original KVStore will be returned. // // NOTE: The returned KVStore may be wrapped in an inter-block cache if it is // set on the root store. func (rs *Store) GetKVStore(key types.StoreKey) types.KVStore { store := rs.stores[key].(types.KVStore) if rs.TracingEnabled() { store = tracekv.NewStore(store, rs.traceWriter, rs.traceContext) } return store } // getStoreByName performs a lookup of a StoreKey given a store name typically // provided in a path. The StoreKey is then used to perform a lookup and return // a Store. If the Store is wrapped in an inter-block cache, it will be unwrapped // prior to being returned. If the StoreKey does not exist, nil is returned. func (rs *Store) getStoreByName(name string) types.Store { key := rs.keysByName[name] if key == nil { return nil } return rs.GetCommitKVStore(key) } // Query calls substore.Query with the same `req` where `req.Path` is // modified to remove the substore prefix. // Ie. `req.Path` here is `//`, and trimmed to `/` for the substore. // TODO: add proof for `multistore -> substore`. func (rs *Store) Query(req abci.RequestQuery) abci.ResponseQuery { path := req.Path storeName, subpath, err := parsePath(path) if err != nil { return sdkerrors.QueryResult(err) } store := rs.getStoreByName(storeName) if store == nil { return sdkerrors.QueryResult(sdkerrors.Wrapf(sdkerrors.ErrUnknownRequest, "no such store: %s", storeName)) } queryable, ok := store.(types.Queryable) if !ok { return sdkerrors.QueryResult(sdkerrors.Wrapf(sdkerrors.ErrUnknownRequest, "store %s (type %T) doesn't support queries", storeName, store)) } // trim the path and make the query req.Path = subpath res := queryable.Query(req) if !req.Prove || !RequireProof(subpath) { return res } if res.ProofOps == nil || len(res.ProofOps.Ops) == 0 { return sdkerrors.QueryResult(sdkerrors.Wrap(sdkerrors.ErrInvalidRequest, "proof is unexpectedly empty; ensure height has not been pruned")) } // If the request's height is the latest height we've committed, then utilize // the store's lastCommitInfo as this commit info may not be flushed to disk. // Otherwise, we query for the commit info from disk. var commitInfo *types.CommitInfo if res.Height == rs.lastCommitInfo.Version { commitInfo = rs.lastCommitInfo } else { commitInfo, err = getCommitInfo(rs.db, res.Height) if err != nil { return sdkerrors.QueryResult(err) } } // Restore origin path and append proof op. res.ProofOps.Ops = append(res.ProofOps.Ops, commitInfo.ProofOp(storeName)) return res } // SetInitialVersion sets the initial version of the IAVL tree. It is used when // starting a new chain at an arbitrary height. func (rs *Store) SetInitialVersion(version int64) error { rs.initialVersion = version // Loop through all the stores, if it's an IAVL store, then set initial // version on it. for _, commitKVStore := range rs.stores { if storeWithVersion, ok := commitKVStore.(types.StoreWithInitialVersion); ok { storeWithVersion.SetInitialVersion(version) } } return nil } // parsePath expects a format like /[/] // Must start with /, subpath may be empty // Returns error if it doesn't start with / func parsePath(path string) (storeName string, subpath string, err error) { if !strings.HasPrefix(path, "/") { return storeName, subpath, sdkerrors.Wrapf(sdkerrors.ErrUnknownRequest, "invalid path: %s", path) } paths := strings.SplitN(path[1:], "/", 2) storeName = paths[0] if len(paths) == 2 { subpath = "/" + paths[1] } return storeName, subpath, nil } //---------------------- Snapshotting ------------------ // Snapshot implements snapshottypes.Snapshotter. The snapshot output for a given format must be // identical across nodes such that chunks from different sources fit together. If the output