
278 lines
6.3 KiB

package store
import (
dbm ""
const (
latestVersionKey = "s/latest"
commitStateKeyFmt = "s/%d" // s/<version>
// rootMultiStore is composed of many CommitStores.
// Name contrasts with cacheMultiStore which is for cache-wrapping
// other MultiStores.
// Implements MultiStore.
type rootMultiStore struct {
db dbm.DB
curVersion int64
lastCommitID CommitID
storeLoaders map[string]CommitStoreLoader
substores map[string]CommitStore
func NewMultiStore(db dbm.DB) *rootMultiStore {
return &rootMultiStore{
db: db,
curVersion: 0,
storeLoaders: make(map[string]CommitStoreLoader),
substores: make(map[string]CommitStore),
func (rs *rootMultiStore) SetCommitStoreLoader(name string, loader CommitStoreLoader) {
if _, ok := rs.storeLoaders[name]; ok {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("rootMultiStore duplicate substore name " + name))
rs.storeLoaders[name] = loader
// Call once after all calls to SetCommitStoreLoader are complete.
func (rs *rootMultiStore) LoadLatestVersion() error {
ver := getLatestVersion(rs.db)
return rs.LoadVersion(ver)
// NOTE: Returns 0 unless LoadVersion() or LoadLatestVersion() is called.
func (rs *rootMultiStore) GetCurrentVersion() int64 {
return rs.curVersion
func (rs *rootMultiStore) LoadVersion(ver int64) error {
// Special logic for version 0
if ver == 0 {
for name, storeLoader := range rs.storeLoaders {
store, err := storeLoader(CommitID{})
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to load rootMultiStore: %v", err)
rs.curVersion = 1
rs.lastCommitID = CommitID{}
rs.substores[name] = store
return nil
// Otherwise, version is 1 or greater
// Load commitState
state, err := loadCommitState(rs.db, ver)
if err != nil {
return err
// Load each Substore
var newSubstores = make(map[string]CommitStore)
for _, store := range state.Substores {
name, commitID := store.Name, store.CommitID
storeLoader := rs.storeLoaders[name]
if storeLoader == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to loadrootMultiStore: CommitStoreLoader missing for %v", name)
store, err := storeLoader(commitID)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to load rootMultiStore: %v", err)
newSubstores[name] = store
// If any CommitStoreLoaders were not used, return error.
for name := range rs.storeLoaders {
if _, ok := rs.substores[name]; !ok {
return fmt.Errorf("Unused CommitStoreLoader: %v", name)
// Success.
rs.curVersion = ver + 1
rs.lastCommitID = state.CommitID()
rs.substores = newSubstores
return nil
// Commits each substore and gets commitState.
func (rs *rootMultiStore) doCommit() commitState {
version := rs.curVersion
substores := make([]substore, len(rs.substores))
for name, store := range rs.substores {
// Commit
commitID := store.Commit()
// Record CommitID
substore := substore{}
substore.Name = name
substore.CommitID = commitID
substores = append(substores, substore)
// Incr curVersion
rs.curVersion += 1
return commitState{
Version: version,
Substores: substores,
// Implements CommitStore
func (rs *rootMultiStore) Commit() CommitID {
version := rs.curVersion
// Needs to be transactional
batch := rs.db.NewBatch()
// Commit each substore and get commitState
state := rs.doCommit()
stateBytes, err := wire.Marshal(state)
if err != nil {
commitStateKey := fmt.Sprintf(commitStateKeyFmt, rs.curVersion)
batch.Set([]byte(commitStateKey), stateBytes)
// Save the latest version
latestBytes, _ := wire.Marshal(rs.curVersion) // Does not error
batch.Set([]byte(latestVersionKey), latestBytes)
rs.curVersion += 1
commitID := CommitID{
Version: version,
Hash: state.Hash(),
rs.lastCommitID = commitID
return commitID
// Implements CommitStore
func (rs *rootMultiStore) CacheWrap() CacheWrap {
return rs.CacheMultiStore()
// Get the last committed CommitID
func (rs *rootMultiStore) LastCommitID() CommitID {
return rs.lastCommitID
// Implements MultiStore
func (rs *rootMultiStore) CacheMultiStore() CacheMultiStore {
return newCacheMultiStoreFromRMS(rs)
// Implements MultiStore
func (rs *rootMultiStore) GetCommitStore(name string) CommitStore {
return rs.substores[name]
// Implements MultiStore
func (rs *rootMultiStore) GetKVStore(name string) KVStore {
return rs.substores[name].(KVStore)
// Implements MultiStore
func (rs *rootMultiStore) GetIterKVStore(name string) IterKVStore {
return rs.substores[name].(IterKVStore)
// commitState
// NOTE: Keep commitState a simple immutable struct.
type commitState struct {
// Version
Version int64
// Substore info for
Substores []substore
// loads commitState from disk.
func loadCommitState(db dbm.DB, ver int64) (commitState, error) {
// Load from DB.
commitStateKey := fmt.Sprintf(commitStateKeyFmt, ver)
stateBytes := db.Get([]byte(commitStateKey))
if stateBytes == nil {
return commitState{}, fmt.Errorf("Failed to load rootMultiStore: no data")
// Parse bytes.
var state commitState
err := wire.Unmarshal(stateBytes, &state)
if err != nil {
return commitState{}, fmt.Errorf("Failed to load rootMultiStore: %v", err)
return state, nil
func (cs commitState) Hash() []byte {
// TODO cache to cs.hash []byte
m := make(map[string]interface{}, len(cs.Substores))
for _, substore := range cs.Substores {
m[substore.Name] = substore
return merkle.SimpleHashFromMap(m)
func (cs commitState) CommitID() CommitID {
return CommitID{
Version: cs.Version,
Hash: cs.Hash(),
// substore state
type substore struct {
Name string
type substoreCore struct {
CommitID CommitID
// ... maybe add more state
func (sc substoreCore) Hash() []byte {
scBytes, _ := wire.Marshal(sc) // Does not error
hasher := ripemd160.New()
return hasher.Sum(nil)
func getLatestVersion(db dbm.DB) int64 {
var latest int64
latestBytes := db.Get([]byte(latestVersionKey))
if latestBytes == nil {
return 0
err := wire.Unmarshal(latestBytes, &latest)
if err != nil {
return latest