
331 lines
12 KiB

// Package v040 is copy-pasted from:
package v040
import (
sdk ""
v040auth ""
const (
// ModuleName is the name of the staking module
ModuleName = "staking"
// StoreKey is the string store representation
StoreKey = ModuleName
// QuerierRoute is the querier route for the staking module
QuerierRoute = ModuleName
// RouterKey is the msg router key for the staking module
RouterKey = ModuleName
var (
// Keys for store prefixes
// Last* values are constant during a block.
LastValidatorPowerKey = []byte{0x11} // prefix for each key to a validator index, for bonded validators
LastTotalPowerKey = []byte{0x12} // prefix for the total power
ValidatorsKey = []byte{0x21} // prefix for each key to a validator
ValidatorsByConsAddrKey = []byte{0x22} // prefix for each key to a validator index, by pubkey
ValidatorsByPowerIndexKey = []byte{0x23} // prefix for each key to a validator index, sorted by power
DelegationKey = []byte{0x31} // key for a delegation
UnbondingDelegationKey = []byte{0x32} // key for an unbonding-delegation
UnbondingDelegationByValIndexKey = []byte{0x33} // prefix for each key for an unbonding-delegation, by validator operator
RedelegationKey = []byte{0x34} // key for a redelegation
RedelegationByValSrcIndexKey = []byte{0x35} // prefix for each key for an redelegation, by source validator operator
RedelegationByValDstIndexKey = []byte{0x36} // prefix for each key for an redelegation, by destination validator operator
UnbondingQueueKey = []byte{0x41} // prefix for the timestamps in unbonding queue
RedelegationQueueKey = []byte{0x42} // prefix for the timestamps in redelegations queue
ValidatorQueueKey = []byte{0x43} // prefix for the timestamps in validator queue
HistoricalInfoKey = []byte{0x50} // prefix for the historical info
// gets the key for the validator with address
// VALUE: staking/Validator
func GetValidatorKey(operatorAddr sdk.ValAddress) []byte {
return append(ValidatorsKey, operatorAddr.Bytes()...)
// gets the key for the validator with pubkey
// VALUE: validator operator address ([]byte)
func GetValidatorByConsAddrKey(addr sdk.ConsAddress) []byte {
return append(ValidatorsByConsAddrKey, addr.Bytes()...)
// Get the validator operator address from LastValidatorPowerKey
func AddressFromLastValidatorPowerKey(key []byte) []byte {
return key[1:] // remove prefix bytes
// get the validator by power index.
// Power index is the key used in the power-store, and represents the relative
// power ranking of the validator.
// VALUE: validator operator address ([]byte)
func GetValidatorsByPowerIndexKey(validator types.Validator) []byte {
// NOTE the address doesn't need to be stored because counter bytes must always be different
// NOTE the larger values are of higher value
consensusPower := sdk.TokensToConsensusPower(validator.Tokens, sdk.DefaultPowerReduction)
consensusPowerBytes := make([]byte, 8)
binary.BigEndian.PutUint64(consensusPowerBytes, uint64(consensusPower))
powerBytes := consensusPowerBytes
powerBytesLen := len(powerBytes) // 8
// key is of format prefix || powerbytes || addrBytes
key := make([]byte, 1+powerBytesLen+v040auth.AddrLen)
key[0] = ValidatorsByPowerIndexKey[0]
copy(key[1:powerBytesLen+1], powerBytes)
addr, err := sdk.ValAddressFromBech32(validator.OperatorAddress)
if err != nil {
operAddrInvr := sdk.CopyBytes(addr)
for i, b := range operAddrInvr {
operAddrInvr[i] = ^b
copy(key[powerBytesLen+1:], operAddrInvr)
return key
// get the bonded validator index key for an operator address
func GetLastValidatorPowerKey(operator sdk.ValAddress) []byte {
return append(LastValidatorPowerKey, operator...)