for a // given format changes (at the byte level), the snapshot format must be bumped - see // TestMultistoreSnapshot_Checksum test. func (rs *Store) Snapshot(height uint64, format uint32) (<-chan io.ReadCloser, error) { if format != snapshottypes.CurrentFormat { return nil, sdkerrors.Wrapf(snapshottypes.ErrUnknownFormat, "format %v", format) } if height == 0 { return nil, sdkerrors.Wrap(sdkerrors.ErrLogic, "cannot snapshot height 0") } if height > uint64(rs.LastCommitID().Version) { return nil, sdkerrors.Wrapf(sdkerrors.ErrLogic, "cannot snapshot future height %v", height) } // Collect stores to snapshot (only IAVL stores are supported) type namedStore struct { *iavl.Store name string } stores := []namedStore{} for key := range rs.stores { switch store := rs.GetCommitKVStore(key).(type) { case *iavl.Store: stores = append(stores, namedStore{name: key.Name(), Store: store}) case *transient.Store, *mem.Store: // Non-persisted stores shouldn't be snapshotted continue default: return nil, sdkerrors.Wrapf(sdkerrors.ErrLogic, "don't know how to snapshot store %q of type %T", key.Name(), store) } } sort.Slice(stores, func(i, j int) bool { return strings.Compare(stores[i].name, stores[j].name) == -1 }) // Spawn goroutine to generate snapshot chunks and pass their io.ReadClosers through a channel ch := make(chan io.ReadCloser) go func() { // Set up a stream pipeline to serialize snapshot nodes: // ExportNode -> delimited Protobuf -> zlib -> buffer -> chunkWriter -> chan io.ReadCloser chunkWriter := snapshots.NewChunkWriter(ch, snapshotChunkSize) defer chunkWriter.Close() bufWriter := bufio.NewWriterSize(chunkWriter, snapshotBufferSize) defer func() { if err := bufWriter.Flush(); err != nil { chunkWriter.CloseWithError(err) } }() zWriter, err := zlib.NewWriterLevel(bufWriter, 7) if err != nil { chunkWriter.CloseWithError(sdkerrors.Wrap(err, "zlib failure")) return } defer func() { if err := zWriter.Close(); err != nil { chunkWriter.CloseWithError(err) } }() protoWriter := protoio.NewDelimitedWriter(zWriter) defer func() { if err := protoWriter.Close(); err != nil { chunkWriter.CloseWithError(err) } }() // Export each IAVL store. Stores are serialized as a stream of SnapshotItem Protobuf // messages. The first item contains a SnapshotStore with store metadata (i.e. name), // and the following messages contain a SnapshotNode (i.e. an ExportNode). Store changes // are demarcated by new SnapshotStore items. for _, store := range stores { exporter, err := store.Export(int64(height)) if err != nil { chunkWriter.CloseWithError(err) return } defer exporter.Close() err = protoWriter.WriteMsg(&types.SnapshotItem{ Item: &types.SnapshotItem_Store{ Store: &types.SnapshotStoreItem{ Name:, }, }, }) if err != nil { chunkWriter.CloseWithError(err) return } for { node, err := exporter.Next() if err == iavltree.ExportDone { break } else if err != nil { chunkWriter.CloseWithError(err) return } err = protoWriter.WriteMsg(&types.SnapshotItem{ Item: &types.SnapshotItem_IAVL{ IAVL: &types.SnapshotIAVLItem{ Key: node.Key, Value: node.Value, Height: int32(node.Height), Version: node.Version, }, }, }) if err != nil { chunkWriter.CloseWithError(err) return } } exporter.Close() } }() return ch, nil } // Restore implements snapshottypes.Snapshotter. func (rs *Store) Restore( height uint64, format uint32, chunks <-chan io.ReadCloser, ready chan<- struct{}, ) error { if format != snapshottypes.CurrentFormat { return sdkerrors.Wrapf(snapshottypes.ErrUnknownFormat, "format %v", format) } if height == 0 { return sdkerrors.Wrap(sdkerrors.ErrLogic, "cannot restore snapshot at height 0") } if height > math.MaxInt64 { return sdkerrors.Wrapf(snapshottypes.ErrInvalidMetadata, "snapshot