
215 lines
7.7 KiB

package simulation
import (
sdk ""
const (
denom = "steak"
// SimulateSubmittingVotingAndSlashingForProposal simulates creating a msg Submit Proposal
// voting on the proposal, and subsequently slashing the proposal. It is implemented using
// future operations.
// TODO: Vote more intelligently, so we can actually do some checks regarding votes passing or failing
// TODO: Actually check that validator slashings happened
func SimulateSubmittingVotingAndSlashingForProposal(k gov.Keeper, sk stake.Keeper) simulation.Operation {
handler := gov.NewHandler(k)
// The states are:
// column 1: All validators vote
// column 2: 90% vote
// column 3: 75% vote
// column 4: 40% vote
// column 5: 15% vote
// column 6: noone votes
// All columns sum to 100 for simplicity, values chosen by @valardragon semi-arbitrarily,
// feel free to change.
numVotesTransitionMatrix, _ := simulation.CreateTransitionMatrix([][]int{
{20, 10, 0, 0, 0, 0},
{55, 50, 20, 10, 0, 0},
{25, 25, 30, 25, 30, 15},
{0, 15, 30, 25, 30, 30},
{0, 0, 20, 30, 30, 30},
{0, 0, 0, 10, 10, 25},
statePercentageArray := []float64{1, .9, .75, .4, .15, 0}
curNumVotesState := 1
return func(tb testing.TB, r *rand.Rand, app *baseapp.BaseApp, ctx sdk.Context, keys []crypto.PrivKey, log string, event func(string)) (action string, fOps []simulation.FutureOperation, err sdk.Error) {
// 1) submit proposal now
sender := simulation.RandomKey(r, keys)
msg := simulationCreateMsgSubmitProposal(tb, r, sender, log)
action = simulateHandleMsgSubmitProposal(msg, sk, handler, ctx, event)
proposalID := k.GetLastProposalID(ctx)
// 2) Schedule operations for votes
// 2.1) first pick a number of people to vote.
curNumVotesState = numVotesTransitionMatrix.NextState(r, curNumVotesState)
numVotes := int(math.Ceil(float64(len(keys)) * statePercentageArray[curNumVotesState]))
// 2.2) select who votes and when
whoVotes := r.Perm(len(keys))
// didntVote := whoVotes[numVotes:]
whoVotes = whoVotes[:numVotes]
votingPeriod := k.GetVotingProcedure(ctx).VotingPeriod
fops := make([]simulation.FutureOperation, numVotes+1)
for i := 0; i < numVotes; i++ {
whenVote := ctx.BlockHeight() + r.Int63n(votingPeriod)
fops[i] = simulation.FutureOperation{int(whenVote), operationSimulateMsgVote(k, sk, keys[whoVotes[i]], proposalID)}
// 3) Make an operation to ensure slashes were done correctly. (Really should be a future invariant)
// TODO: Find a way to check if a validator was slashed other than just checking their balance a block
// before and after.
return action, fops, nil
// SimulateMsgSubmitProposal simulates a msg Submit Proposal
// Note: Currently doesn't ensure that the proposal txt is in JSON form
func SimulateMsgSubmitProposal(k gov.Keeper, sk stake.Keeper) simulation.Operation {
handler := gov.NewHandler(k)
return func(tb testing.TB, r *rand.Rand, app *baseapp.BaseApp, ctx sdk.Context, keys []crypto.PrivKey, log string, event func(string)) (action string, fOps []simulation.FutureOperation, err sdk.Error) {
sender := simulation.RandomKey(r, keys)
msg := simulationCreateMsgSubmitProposal(tb, r, sender, log)
action = simulateHandleMsgSubmitProposal(msg, sk, handler, ctx, event)
return action, nil, nil
func simulateHandleMsgSubmitProposal(msg gov.MsgSubmitProposal, sk stake.Keeper, handler sdk.Handler, ctx sdk.Context, event func(string)) (action string) {
ctx, write := ctx.CacheContext()
result := handler(ctx, msg)
if result.IsOK() {
// Update pool to keep invariants
pool := sk.GetPool(ctx)
pool.LooseTokens = pool.LooseTokens.Sub(sdk.NewDecFromInt(msg.InitialDeposit.AmountOf(denom)))
sk.SetPool(ctx, pool)