// parse the validators operator address from power rank key
func ParseValidatorPowerRankKey(key []byte) (operAddr []byte) {
powerBytesLen := 8
if len(key) != 1+powerBytesLen+v040auth.AddrLen {
panic("Invalid validator power rank key length")
operAddr = sdk.CopyBytes(key[powerBytesLen+1:])
for i, b := range operAddr {
operAddr[i] = ^b
return operAddr
// GetValidatorQueueKey returns the prefix key used for getting a set of unbonding
// validators whose unbonding completion occurs at the given time and height.
func GetValidatorQueueKey(timestamp time.Time, height int64) []byte {
heightBz := sdk.Uint64ToBigEndian(uint64(height))
timeBz := sdk.FormatTimeBytes(timestamp)
timeBzL := len(timeBz)
prefixL := len(ValidatorQueueKey)
bz := make([]byte, prefixL+8+timeBzL+8)
// copy the prefix
copy(bz[:prefixL], ValidatorQueueKey)
// copy the encoded time bytes length
copy(bz[prefixL:prefixL+8], sdk.Uint64ToBigEndian(uint64(timeBzL)))
// copy the encoded time bytes
copy(bz[prefixL+8:prefixL+8+timeBzL], timeBz)
// copy the encoded height
copy(bz[prefixL+8+timeBzL:], heightBz)
return bz
// ParseValidatorQueueKey returns the encoded time and height from a key created
// from GetValidatorQueueKey.
func ParseValidatorQueueKey(bz []byte) (time.Time, int64, error) {
prefixL := len(ValidatorQueueKey)
if prefix := bz[:prefixL]; !bytes.Equal(prefix, ValidatorQueueKey) {
return time.Time{}, 0, fmt.Errorf("invalid prefix; expected: %X, got: %X", ValidatorQueueKey, prefix)
timeBzL := sdk.BigEndianToUint64(bz[prefixL : prefixL+8])
ts, err := sdk.ParseTimeBytes(bz[prefixL+8 : prefixL+8+int(timeBzL)])
if err != nil {
return time.Time{}, 0, err
height := sdk.BigEndianToUint64(bz[prefixL+8+int(timeBzL):])
return ts, int64(height), nil
// gets the key for delegator bond with validator
// VALUE: staking/Delegation
func GetDelegationKey(delAddr sdk.AccAddress, valAddr sdk.ValAddress) []byte {
return append(GetDelegationsKey(delAddr), valAddr.Bytes()...)
// gets the prefix for a delegator for all validators
func GetDelegationsKey(delAddr sdk.AccAddress) []byte {
return append(DelegationKey, delAddr.Bytes()...)
// gets the key for an unbonding delegation by delegator and validator addr
// VALUE: staking/UnbondingDelegation
func GetUBDKey(delAddr sdk.AccAddress, valAddr sdk.ValAddress) []byte {
return append(
// gets the index-key for an unbonding delegation, stored by validator-index
// VALUE: none (key rearrangement used)
func GetUBDByValIndexKey(delAddr sdk.AccAddress, valAddr sdk.ValAddress) []byte {
return append(GetUBDsByValIndexKey(valAddr), delAddr.Bytes()...)
// rearranges the ValIndexKey to get the UBDKey
func GetUBDKeyFromValIndexKey(indexKey []byte) []byte {
addrs := indexKey[1:] // remove prefix bytes
if len(addrs) != 2*v040auth.AddrLen {
panic("unexpected key length")
valAddr := addrs[:v040auth.AddrLen]
delAddr := addrs[v040auth.AddrLen:]
return GetUBDKey(delAddr, valAddr)
// gets the prefix for all unbonding delegations from a delegator
func GetUBDsKey(delAddr sdk.AccAddress) []byte {
return append(UnbondingDelegationKey, delAddr.Bytes()...)
// gets the prefix keyspace for the indexes of unbonding delegations for a validator
func GetUBDsByValIndexKey(valAddr sdk.ValAddress) []byte {
return append(UnbondingDelegationByValIndexKey, valAddr.Bytes()...)
// gets the prefix for all unbonding delegations from a delegator
func GetUnbondingDelegationTimeKey(timestamp time.Time) []byte {
bz := sdk.FormatTimeBytes(timestamp)
return append(UnbondingQueueKey, bz...)
// GetREDKey returns a key prefix for indexing a redelegation from a delegator
// and source validator to a destination validator.