height %v cannot exceed %v", height, math.MaxInt64) } // Signal readiness. Must be done before the readers below are set up, since the zlib // reader reads from the stream on initialization, potentially causing deadlocks. if ready != nil { close(ready) } // Set up a restore stream pipeline // chan io.ReadCloser -> chunkReader -> zlib -> delimited Protobuf -> ExportNode chunkReader := snapshots.NewChunkReader(chunks) defer chunkReader.Close() zReader, err := zlib.NewReader(chunkReader) if err != nil { return sdkerrors.Wrap(err, "zlib failure") } defer zReader.Close() protoReader := protoio.NewDelimitedReader(zReader, snapshotMaxItemSize) defer protoReader.Close() // Import nodes into stores. The first item is expected to be a SnapshotItem containing // a SnapshotStoreItem, telling us which store to import into. The following items will contain // SnapshotNodeItem (i.e. ExportNode) until we reach the next SnapshotStoreItem or EOF. var importer *iavltree.Importer for { item := &types.SnapshotItem{} err := protoReader.ReadMsg(item) if err == io.EOF { break } else if err != nil { return sdkerrors.Wrap(err, "invalid protobuf message") } switch item := item.Item.(type) { case *types.SnapshotItem_Store: if importer != nil { err = importer.Commit() if err != nil { return sdkerrors.Wrap(err, "IAVL commit failed") } importer.Close() } store, ok := rs.getStoreByName(item.Store.Name).(*iavl.Store) if !ok || store == nil { return sdkerrors.Wrapf(sdkerrors.ErrLogic, "cannot import into non-IAVL store %q", item.Store.Name) } importer, err = store.Import(int64(height)) if err != nil { return sdkerrors.Wrap(err, "import failed") } defer importer.Close() case *types.SnapshotItem_IAVL: if importer == nil { return sdkerrors.Wrap(sdkerrors.ErrLogic, "received IAVL node item before store item") } if item.IAVL.Height > math.MaxInt8 { return sdkerrors.Wrapf(sdkerrors.ErrLogic, "node height %v cannot exceed %v", item.IAVL.Height, math.MaxInt8) } node := &iavltree.ExportNode{ Key: item.IAVL.Key, Value: item.IAVL.Value, Height: int8(item.IAVL.Height), Version: item.IAVL.Version, } // Protobuf does not differentiate between []byte{} as nil, but fortunately IAVL does // not allow nil keys nor nil values for leaf nodes, so we can always set them to empty. if node.Key == nil { node.Key = []byte{} } if node.Height == 0 && node.Value == nil { node.Value = []byte{} } err := importer.Add(node) if err != nil { return sdkerrors.Wrap(err, "IAVL node import failed") } default: return sdkerrors.Wrapf(sdkerrors.ErrLogic, "unknown snapshot item %T", item) } } if importer != nil { err := importer.Commit() if err != nil { return sdkerrors.Wrap(err, "IAVL commit failed") } importer.Close() } flushMetadata(rs.db, int64(height), rs.buildCommitInfo(int64(height)), []int64{}) return rs.LoadLatestVersion() } func (rs *Store) loadCommitStoreFromParams(key types.StoreKey, id types.CommitID, params storeParams) (types.CommitKVStore, error) { var db dbm.DB if params.db != nil { db = dbm.NewPrefixDB(params.db, []byte("s/_/")) } else { prefix := "s/k:" + params.key.Name() + "/" db = dbm.NewPrefixDB(rs.db, []byte(prefix)) } switch params.typ { case types.StoreTypeMulti: panic("recursive MultiStores not yet supported") case types.StoreTypeIAVL: store, err := iavl.LoadStore(db, id, rs.lazyLoading) if err != nil { return nil, err } if rs.interBlockCache != nil { // Wrap and get a CommitKVStore with inter-block caching. Note, this should // only wrap the primary CommitKVStore, not any store that is already // cache-wrapped as that will create unexpected behavior. store = rs.interBlockCache.GetStoreCache(key, store) } return store, err case types.StoreTypeDB: return commitDBStoreAdapter{Store: dbadapter.Store{DB: db}}, nil case types.StoreTypeTransient: _, ok := key.