
54 lines
1017 B

package types
import (
cmn ""
// Type synonym for convenience
type Tag = cmn.KVPair
// Type synonym for convenience
type Tags cmn.KVPairs
// New empty tags
func EmptyTags() Tags {
return make(Tags, 0)
// Append a single tag
func (t Tags) AppendTag(k string, v []byte) Tags {
return append(t, MakeTag(k, v))
// Append two lists of tags
func (t Tags) AppendTags(a Tags) Tags {
return append(t, a...)
// Turn tags into KVPair list
func (t Tags) ToKVPairs() []cmn.KVPair {
return []cmn.KVPair(t)
// New variadic tags, must be k string, v []byte repeating
func NewTags(tags ...interface{}) Tags {
var ret Tags
if len(tags)%2 != 0 {
panic("must specify key-value pairs as varargs")
i := 0
for {
if i == len(tags) {
ret = append(ret, Tag{Key: []byte(tags[i].(string)), Value: tags[i+1].([]byte)})
i += 2
return ret
// Make a tag from a key and a value
func MakeTag(k string, v []byte) Tag {
return Tag{Key: []byte(k), Value: v}