package types import ( "container/list" "fmt" . "" ) type KVStore interface { Set(key, value []byte) Get(key []byte) (value []byte) } //---------------------------------------- type MemKVStore struct { m map[string][]byte } func NewMemKVStore() *MemKVStore { return &MemKVStore{ m: make(map[string][]byte, 0), } } func (mkv *MemKVStore) Set(key []byte, value []byte) { mkv.m[string(key)] = value } func (mkv *MemKVStore) Get(key []byte) (value []byte) { return mkv.m[string(key)] } //---------------------------------------- // A Cache that enforces deterministic sync order. type KVCache struct { store KVStore cache map[string]kvCacheValue keys *list.List } type kvCacheValue struct { v []byte // The value of some key e *list.Element // The KVCache.keys element } func NewKVCache(store KVStore) *KVCache { return (&KVCache{ store: store, }).Reset() } func (kvc *KVCache) Reset() *KVCache { kvc.cache = make(map[string]kvCacheValue) kvc.keys = list.New() return kvc } func (kvc *KVCache) Set(key []byte, value []byte) { fmt.Println("Set [KVCache]", formatBytes(key), "=", formatBytes(value)) cacheValue, ok := kvc.cache[string(key)] if ok { kvc.keys.MoveToBack(cacheValue.e) } else { cacheValue.e = kvc.keys.PushBack(key) } cacheValue.v = value kvc.cache[string(key)] = cacheValue } func (kvc *KVCache) Get(key []byte) (value []byte) { cacheValue, ok := kvc.cache[string(key)] if ok { fmt.Println("GET [KVCache, hit]", formatBytes(key), "=", formatBytes(cacheValue.v)) return cacheValue.v } else { value := kvc.cache[string(key)] = kvCacheValue{ v: value, e: kvc.keys.PushBack(key), } fmt.Println("GET [KVCache, miss]", formatBytes(key), "=", formatBytes(value)) return value } } func (kvc *KVCache) Sync() { for e := kvc.keys.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() { key := e.Value.([]byte) value := kvc.cache[string(key)], value.v) } kvc.Reset() } //---------------------------------------- func formatBytes(data []byte) string { s := "" for _, b := range data { if 0x21 <= b && b < 0x7F { s += Green(string(b)) } else { s += Blue(Fmt("%X", b)) } } return s }