#Terraform Configuration variable "DO_API_TOKEN" { description = "DigitalOcean Access Token" } variable "TESTNET_NAME" { description = "Name of the testnet" default = "remotenet" } variable "SSH_PRIVATE_FILE" { description = "SSH private key file to be used to connect to the nodes" type = "string" } variable "SSH_PUBLIC_FILE" { description = "SSH public key file to be used on the nodes" type = "string" } variable "SERVERS" { description = "Number of nodes in testnet" default = "4" } provider "digitalocean" { token = "${var.DO_API_TOKEN}" } module "cluster" { source = "./cluster" name = "${var.TESTNET_NAME}" ssh_private_file = "${var.SSH_PRIVATE_FILE}" ssh_public_file = "${var.SSH_PUBLIC_FILE}" servers = "${var.SERVERS}" } output "public_ips" { value = "${module.cluster.public_ips}" }