event(fmt.Sprintf("gov/MsgSubmitProposal/%v", result.IsOK()))
action = fmt.Sprintf("TestMsgSubmitProposal: ok %v, msg %s", result.IsOK(), msg.GetSignBytes())
return action
func simulationCreateMsgSubmitProposal(tb testing.TB, r *rand.Rand, sender crypto.PrivKey, log string) gov.MsgSubmitProposal {
addr := sdk.AccAddress(sender.PubKey().Address())
deposit := randomDeposit(r)
msg := gov.NewMsgSubmitProposal(
simulation.RandStringOfLength(r, 5),
simulation.RandStringOfLength(r, 5),
if msg.ValidateBasic() != nil {
tb.Fatalf("expected msg to pass ValidateBasic: %s, log %s", msg.GetSignBytes(), log)
return msg
// SimulateMsgDeposit
func SimulateMsgDeposit(k gov.Keeper, sk stake.Keeper) simulation.Operation {
return func(tb testing.TB, r *rand.Rand, app *baseapp.BaseApp, ctx sdk.Context, keys []crypto.PrivKey, log string, event func(string)) (action string, fOp []simulation.FutureOperation, err sdk.Error) {
key := simulation.RandomKey(r, keys)
addr := sdk.AccAddress(key.PubKey().Address())
proposalID, ok := randomProposalID(r, k, ctx)
if !ok {
return "no-operation", nil, nil
deposit := randomDeposit(r)
msg := gov.NewMsgDeposit(addr, proposalID, deposit)
if msg.ValidateBasic() != nil {
tb.Fatalf("expected msg to pass ValidateBasic: %s, log %s", msg.GetSignBytes(), log)
ctx, write := ctx.CacheContext()
result := gov.NewHandler(k)(ctx, msg)
if result.IsOK() {
// Update pool to keep invariants
pool := sk.GetPool(ctx)
pool.LooseTokens = pool.LooseTokens.Sub(sdk.NewDecFromInt(deposit.AmountOf(denom)))
sk.SetPool(ctx, pool)
event(fmt.Sprintf("gov/MsgDeposit/%v", result.IsOK()))
action = fmt.Sprintf("TestMsgDeposit: ok %v, msg %s", result.IsOK(), msg.GetSignBytes())
return action, nil, nil
// SimulateMsgVote
// nolint: unparam
func SimulateMsgVote(k gov.Keeper, sk stake.Keeper) simulation.Operation {
return operationSimulateMsgVote(k, sk, nil, -1)
// nolint: unparam
func operationSimulateMsgVote(k gov.Keeper, sk stake.Keeper, key crypto.PrivKey, proposalID int64) simulation.Operation {
return func(tb testing.TB, r *rand.Rand, app *baseapp.BaseApp, ctx sdk.Context, keys []crypto.PrivKey, log string, event func(string)) (action string, fOp []simulation.FutureOperation, err sdk.Error) {
if key == nil {
key = simulation.RandomKey(r, keys)
var ok bool
if proposalID < 0 {
proposalID, ok = randomProposalID(r, k, ctx)
if !ok {
return "no-operation", nil, nil
addr := sdk.AccAddress(key.PubKey().Address())
option := randomVotingOption(r)
msg := gov.NewMsgVote(addr, proposalID, option)
if msg.ValidateBasic() != nil {
tb.Fatalf("expected msg to pass ValidateBasic: %s, log %s", msg.GetSignBytes(), log)
ctx, write := ctx.CacheContext()
result := gov.NewHandler(k)(ctx, msg)
if result.IsOK() {
event(fmt.Sprintf("gov/MsgVote/%v", result.IsOK()))
action = fmt.Sprintf("TestMsgVote: ok %v, msg %s", result.IsOK(), msg.GetSignBytes())
return action, nil, nil
// Pick a random deposit
func randomDeposit(r *rand.Rand) sdk.Coins {
// TODO Choose based on account balance and min deposit
amount := int64(r.Intn(20)) + 1
return sdk.Coins{sdk.NewInt64Coin(denom, amount)}
// Pick a random proposal ID
func randomProposalID(r *rand.Rand, k gov.Keeper, ctx sdk.Context) (proposalID int64, ok bool) {
lastProposalID := k.GetLastProposalID(ctx)
if lastProposalID < 1 {
return 0, false
proposalID = int64(r.Intn(int(lastProposalID)))
return proposalID, true
// Pick a random voting option
func randomVotingOption(r *rand.Rand) gov.VoteOption {
switch r.Intn(4) {
case 0:
return gov.OptionYes
case 1:
return gov.OptionAbstain
case 2:
return gov.OptionNo
case 3:
return gov.OptionNoWithVeto
panic("should not happen")