variable "name" { description = "The testnet name, e.g cdn" } variable "image_name" { description = "Image name" default = "CentOS Linux 7 x86_64 HVM EBS 1704_01" } variable "instance_type" { description = "The instance size to use" default = "t2.small" } variable "region" { description = "AWS region to use" } variable "multiplier" { description = "Multiplier for node identification" } variable "execute" { description = "Set to false to disable the module" default = true } variable "SERVERS" { description = "Number of servers in an availability zone" default = "1" } variable "ssh_private_file" { description = "SSH private key file to be used to connect to the nodes" type = "string" } variable "ssh_public_file" { description = "SSH public key file to be used on the nodes" type = "string" }