#! /bin/bash set -e cd $GOPATH/src/github.com/tendermint/basecoin/demo LOG_DIR="." TM_VERSION="develop" #TM_VERSION="v0.10.0" if [[ "$CIRCLECI" == "true" ]]; then # set log dir LOG_DIR="${CIRCLE_ARTIFACTS}" # install tendermint set +e go get github.com/tendermint/tendermint pushd $GOPATH/src/github.com/tendermint/tendermint git checkout $TM_VERSION glide install go install ./cmd/tendermint popd set -e fi set -u function ifExit() { if [[ "$?" != 0 ]]; then echo "FAIL" exit 1 fi } function removeQuotes() { temp="${1%\"}" temp="${temp#\"}" echo "$temp" } function waitForNode() { addr=$1 set +e curl -s $addr/status > /dev/null ERR=$? i=0 while [ "$ERR" != 0 ]; do if [[ "$i" == 10 ]]; then echo "waited too long for chain to start" exit 1 fi echo "...... still waiting on $addr" sleep 1 curl -s $addr/status > /dev/null ERR=$? i=$((i+1)) done set -e echo "... node $addr is up" } function waitForBlock() { addr=$1 b1=`curl -s $addr/status | jq .result.latest_block_height` b2=$b1 while [ "$b2" == "$b1" ]; do echo "Waiting for node $addr to commit a block ..." sleep 1 b2=`curl -s $addr/status | jq .result.latest_block_height` done } # make basecoin root vars export BCHOME="." BCHOME1="./data/chain1" BCHOME2="./data/chain2" # grab the chain ids CHAIN_ID1=$(cat $BCHOME1/genesis.json | jq .chain_id) CHAIN_ID1=$(removeQuotes $CHAIN_ID1) CHAIN_ID2=$(cat $BCHOME2/genesis.json | jq .chain_id) CHAIN_ID2=$(removeQuotes $CHAIN_ID2) echo "CHAIN_ID1: $CHAIN_ID1" echo "CHAIN_ID2: $CHAIN_ID2" # make reusable chain flags CHAIN_FLAGS1="--chain_id $CHAIN_ID1 --from $BCHOME1/key.json" CHAIN_FLAGS2="--chain_id $CHAIN_ID2 --from $BCHOME2/key.json --node tcp://localhost:36657" echo "" echo "... starting chains" echo "" # start the first node TMROOT=$BCHOME1 tendermint node --p2p.skip_upnp --log_level=info &> $LOG_DIR/chain1_tendermint.log & ifExit BCHOME=$BCHOME1 basecoin start --without-tendermint &> $LOG_DIR/chain1_basecoin.log & ifExit # start the second node TMROOT=$BCHOME2 tendermint node --p2p.skip_upnp --log_level=info --p2p.laddr tcp://localhost:36656 --rpc_laddr tcp://localhost:36657 --proxy_app tcp://localhost:36658 &> $LOG_DIR/chain2_tendermint.log & ifExit BCHOME=$BCHOME2 basecoin start --address tcp://localhost:36658 --without-tendermint &> $LOG_DIR/chain2_basecoin.log & ifExit echo "" echo "... waiting for chains to start" echo "" waitForNode localhost:46657 waitForNode localhost:36657 # TODO: remove the sleep # Without it we sometimes get "Account bytes are empty for address: 053BA0F19616AFF975C8756A2CBFF04F408B4D47" sleep 3 echo "... registering chain1 on chain2" echo "" # register chain1 on chain2 basecoin tx ibc --amount 10mycoin $CHAIN_FLAGS2 register --ibc_chain_id $CHAIN_ID1 --genesis $BCHOME1/genesis.json ifExit echo "" echo "... creating egress packet on chain1" echo "" # create a packet on chain1 destined for chain2 PAYLOAD="DEADBEEF" #TODO basecoin tx ibc --amount 10mycoin $CHAIN_FLAGS1 packet create --ibc_from $CHAIN_ID1 --to $CHAIN_ID2 --type coin --payload $PAYLOAD --ibc_sequence 1 ifExit echo "" echo "... querying for packet data" echo "" # query for the packet data and proof QUERY_RESULT=$(basecoin query ibc,egress,$CHAIN_ID1,$CHAIN_ID2,1) ifExit HEIGHT=$(echo $QUERY_RESULT | jq .height) PACKET=$(echo $QUERY_RESULT | jq .value) PROOF=$(echo $QUERY_RESULT | jq .proof) PACKET=$(removeQuotes $PACKET) PROOF=$(removeQuotes $PROOF) echo "" echo "QUERY_RESULT: $QUERY_RESULT" echo "HEIGHT: $HEIGHT" echo "PACKET: $PACKET" echo "PROOF: $PROOF" # the query returns the height of the next block, which contains the app hash # but which may not be committed yet, so we have to wait for it to query the commit echo "" echo "... waiting for a block to be committed" echo "" waitForBlock localhost:46657 waitForBlock localhost:36657 echo "" echo "... querying for block data" echo "" # get the header and commit for the height HEADER_AND_COMMIT=$(basecoin block $HEIGHT) ifExit HEADER=$(echo $HEADER_AND_COMMIT | jq .hex.header) HEADER=$(removeQuotes $HEADER) COMMIT=$(echo $HEADER_AND_COMMIT | jq .hex.commit) COMMIT=$(removeQuotes $COMMIT) echo "" echo "HEADER_AND_COMMIT: $HEADER_AND_COMMIT" echo "HEADER: $HEADER" echo "COMMIT: $COMMIT" echo "" echo "... updating state of chain1 on chain2" echo "" # update the state of chain1 on chain2 basecoin tx ibc --amount 10mycoin $CHAIN_FLAGS2 update --header 0x$HEADER --commit 0x$COMMIT ifExit echo "" echo "... posting packet from chain1 on chain2" echo "" # post the packet from chain1 to chain2 basecoin tx ibc --amount 10mycoin $CHAIN_FLAGS2 packet post --ibc_from $CHAIN_ID1 --height $HEIGHT --packet 0x$PACKET --proof 0x$PROOF ifExit echo "" echo "... checking if the packet is present on chain2" echo "" # query for the packet on chain2 basecoin query --node tcp://localhost:36657 ibc,ingress,test_chain_2,test_chain_1,1 ifExit echo "" echo "DONE!"