# PENDING CHANGELOG ## BREAKING CHANGES ### Gaia REST API * [\#3641] Remove the ability to use a Keybase from the REST API client: * `password` and `generate_only` have been removed from the `base_req` object * All txs that used to sign or use the Keybase now only generate the tx * `keys` routes completely removed * [\#3692] Update tx encoding and broadcasting endpoints: * Remove duplicate broadcasting endpoints in favor of POST @ `/txs` * The `Tx` field now accepts a `StdTx` and not raw tx bytes * Move encoding endpoint to `/txs/encode` ### Gaia CLI ### Gaia ### SDK * [\#3669] Ensure consistency in message naming, codec registration, and JSON tags. ### Tendermint ## FEATURES ### Gaia REST API ### Gaia CLI ### Gaia ### SDK ### Tendermint ## IMPROVEMENTS ### Gaia REST API * Update the `TxResponse` type allowing for the `Logs` result to be JSON decoded automatically. ### Gaia CLI * [\#3653] Prompt user confirmation prior to signing and broadcasting a transaction. * [\#3670] CLI support for showing bech32 addresses in Ledger devices * [\#3711] Update `tx sign` to use `--from` instead of the deprecated `--name` CLI flag. ### Gaia ### SDK * \#3679 Consistent operators across Coins, DecCoins, Int, Dec replaced: Minus->Sub Plus->Add Div->Quo * [\#3665] Overhaul sdk.Uint type in preparation for Coins Int -> Uint migration. * \#3691 Cleanup error messages * \#3456 Integrate in the Int.ToDec() convenience function * [\#3300] Update the spec-spec, spec file reorg, and TOC updates. * [\#3694] Push tagged docker images on docker hub when tag is created. * [\#3716] Update file permissions the client keys directory and contents to `0700`. ### Tendermint * [\#3699] Upgrade to Tendermint 0.30.1 ## BUG FIXES ### Gaia REST API ### Gaia CLI * [\#3731](https://github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/pull/3731) `keys add --interactive` bip32 passphrase regression fix ### Gaia ### SDK * \#3728 Truncate decimal multiplication & division in distribution to ensure no more than the collected fees / inflation are distributed * \#3727 Return on zero-length (including []byte{}) PrefixEndBytes() calls * \#3559 fix occasional failing due to non-determinism in lcd test TestBonding where validator is unexpectedly slashed throwing off test calculations * [\#3411] Include the `RequestInitChain.Time` in the block header init during `InitChain`. ### Tendermint