package mint import ( "testing" "" sdk "" ) func TestNextInflation(t *testing.T) { minter := InitialMinter() params := DefaultParams() // Governing Mechanism: // inflationRateChangePerYear = (1- BondedRatio/ GoalBonded) * MaxInflationRateChange tests := []struct { bondedRatio, setInflation, expChange sdk.Dec }{ // with 0% bonded atom supply the inflation should increase by InflationRateChange {sdk.ZeroDec(), sdk.NewDecWithPrec(7, 2), params.InflationRateChange.Quo(hrsPerYr)}, // 100% bonded, starting at 20% inflation and being reduced // (1 - (1/0.67))*(0.13/8667) {sdk.OneDec(), sdk.NewDecWithPrec(20, 2), sdk.OneDec().Sub(sdk.OneDec().Quo(params.GoalBonded)).Mul(params.InflationRateChange).Quo(hrsPerYr)}, // 50% bonded, starting at 10% inflation and being increased {sdk.NewDecWithPrec(5, 1), sdk.NewDecWithPrec(10, 2), sdk.OneDec().Sub(sdk.NewDecWithPrec(5, 1).Quo(params.GoalBonded)).Mul(params.InflationRateChange).Quo(hrsPerYr)}, // test 7% minimum stop (testing with 100% bonded) {sdk.OneDec(), sdk.NewDecWithPrec(7, 2), sdk.ZeroDec()}, {sdk.OneDec(), sdk.NewDecWithPrec(70001, 6), sdk.NewDecWithPrec(-1, 6)}, // test 20% maximum stop (testing with 0% bonded) {sdk.ZeroDec(), sdk.NewDecWithPrec(20, 2), sdk.ZeroDec()}, {sdk.ZeroDec(), sdk.NewDecWithPrec(199999, 6), sdk.NewDecWithPrec(1, 6)}, // perfect balance shouldn't change inflation {sdk.NewDecWithPrec(67, 2), sdk.NewDecWithPrec(15, 2), sdk.ZeroDec()}, } for i, tc := range tests { minter.Inflation = tc.setInflation inflation := minter.NextInflation(params, tc.bondedRatio) diffInflation := inflation.Sub(tc.setInflation) require.True(t, diffInflation.Equal(tc.expChange), "Test Index: %v\nDiff: %v\nExpected: %v\n", i, diffInflation, tc.expChange) } }