# Cosmosvisor Quick Start `cosmovisor` is a small process manager around Cosmos SDK binaries that uses the upgrade module to allow for smooth and configurable management of upgrading binaries as a live chain is upgraded, and can be used to simplify validator operations while doing upgrades or to make syncing a full node for genesis simple. The `cosmovisor` program monitors the stdout of Cosmos SDK application's executable to look for messages from the upgrade module indicating a pending or required upgrade and act appropriately. ## Installation Run: `go get github.com/cosmos/cosmos-sdk/cosmovisor/cmd/cosmovisor` ## Command Line Arguments And Environment Variables All arguments passed to the `cosmovisor` program will be passed to the current daemon binary (as a subprocess). It will return `/dev/stdout` and `/dev/stderr` of the subprocess as its own. Because of that, it cannot accept any command line arguments, nor print anything to output (unless it terminates unexpectedly before executing a binary). `cosmovisor` reads its configuration from environment variables: * `DAEMON_HOME` is the location where upgrade binaries should be kept (e.g. `$HOME/.gaiad` or `$HOME/.xrnd`). * `DAEMON_NAME` is the name of the binary itself (eg. `xrnd`, `gaiad`, `simd`, etc). * `DAEMON_ALLOW_DOWNLOAD_BINARIES` (*optional*) if set to `true` will enable auto-downloading of new binaries (for security reasons, this is intended for full nodes rather than validators). * `DAEMON_RESTART_AFTER_UPGRADE` (*optional*) if set to `true` it will restart the sub-process with the same command line arguments and flags (but new binary) after a successful upgrade. By default, `cosmovisor` dies afterwards and allows the supervisor to restart it if needed. Note that this will not auto-restart the child if there was an error. ## Data Folder Layout `$DAEMON_HOME/cosmovisor` is expected to belong completely to `cosmovisor` and subprocesses that are controlled by it. The folder content is organised as follows: ``` . ├── current -> genesis or upgrades/ ├── genesis │   └── bin │   └── $DAEMON_NAME └── upgrades └── └── bin └── $DAEMON_NAME ``` Each version of the Cosmos SDK application is stored under either `genesis` or `upgrades/`, which holds `bin/$DAEMON_NAME` along with any other needed files such as auxiliary client programs or libraries. `current` is a symbolic link to the currently active folder (so `current/bin/$DAEMON_NAME` is the currently active binary). *Note: the `name` variable in `upgrades/` holds the URI-encoded name of the upgrade as specified in the upgrade module plan.* Please note that `$DAEMON_HOME/cosmovisor` just stores the *binaries* and associated *program code*. The `cosmovisor` binary can be stored in any typical location (eg `/usr/local/bin`). The actual blockchain program will store it's data under their default data directory (e.g. `$HOME/.gaiad`) which is independent of the `$DAEMON_HOME`. You can choose to set `$DAEMON_HOME` to the actual binary's home directory and then end up with a configuation like the following, but this is left as a choice to the system admininstrator for best directory layout: ``` .gaiad ├── config ├── data └── cosmovisor ``` ## Usage The system administrator admin is responsible for: * installing the `cosmovisor` binary and configure the host's init system (e.g. `systemd`, `launchd`, etc) along with the environmental variables appropriately; * installing the `genesis` folder manually; * installing the `upgrades/` folders manually. `cosmovisor` will set the `current` link to point to `genesis` at first start (when no `current` link exists) and handles binaries switch overs at the correct points in time, so that the system administrator can prepare days in advance and relax at upgrade time. Note that blockchain applications that wish to support upgrades may package up a genesis `cosmovisor` tarball with this information, just as they prepare the genesis binary tarball. In fact, they may offer a tarball will all upgrades up to current point for easy download for those who wish to sync a fullnode from start. The `DAEMON` specific code and operations (e.g. tendermint config, the application db, syncing blocks, etc) are performed as normal. Application binaries' directives such as command-line flags and environment variables work normally. ## Example: simd The following instructions provide a demonstration of `cosmovisor`'s integration with the `simd` application shipped along the Cosmos SDK's source code. First compile `simd`: ``` cd cosmos-sdk/ make build ``` Create a new key and setup the `simd` node: ``` rm -rf $HOME/.simapp ./build/simd keys --keyring-backend=test add validator ./build/simd init testing --chain-id test ./build/simd add-genesis-account --keyring-backend=test $(./build/simd keys --keyring-backend=test show validator -a) 1000000000stake,1000000000validatortoken ./build/simd gentx --keyring-backend test --chain-id test validator ./build/simd collect-gentxs ``` Set the required environment variables: ``` export DAEMON_NAME=simd # binary name export DAEMON_HOME=$HOME/.simapp # daemon's home directory ``` Create the `cosmovisor`’s genesis folders and deploy the binary: ``` mkdir -p $DAEMON_HOME/cosmovisor/genesis/bin cp ./build/simd $DAEMON_HOME/cosmovisor/genesis/bin ``` For the sake of this demonstration, we would amend `voting_params.voting_period` in `.simapp/config/genesis.json` to a reduced time ~5 minutes (300s) and eventually launch `cosmosvisor`: ``` cosmovisor start ``` Submit a software upgrade proposal: ``` ./build/simd tx gov submit-proposal software-upgrade test1 --title "upgrade-demo" --description "upgrade" --from validator --upgrade-height 100 --deposit 10000000stake --chain-id test --keyring-backend test -y ``` Query the proposal to ensure it was correctly broadcast and added to a block: ``` ./build/simd query gov proposal 1 ``` Submit a `Yes` vote for the upgrade proposal: ``` ./build/simd tx gov vote 1 yes --from validator --keyring-backend test --chain-id test -y ``` For the sake of this demonstration, we will hardcode a modification in `simapp` to simulate a code change. In `simapp/app.go`, find the line containing the upgrade Keeper initialisation, it should look like `app.UpgradeKeeper = upgradekeeper.NewKeeper(skipUpgradeHeights, keys[upgradetypes.StoreKey], appCodec, homePath)`. After that line, add the following snippet: ``` app.UpgradeKeeper.SetUpgradeHandler("test1", func(ctx sdk.Context, plan upgradetypes.Plan) { // Add some coins to a random account addr, err := sdk.AccAddressFromBech32("cosmos18cgkqduwuh253twzmhedesw3l7v3fm37sppt58") if err != nil { panic(err) } err = app.BankKeeper.AddCoins(ctx, addr, sdk.Coins{sdk.Coin{Denom: "stake", Amount: sdk.NewInt(345600000)}}) if err != nil { panic(err) } }) ``` Now recompile a new binary and place it in `$DAEMON_HOME/cosmosvisor/upgrades/test1/bin`: ``` make build cp ./build/simd $DAEMON_HOME/cosmovisor/upgrades/test1/bin ``` The upgrade will occur automatically at height 100.