(*types.TransientStoreKey) if !ok { return nil, fmt.Errorf("invalid StoreKey for StoreTypeTransient: %s", key.String()) } return transient.NewStore(), nil case types.StoreTypeMemory: if _, ok := key.(*types.MemoryStoreKey); !ok { return nil, fmt.Errorf("unexpected key type for a MemoryStoreKey; got: %s", key.String()) } return mem.NewStore(), nil default: panic(fmt.Sprintf("unrecognized store type %v", params.typ)) } } func (rs *Store) buildCommitInfo(version int64) *types.CommitInfo { storeInfos := []types.StoreInfo{} for key, store := range rs.stores { if store.GetStoreType() == types.StoreTypeTransient { continue } storeInfos = append(storeInfos, types.StoreInfo{ Name: key.Name(), CommitId: store.LastCommitID(), }) } return &types.CommitInfo{ Version: version, StoreInfos: storeInfos, } } type storeParams struct { key types.StoreKey db dbm.DB typ types.StoreType } func getLatestVersion(db dbm.DB) int64 { bz, err := db.Get([]byte(latestVersionKey)) if err != nil { panic(err) } else if bz == nil { return 0 } var latestVersion int64 if err := gogotypes.StdInt64Unmarshal(&latestVersion, bz); err != nil { panic(err) } return latestVersion } // Commits each store and returns a new commitInfo. func commitStores(version int64, storeMap map[types.StoreKey]types.CommitKVStore) *types.CommitInfo { storeInfos := make([]types.StoreInfo, 0, len(storeMap)) for key, store := range storeMap { commitID := store.Commit() if store.GetStoreType() == types.StoreTypeTransient { continue } si := types.StoreInfo{} si.Name = key.Name() si.CommitId = commitID storeInfos = append(storeInfos, si) } return &types.CommitInfo{ Version: version, StoreInfos: storeInfos, } } // Gets commitInfo from disk. func getCommitInfo(db dbm.DB, ver int64) (*types.CommitInfo, error) { cInfoKey := fmt.Sprintf(commitInfoKeyFmt, ver) bz, err := db.Get([]byte(cInfoKey)) if err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed to get commit info") } else if bz == nil { return nil, errors.New("no commit info found") } cInfo := &types.CommitInfo{} if err = cInfo.Unmarshal(bz); err != nil { return nil, errors.Wrap(err, "failed unmarshal commit info") } return cInfo, nil } func setCommitInfo(batch dbm.Batch, version int64, cInfo *types.CommitInfo) { bz, err := cInfo.Marshal() if err != nil { panic(err) } cInfoKey := fmt.Sprintf(commitInfoKeyFmt, version) batch.Set([]byte(cInfoKey), bz) } func setLatestVersion(batch dbm.Batch, version int64) { bz, err := gogotypes.StdInt64Marshal(version) if err != nil { panic(err) } batch.Set([]byte(latestVersionKey), bz) } func setPruningHeights(batch dbm.Batch, pruneHeights []int64) { bz := make([]byte, 0) for _, ph := range pruneHeights { buf := make([]byte, 8) binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(buf, uint64(ph)) bz = append(bz, buf...) } batch.Set([]byte(pruneHeightsKey), bz) } func getPruningHeights(db dbm.DB) ([]int64, error) { bz, err := db.Get([]byte(pruneHeightsKey)) if err != nil { return nil, fmt.Errorf("failed to get pruned heights: %w", err) } if len(bz) == 0 { return nil, errors.New("no pruned heights found") } prunedHeights := make([]int64, len(bz)/8) i, offset := 0, 0 for offset < len(bz) { prunedHeights[i] = int64(binary.BigEndian.Uint64(bz[offset : offset+8])) i++ offset += 8 } return prunedHeights, nil } func flushMetadata(db dbm.DB, version int64, cInfo *types.CommitInfo, pruneHeights []int64) { batch := db.NewBatch() defer batch.Close() setCommitInfo(batch, version, cInfo) setLatestVersion(batch, version) setPruningHeights(batch, pruneHeights) if err := batch.Write(); err != nil { panic(fmt.Errorf("error on batch write %w", err)) } }