func GetREDKey(delAddr sdk.AccAddress, valSrcAddr, valDstAddr sdk.ValAddress) []byte {
key := make([]byte, 1+v040auth.AddrLen*3)
copy(key[0:v040auth.AddrLen+1], GetREDsKey(delAddr.Bytes()))
copy(key[v040auth.AddrLen+1:2*v040auth.AddrLen+1], valSrcAddr.Bytes())
copy(key[2*v040auth.AddrLen+1:3*v040auth.AddrLen+1], valDstAddr.Bytes())
return key
// gets the index-key for a redelegation, stored by source-validator-index
// VALUE: none (key rearrangement used)
func GetREDByValSrcIndexKey(delAddr sdk.AccAddress, valSrcAddr, valDstAddr sdk.ValAddress) []byte {
REDSFromValsSrcKey := GetREDsFromValSrcIndexKey(valSrcAddr)
offset := len(REDSFromValsSrcKey)
// key is of the form REDSFromValsSrcKey || delAddr || valDstAddr
key := make([]byte, len(REDSFromValsSrcKey)+2*v040auth.AddrLen)
copy(key[0:offset], REDSFromValsSrcKey)
copy(key[offset:offset+v040auth.AddrLen], delAddr.Bytes())
copy(key[offset+v040auth.AddrLen:offset+2*v040auth.AddrLen], valDstAddr.Bytes())
return key
// gets the index-key for a redelegation, stored by destination-validator-index
// VALUE: none (key rearrangement used)
func GetREDByValDstIndexKey(delAddr sdk.AccAddress, valSrcAddr, valDstAddr sdk.ValAddress) []byte {
REDSToValsDstKey := GetREDsToValDstIndexKey(valDstAddr)
offset := len(REDSToValsDstKey)
// key is of the form REDSToValsDstKey || delAddr || valSrcAddr
key := make([]byte, len(REDSToValsDstKey)+2*v040auth.AddrLen)
copy(key[0:offset], REDSToValsDstKey)
copy(key[offset:offset+v040auth.AddrLen], delAddr.Bytes())
copy(key[offset+v040auth.AddrLen:offset+2*v040auth.AddrLen], valSrcAddr.Bytes())
return key
// GetREDKeyFromValSrcIndexKey rearranges the ValSrcIndexKey to get the REDKey
func GetREDKeyFromValSrcIndexKey(indexKey []byte) []byte {
// note that first byte is prefix byte
if len(indexKey) != 3*v040auth.AddrLen+1 {
panic("unexpected key length")
valSrcAddr := indexKey[1 : v040auth.AddrLen+1]
delAddr := indexKey[v040auth.AddrLen+1 : 2*v040auth.AddrLen+1]
valDstAddr := indexKey[2*v040auth.AddrLen+1 : 3*v040auth.AddrLen+1]
return GetREDKey(delAddr, valSrcAddr, valDstAddr)
// GetREDKeyFromValDstIndexKey rearranges the ValDstIndexKey to get the REDKey
func GetREDKeyFromValDstIndexKey(indexKey []byte) []byte {
// note that first byte is prefix byte
if len(indexKey) != 3*v040auth.AddrLen+1 {
panic("unexpected key length")
valDstAddr := indexKey[1 : v040auth.AddrLen+1]
delAddr := indexKey[v040auth.AddrLen+1 : 2*v040auth.AddrLen+1]
valSrcAddr := indexKey[2*v040auth.AddrLen+1 : 3*v040auth.AddrLen+1]
return GetREDKey(delAddr, valSrcAddr, valDstAddr)
// GetRedelegationTimeKey returns a key prefix for indexing an unbonding
// redelegation based on a completion time.
func GetRedelegationTimeKey(timestamp time.Time) []byte {
bz := sdk.FormatTimeBytes(timestamp)
return append(RedelegationQueueKey, bz...)
// GetREDsKey returns a key prefix for indexing a redelegation from a delegator
// address.
func GetREDsKey(delAddr sdk.AccAddress) []byte {
return append(RedelegationKey, delAddr.Bytes()...)
// GetREDsFromValSrcIndexKey returns a key prefix for indexing a redelegation to
// a source validator.
func GetREDsFromValSrcIndexKey(valSrcAddr sdk.ValAddress) []byte {
return append(RedelegationByValSrcIndexKey, valSrcAddr.Bytes()...)
// GetREDsToValDstIndexKey returns a key prefix for indexing a redelegation to a
// destination (target) validator.
func GetREDsToValDstIndexKey(valDstAddr sdk.ValAddress) []byte {
return append(RedelegationByValDstIndexKey, valDstAddr.Bytes()...)
// GetREDsByDelToValDstIndexKey returns a key prefix for indexing a redelegation
// from an address to a source validator.
func GetREDsByDelToValDstIndexKey(delAddr sdk.AccAddress, valDstAddr sdk.ValAddress) []byte {
return append(GetREDsToValDstIndexKey(valDstAddr), delAddr.Bytes()...)
// GetHistoricalInfoKey returns a key prefix for indexing HistoricalInfo objects.
func GetHistoricalInfoKey(height int64) []byte {
return append(HistoricalInfoKey, []byte(strconv.FormatInt(height, 10))...)