--- swagger: '2.0' info: version: 1.1.0 title: Gaia-Lite (former LCD) to interface with Cosmos BaseServer via REST description: Specification for Gaia-lite provided by `gaiacli rest-server` tags: - name: ICS0 description: Tendermint APIs, such as query blocks, transactions and validatorset - name: ICS20 description: Create and sign a send tx - name: version description: Information about the app version schemes: - https securityDefinitions: kms: type: basic paths: /version: get: summary: Version of Gaia-lite tags: - version description: Get the version of gaia-lite running locally to compare against expected responses: 200: description: Plaintext version i.e. "v0.5.0" /node_version: get: summary: Version of the connected node tags: - ICS0 description: Get the version of the SDK running on the connected node to compare against expected responses: 200: description: Plaintext version i.e. "v0.5.0" /node_info: get: description: Information about the connected node summary: The properties of the connected node tags: - ICS0 produces: - application/json responses: 200: description: Node status schema: type: object properties: id: type: string moniker: type: string example: validator-name network: type: string example: gaia-2 channels: type: string listen_addr: type: string example: version: description: Tendermint version type: string example: 0.15.0 other: description: more information on versions type: array items: type: string /syncing: get: summary: Syncing state of node tags: - ICS0 description: Get if the node is currently syning with other nodes responses: 200: description: '"true" or "false"' /blocks/latest: get: summary: Get the latest block tags: - ICS0 produces: - application/json responses: 200: description: The latest block schema: $ref: "#/definitions/QueryBlock" /blocks/{height}: get: summary: Get a block at a certain height tags: - ICS0 produces: - application/json parameters: - in: path name: height description: Block height required: true type: number responses: 200: description: The block at a specific height schema: $ref: "#/definitions/QueryBlock" 404: description: Block at height is not available /validatorsets/latest: get: summary: Get the latest validator set tags: - ICS0 produces: - application/json responses: 200: description: The validator set at the latest block height schema: type: object properties: block_height: type: number validators: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/Validator" /validatorsets/{height}: get: summary: Get a validator set a certain height tags: - ICS0 produces: - application/json parameters: - in: path name: height description: Block height required: true type: number responses: 200: description: The validator set at a specific block height schema: type: object properties: block_height: type: number validators: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/Validator" 404: description: Block at height not available /txs/{hash}: get: summary: Get a Tx by hash tags: - ICS0 produces: - application/json parameters: - in: path name: hash description: Tx hash required: true type: string responses: 200: description: Tx with the provided hash schema: $ref: "#/definitions/TxQuery" 404: description: Tx not available for provided hash /txs: get: tags: - ICS0 summary: Search transactions description: Search transactions by tag produces: - application/json parameters: - in: query name: tag type: string description: "transaction tag, for instance: sender_bech32=`'cosmos1g9ahr6xhht5rmqven628nklxluzyv8z9jqjcmc'`" required: true - in: query name: page description: Pagination page type: integer - in: query name: size description: Pagination size type: integer responses: 200: description: All Tx matching the provided tags schema: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/TxQuery" 404: description: Pagination is out of bounds post: tags: - ICS0 summary: broadcast Tx description: broadcast tx with tendermint rpc consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json parameters: - in: body name: txBroadcast description: Build a StdTx transaction and serilize it to a byte array with amino, then the `"tx"` field in the post body will be the base64 encoding of the byte array. The supported return types includes `"block"`(return after tx commit), `"sync"`(return afer CheckTx) and `"async"`(return right away). required: true schema: $ref: "#/definitions/TendertmintTx" responses: 200: description: Broadcast tx result schema: $ref: "#/definitions/BroadcastTxCommitResult" /tx/sign: post: tags: - ICS20 summary: Sign a Tx description: Sign a Tx providing locally stored account and according password consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json parameters: - in: body name: sendToken description: sign tx required: true schema: $ref: "#/definitions/TxSign" responses: 200: description: The signed Tx schema: $ref: "#/definitions/StdTx" 401: description: Account name and/or password where wrong /tx/broadcast: post: tags: - ICS20 summary: Send a signed Tx description: Send a signed Tx to a Gaiad full node consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json parameters: - in: body name: txBroadcast description: broadcast tx required: true schema: $ref: "#/definitions/TxBroadcast" responses: 202: description: Tx was send and will probably be added to the next block schema: $ref: "#/definitions/BroadcastTxCommitResult" 400: description: The Tx was malformated /bank/balances/{address}: get: summary: Get the account balances tags: - ICS20 produces: - application/json parameters: - in: path name: address description: Account address in bech32 format required: true type: string responses: 200: description: Account balances schema: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/Coin" 204: description: There is no data for the requested account. This is not a 404 as the account might exist, just does not hold data. /bank/accounts/{address}/transfers: post: summary: Send coins (build -> sign -> send) description: Send coins (build -> sign -> send) tags: - ICS20 consumes: - application/json