package simulation import ( "fmt" "math/rand" "" sdk "" "" "" "" "" ) // SimulateMsgCreateValidator func SimulateMsgCreateValidator(m auth.AccountKeeper, k stake.Keeper) simulation.Operation { handler := stake.NewHandler(k) return func(r *rand.Rand, app *baseapp.BaseApp, ctx sdk.Context, accs []simulation.Account, event func(string)) ( action string, fOp []simulation.FutureOperation, err error) { denom := k.GetParams(ctx).BondDenom description := stake.Description{ Moniker: simulation.RandStringOfLength(r, 10), } maxCommission := sdk.NewDecWithPrec(r.Int63n(1000), 3) commission := stake.NewCommissionMsg( simulation.RandomDecAmount(r, maxCommission), maxCommission, simulation.RandomDecAmount(r, maxCommission), ) acc := simulation.RandomAcc(r, accs) address := sdk.ValAddress(acc.Address) amount := m.GetAccount(ctx, acc.Address).GetCoins().AmountOf(denom) if amount.GT(sdk.ZeroInt()) { amount = simulation.RandomAmount(r, amount) } if amount.Equal(sdk.ZeroInt()) { return "no-operation", nil, nil } msg := stake.MsgCreateValidator{ Description: description, Commission: commission, ValidatorAddr: address, DelegatorAddr: acc.Address, PubKey: acc.PubKey, Delegation: sdk.NewCoin(denom, amount), } if msg.ValidateBasic() != nil { return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("expected msg to pass ValidateBasic: %s", msg.GetSignBytes()) } ctx, write := ctx.CacheContext() result := handler(ctx, msg) if result.IsOK() { write() } event(fmt.Sprintf("stake/MsgCreateValidator/%v", result.IsOK())) // require.True(t, result.IsOK(), "expected OK result but instead got %v", result) action = fmt.Sprintf("TestMsgCreateValidator: ok %v, msg %s", result.IsOK(), msg.GetSignBytes()) return action, nil, nil } } // SimulateMsgEditValidator func SimulateMsgEditValidator(k stake.Keeper) simulation.Operation { handler := stake.NewHandler(k) return func(r *rand.Rand, app *baseapp.BaseApp, ctx sdk.Context, accs []simulation.Account, event func(string)) ( action string, fOp []simulation.FutureOperation, err error) { description := stake.Description{ Moniker: simulation.RandStringOfLength(r, 10), Identity: simulation.RandStringOfLength(r, 10), Website: simulation.RandStringOfLength(r, 10), Details: simulation.RandStringOfLength(r, 10), } val := keeper.RandomValidator(r, k, ctx) address := val.GetOperator() newCommissionRate := simulation.RandomDecAmount(r, val.Commission.MaxRate) msg := stake.MsgEditValidator{ Description: description, ValidatorAddr: address, CommissionRate: &newCommissionRate, } if msg.ValidateBasic() != nil { return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("expected msg to pass ValidateBasic: %s", msg.GetSignBytes()) } ctx, write := ctx.CacheContext() result := handler(ctx, msg) if result.IsOK() { write() } event(fmt.Sprintf("stake/MsgEditValidator/%v", result.IsOK())) action = fmt.Sprintf("TestMsgEditValidator: ok %v, msg %s", result.IsOK(), msg.GetSignBytes()) return action, nil, nil } } // SimulateMsgDelegate func SimulateMsgDelegate(m auth.AccountKeeper, k stake.Keeper) simulation.Operation { handler := stake.NewHandler(k) return func(r *rand.Rand, app *baseapp.BaseApp, ctx sdk.Context, accs []simulation.Account, event func(string)) ( action string, fOp []simulation.FutureOperation, err error) { denom := k.GetParams(ctx).BondDenom val := keeper.RandomValidator(r, k, ctx) validatorAddress := val.GetOperator() delegatorAcc := simulation.RandomAcc(r, accs) delegatorAddress := delegatorAcc.Address amount := m.GetAccount(ctx, delegatorAddress).GetCoins().AmountOf(denom) if amount.GT(sdk.ZeroInt()) { amount = simulation.RandomAmount(r, amount) } if amount.Equal(sdk.ZeroInt()) { return "no-operation", nil, nil } msg := stake.MsgDelegate{ DelegatorAddr: delegatorAddress, ValidatorAddr: validatorAddress, Delegation: sdk.NewCoin(denom, amount), } if msg.ValidateBasic() != nil { return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("expected msg to pass ValidateBasic: %s", msg.GetSignBytes()) } ctx, write := ctx.CacheContext() result := handler(ctx, msg) if result.IsOK() { write() } event(fmt.Sprintf("stake/MsgDelegate/%v", result.IsOK())) action = fmt.Sprintf("TestMsgDelegate: ok %v, msg %s", result.IsOK(), msg.GetSignBytes()) return action, nil, nil } } // SimulateMsgBeginUnbonding func SimulateMsgBeginUnbonding(m auth.AccountKeeper, k stake.Keeper) simulation.Operation { handler := stake.NewHandler(k) return func(r *rand.Rand, app *baseapp.BaseApp, ctx sdk.Context, accs []simulation.Account, event func(string)) ( action string, fOp []simulation.FutureOperation, err error) { delegatorAcc := simulation.RandomAcc(r, accs) delegatorAddress := delegatorAcc.Address delegations := k.GetAllDelegatorDelegations(ctx, delegatorAddress) if len(delegations) == 0 { return "no-operation", nil, nil } delegation := delegations[r.Intn(len(delegations))] numShares := simulation.RandomDecAmount(r, delegation.Shares) if numShares.Equal(sdk.ZeroDec()) { return "no-operation", nil, nil } msg := stake.MsgBeginUnbonding{ DelegatorAddr: delegatorAddress, ValidatorAddr: delegation.ValidatorAddr, SharesAmount: numShares, } if msg.ValidateBasic() != nil { return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("expected msg to pass ValidateBasic: %s, got error %v", msg.GetSignBytes(), msg.ValidateBasic()) } ctx, write := ctx.CacheContext() result := handler(ctx, msg) if result.IsOK() { write() } event(fmt.Sprintf("stake/MsgBeginUnbonding/%v", result.IsOK())) action = fmt.Sprintf("TestMsgBeginUnbonding: ok %v, msg %s", result.IsOK(), msg.GetSignBytes()) return action, nil, nil } } // SimulateMsgBeginRedelegate func SimulateMsgBeginRedelegate(m auth.AccountKeeper, k stake.Keeper) simulation.Operation { handler := stake.NewHandler(k) return func(r *rand.Rand, app *baseapp.BaseApp, ctx sdk.Context, accs []simulation.Account, event func(string)) ( action string, fOp []simulation.FutureOperation, err error) { denom := k.GetParams(ctx).BondDenom srcVal := keeper.RandomValidator(r, k, ctx) srcValidatorAddress := srcVal.GetOperator() destVal := keeper.RandomValidator(r, k, ctx) destValidatorAddress := destVal.GetOperator() delegatorAcc := simulation.RandomAcc(r, accs) delegatorAddress := delegatorAcc.Address // TODO amount := m.GetAccount(ctx, delegatorAddress).GetCoins().AmountOf(denom) if amount.GT(sdk.ZeroInt()) { amount = simulation.RandomAmount(r, amount) } if amount.Equal(sdk.ZeroInt()) { return "no-operation", nil, nil } msg := stake.MsgBeginRedelegate{ DelegatorAddr: delegatorAddress, ValidatorSrcAddr: srcValidatorAddress, ValidatorDstAddr: destValidatorAddress, SharesAmount: sdk.NewDecFromInt(amount), } if msg.ValidateBasic() != nil { return "", nil, fmt.Errorf("expected msg to pass ValidateBasic: %s", msg.GetSignBytes()) } ctx, write := ctx.CacheContext() result := handler(ctx, msg) if result.IsOK() { write() } event(fmt.Sprintf("stake/MsgBeginRedelegate/%v", result.IsOK())) action = fmt.Sprintf("TestMsgBeginRedelegate: %s", msg.GetSignBytes()) return action, nil, nil } }