# This is not executable, but helper functions for the other scripts # XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX # The following global variables must be defined before calling common functions: # SERVER_EXE=foobar # Server binary name # CLIENT_EXE=foobarcli # Client binary name # ACCOUNTS=(foo bar) # List of accounts for initialization # RICH=${ACCOUNTS[0]} # Account to assign genesis balance # XXX Ex Usage: quickSetup $WORK_NAME $CHAIN_ID # Desc: Start the program, use with shunit2 OneTimeSetUp() quickSetup() { # These are passed in as args BASE_DIR=$HOME/$1 CHAIN_ID=$2 rm -rf $BASE_DIR 2>/dev/null mkdir -p $BASE_DIR # Set up client - make sure you use the proper prefix if you set # a custom CLIENT_EXE export BC_HOME=${BASE_DIR}/client prepareClient # start basecoin server (with counter) initServer $BASE_DIR $CHAIN_ID if [ $? != 0 ]; then return 1; fi initClient $CHAIN_ID if [ $? != 0 ]; then return 1; fi printf "...Testing may begin!\n\n\n" } # XXX Ex Usage: quickTearDown # Desc: close the test server, use with shunit2 OneTimeTearDown() quickTearDown() { printf "\n\nstopping $SERVER_EXE test server..." kill -9 $PID_SERVER >/dev/null 2>&1 sleep 1 } ############################################################ prepareClient() { echo "Preparing client keys..." ${CLIENT_EXE} reset_all assertTrue $? for i in "${!ACCOUNTS[@]}"; do newKey ${ACCOUNTS[$i]} done } # XXX Ex Usage1: initServer $ROOTDIR $CHAINID # XXX Ex Usage2: initServer $ROOTDIR $CHAINID $PORTPREFIX # Desc: Grabs the Rich account and gives it all genesis money # port-prefix default is 4665{6,7,8} initServer() { echo "Setting up genesis..." SERVE_DIR=$1/server assertNotNull "no chain" $2 CHAIN=$2 SERVER_LOG=$1/${SERVER_EXE}.log GENKEY=$(${CLIENT_EXE} keys get ${RICH} | awk '{print $2}') ${SERVER_EXE} init --chain-id $CHAIN $GENKEY --home=$SERVE_DIR >>$SERVER_LOG # optionally set the port if [ -n "$3" ]; then echo "setting port $3" sed -ie "s/4665/$3/" $SERVE_DIR/config.toml fi echo "Starting ${SERVER_EXE} server..." startServer $SERVE_DIR $SERVER_LOG return $? } # XXX Ex Usage: startServer $SERVE_DIR $SERVER_LOG startServer() { ${SERVER_EXE} start --home=$1 >>$2 2>&1 & sleep 5 PID_SERVER=$! disown if ! ps $PID_SERVER >/dev/null; then echo "**FAILED**" cat $SERVER_LOG return 1 fi } # XXX Ex Usage1: initClient $CHAINID # XXX Ex Usage2: initClient $CHAINID $PORTPREFIX # Desc: Initialize the client program # port-prefix default is 46657 initClient() { echo "Attaching ${CLIENT_EXE} client..." PORT=${2:-46657} # hard-code the expected validator hash ${CLIENT_EXE} init --chain-id=$1 --node=tcp://localhost:${PORT} --valhash=EB168E17E45BAEB194D4C79067FFECF345C64DE6 assertTrue "initialized light-client" $? } # XXX Ex Usage1: newKey $NAME # XXX Ex Usage2: newKey $NAME $PASSWORD # Desc: Generates key for given username and password newKey(){ assertNotNull "keyname required" "$1" KEYPASS=${2:-qwertyuiop} (echo $KEYPASS; echo $KEYPASS) | ${CLIENT_EXE} keys new $1 >/dev/null 2>/dev/null assertTrue "created $1" $? assertTrue "$1 doesn't exist" "${CLIENT_EXE} keys get $1" } # XXX Ex Usage: getAddr $NAME # Desc: Gets the address for a key name getAddr() { assertNotNull "keyname required" "$1" RAW=$(${CLIENT_EXE} keys get $1) assertTrue "no key for $1" $? # print the addr echo $RAW | cut -d' ' -f2 } # XXX Ex Usage: checkAccount $ADDR $AMOUNT # Desc: Assumes just one coin, checks the balance of first coin in any case checkAccount() { # make sure sender goes down ACCT=$(${CLIENT_EXE} query account $1) if ! assertTrue "account must exist" $?; then return 1 fi if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then echo $ACCT; echo; fi assertEquals "proper money" "$2" $(echo $ACCT | jq .data.coins[0].amount) return $? } # XXX Ex Usage: txSucceeded $? "$TX" "$RECIEVER" # Desc: Must be called right after the `tx` command, makes sure it got a success response txSucceeded() { if (assertTrue "sent tx ($3): $2" $1); then TX=$2 assertEquals "good check ($3): $TX" "0" $(echo $TX | jq .check_tx.code) assertEquals "good deliver ($3): $TX" "0" $(echo $TX | jq .deliver_tx.code) else return 1 fi } # XXX Ex Usage: checkSendTx $HASH $HEIGHT $SENDER $AMOUNT # Desc: This looks up the tx by hash, and makes sure the height and type match # and that the first input was from this sender for this amount checkSendTx() { TX=$(${CLIENT_EXE} query tx $1) assertTrue "found tx" $? if [ -n "$DEBUG" ]; then echo $TX; echo; fi assertEquals "proper height" $2 $(echo $TX | jq .height) assertEquals "type=sigs/one" '"sigs/one"' $(echo $TX | jq .data.type) CTX=$(echo $TX | jq .data.data.tx) assertEquals "type=chain/tx" '"chain/tx"' $(echo $CTX | jq .type) STX=$(echo $CTX | jq .data.tx) assertEquals "type=coin/send" '"coin/send"' $(echo $STX | jq .type) assertEquals "proper sender" "\"$3\"" $(echo $STX | jq .data.inputs[0].address.addr) assertEquals "proper out amount" "$4" $(echo $STX | jq .data.outputs[0].coins[0].amount) return $? } # XXX Ex Usage: waitForBlock $port # Desc: Waits until the block height on that node increases by one waitForBlock() { addr=http://localhost:$1 b1=`curl -s $addr/status | jq .result.latest_block_height` b2=$b1 while [ "$b2" == "$b1" ]; do echo "Waiting for node $addr to commit a block ..." sleep 1 b2=`curl -s $addr/status | jq .result.latest_block_height` done }