produces: - application/json parameters: - in: query name: simulate description: if true, ignore the gas field and perform a simulation of a transaction, but don't broadcast it required: false type: boolean - in: query name: generate_only description: if true, build an unsigned transaction and write it back required: false type: boolean - in: path name: address description: Account address in bech32 format required: true type: string - in: body name: account description: The password of the account to remove from the KMS required: true schema: type: object properties: base_req: $ref: "#/definitions/BaseReq" amount: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/Coin" responses: 202: description: Tx was send and will probably be added to the next block schema: $ref: "#/definitions/BroadcastTxCommitResult" 400: description: The Tx was malformated definitions: CheckTxResult: type: object properties: code: type: integer data: type: string gas_used: type: integer gas_wanted: type: integer info: type: string log: type: string tags: type: array items: "$ref": "#/definitions/KVPair" example: code: 0 data: data log: log gas_used: 5000 gas_wanted: 10000 info: info tags: - '' - '' DeliverTxResult: type: object properties: code: type: integer data: type: string gas_used: type: integer gas_wanted: type: integer info: type: string log: type: string tags: type: array items: "$ref": "#/definitions/KVPair" example: code: 5 data: data log: log gas_used: 5000 gas_wanted: 10000 info: info tags: - '' - '' BroadcastTxCommitResult: type: object properties: check_tx: $ref: "#/definitions/CheckTxResult" deliver_tx: $ref: "#/definitions/DeliverTxResult" hash: $ref: "#/definitions/Hash" height: type: integer KVPair: type: object properties: key: type: string value: type: string Fee: type: object properties: gas: type: string amount: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/Coin" Msg: type: string Address: type: string description: bech32 encoded addres example: cosmoszgnkwr7eyyv643dllwfpdwensmgdtz89yu73zq ValidatorAddress: type: string description: bech32 encoded addres example: cosmosvaloper:zgnkwr7eyyv643dllwfpdwensmgdtz89yu73zq PubKey: type: object properties: type: type: string example: "tendermint/PubKeySecp256k1" value: type: string example: "Avz04VhtKJh8ACCVzlI8aTosGy0ikFXKIVHQ3jKMrosH" ValidatorPubKey: type: string description: bech32 encoded public key example: cosmosvalconspub:zgnkwr7eyyv643dllwfpdwensmgdtz89yu73zq Coin: type: object properties: denom: type: string example: steak amount: type: string example: "50" Hash: type: string example: EE5F3404034C524501629B56E0DDC38FAD651F04 Result: type: object properties: log: type: string gas_wanted: type: string example: "0" gas_used: type: string example: "0" tags: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/KVPair" TxQuery: type: object properties: hash: type: string height: type: number tx: $ref: "#/definitions/StdTx" result: $ref: "#/definitions/Result" TendertmintTx: type: object properties: tx: type: string return: type: string example: block TxBroadcast: type: object properties: tx: $ref: "#/definitions/StdTx" TxSign: type: object properties: tx: $ref: "#/definitions/StdTx" name: type: string password: type: string chain_id: type: string account_number: type: string example: "0" sequence: type: string example: "0" append_sig: type: boolean example: true StdTx: type: object properties: msg: type: array items: $ref: "#/definitions/Msg" fee: $ref: "#/definitions/Fee" memo: type: string signature: type: object properties: signature: type: string example: MEUCIQD02fsDPra8MtbRsyB1w7bqTM55Wu138zQbFcWx4+CFyAIge5WNPfKIuvzBZ69MyqHsqD8S1IwiEp+iUb6VSdtlpgY= pub_key: $ref: "#/definitions/PubKey" account_number: type: string example: "0" sequence: type: string example: "0" Account: type: object properties: name: type: string example: Main Account address: $ref: "#/definitions/Address" pub_key: $ref: "#/definitions/PubKey" BlockID: type: object properties: hash: $ref: "#/definitions/Hash" parts: type: object properties: total: type: number example: 0 hash: $ref: "#/definitions/Hash" BlockHeader: type: object properties: chain_id: type: string example: gaia-2 height: type: number example: 1 time: type: string example: '2017-12-30T05:53:09.287+01:00' num_txs: type: number example: 0 last_block_id: $ref: "#/definitions/BlockID" total_txs: type: number example: 35 last_commit_hash: $ref: "#/definitions/Hash" data_hash: $ref: "#/definitions/Hash" validators_hash: $ref: "#/definitions/Hash" consensus_hash: $ref: "#/definitions/Hash" app_hash: $ref: "#/definitions/Hash" last_results_hash: $ref: "#/definitions/Hash" evidence_hash: $ref: "#/definitions/Hash" Block: type: object properties: header: $ref: "#/definitions/BlockHeader" txs: type: array items: type: string evidence: type: array items: type: string last_commit: type: object properties: block_id: $ref: "#/definitions/BlockID" precommits: type: array items: type: object properties: validator_address: type: string validator_index: type: string example: "0" height: type: string example: "0" round: type: string example: "0" timestamp: type: string example: '2017-12-30T05:53:09.287+01:00' type: type: number example: 2 block_id: $ref: "#/definitions/BlockID" signature: type: string example: '7uTC74QlknqYWEwg7Vn6M8Om7FuZ0EO4bjvuj6rwH1mTUJrRuMMZvAAqT9VjNgP0RA/TDp6u/92AqrZfXJSpBQ==' BlockMeta: type: object properties: header: $ref: "#/definitions/BlockHeader" block_id: $ref: "#/definitions/BlockID" QueryBlock: type: object properties: block_meta: $ref: "#/definitions/BlockMeta" block: $ref: "#/definitions/Block" BaseReq: type: object properties: name: type: string password: type: string chain_id: type: string account_number: type: string example: "0" sequence: type: string example: "0" gas: type: string example: "200000" gas_adjustment: type: string example: "1.2" Validator: type: object properties: address: $ref: '#/definitions/ValidatorAddress' pub_key: $ref: "#/definitions/ValidatorPubKey" power: type: number example: 1000 accum: type: number example: 1000