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package codec
import (
// AminoCodec defines a codec that utilizes Codec for both binary and JSON
// encoding.
type AminoCodec struct {
var _ Codec = &AminoCodec{}
// NewAminoCodec returns a reference to a new AminoCodec
func NewAminoCodec(codec *LegacyAmino) *AminoCodec {
return &AminoCodec{LegacyAmino: codec}
// Marshal implements BinaryMarshaler.Marshal method.
func (ac *AminoCodec) Marshal(o ProtoMarshaler) ([]byte, error) {
return ac.LegacyAmino.Marshal(o)
// MustMarshal implements BinaryMarshaler.MustMarshal method.
func (ac *AminoCodec) MustMarshal(o ProtoMarshaler) []byte {
return ac.LegacyAmino.MustMarshal(o)
// MarshalLengthPrefixed implements BinaryMarshaler.MarshalLengthPrefixed method.
func (ac *AminoCodec) MarshalLengthPrefixed(o ProtoMarshaler) ([]byte, error) {
return ac.LegacyAmino.MarshalLengthPrefixed(o)
// MustMarshalLengthPrefixed implements BinaryMarshaler.MustMarshalLengthPrefixed method.
func (ac *AminoCodec) MustMarshalLengthPrefixed(o ProtoMarshaler) []byte {
return ac.LegacyAmino.MustMarshalLengthPrefixed(o)
// Unmarshal implements BinaryMarshaler.Unmarshal method.
func (ac *AminoCodec) Unmarshal(bz []byte, ptr ProtoMarshaler) error {
return ac.LegacyAmino.Unmarshal(bz, ptr)
// MustUnmarshal implements BinaryMarshaler.MustUnmarshal method.
func (ac *AminoCodec) MustUnmarshal(bz []byte, ptr ProtoMarshaler) {
ac.LegacyAmino.MustUnmarshal(bz, ptr)
// UnmarshalLengthPrefixed implements BinaryMarshaler.UnmarshalLengthPrefixed method.
func (ac *AminoCodec) UnmarshalLengthPrefixed(bz []byte, ptr ProtoMarshaler) error {
return ac.LegacyAmino.UnmarshalLengthPrefixed(bz, ptr)
// MustUnmarshalLengthPrefixed implements BinaryMarshaler.MustUnmarshalLengthPrefixed method.
func (ac *AminoCodec) MustUnmarshalLengthPrefixed(bz []byte, ptr ProtoMarshaler) {
ac.LegacyAmino.MustUnmarshalLengthPrefixed(bz, ptr)
// MarshalJSON implements JSONCodec.MarshalJSON method,
// it marshals to JSON using legacy amino codec.
func (ac *AminoCodec) MarshalJSON(o proto.Message) ([]byte, error) {
return ac.LegacyAmino.MarshalJSON(o)
// MustMarshalJSON implements JSONCodec.MustMarshalJSON method,
// it executes MarshalJSON except it panics upon failure.
func (ac *AminoCodec) MustMarshalJSON(o proto.Message) []byte {
return ac.LegacyAmino.MustMarshalJSON(o)
// UnmarshalJSON implements JSONCodec.UnmarshalJSON method,
// it unmarshals from JSON using legacy amino codec.
func (ac *AminoCodec) UnmarshalJSON(bz []byte, ptr proto.Message) error {
return ac.LegacyAmino.UnmarshalJSON(bz, ptr)
// MustUnmarshalJSON implements JSONCodec.MustUnmarshalJSON method,
// it executes UnmarshalJSON except it panics upon failure.
func (ac *AminoCodec) MustUnmarshalJSON(bz []byte, ptr proto.Message) {
ac.LegacyAmino.MustUnmarshalJSON(bz, ptr)
// MarshalInterface is a convenience function for amino marshaling interfaces.
// The `i` must be an interface.
// NOTE: to marshal a concrete type, you should use Marshal instead
func (ac *AminoCodec) MarshalInterface(i proto.Message) ([]byte, error) {
if err := assertNotNil(i); err != nil {
return nil, err
return ac.LegacyAmino.Marshal(i)
// UnmarshalInterface is a convenience function for amino unmarshaling interfaces.
// `ptr` must be a pointer to an interface.
// NOTE: to unmarshal a concrete type, you should use Unmarshal instead
// Example:
// var x MyInterface
// err := cdc.UnmarshalInterface(bz, &x)
func (ac *AminoCodec) UnmarshalInterface(bz []byte, ptr interface{}) error {
return ac.LegacyAmino.Unmarshal(bz, ptr)
// MarshalInterfaceJSON is a convenience function for amino marshaling interfaces.
// The `i` must be an interface.
// NOTE: to marshal a concrete type, you should use MarshalJSON instead
func (ac *AminoCodec) MarshalInterfaceJSON(i proto.Message) ([]byte, error) {
if err := assertNotNil(i); err != nil {
return nil, err
return ac.LegacyAmino.MarshalJSON(i)
// UnmarshalInterfaceJSON is a convenience function for amino unmarshaling interfaces.
// `ptr` must be a pointer to an interface.
// NOTE: to unmarshal a concrete type, you should use UnmarshalJSON instead
// Example:
// var x MyInterface
// err := cdc.UnmarshalInterfaceJSON(bz, &x)
func (ac *AminoCodec) UnmarshalInterfaceJSON(bz []byte, ptr interface{}) error {
return ac.LegacyAmino.UnmarshalJSON(bz, ptr)