
227 lines
6.5 KiB

package app
import (
abci ""
eyes ""
//Query -
//Commit - see if commit works before and after
// Testing functions
func makeAccs(secrets []string) (accs []types.PrivAccount) {
for _, secret := range secrets {
privAcc := types.PrivAccountFromSecret(secret)
privAcc.Account.Balance = types.Coins{{"mycoin", 7}}
accs = append(accs, privAcc)
const chainID = "testChain"
func TestSplitKey(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
prefix, suffix := splitKey("foo/bar")
assert.EqualValues("foo", prefix)
assert.EqualValues("bar", suffix)
prefix, suffix = splitKey("foobar")
assert.EqualValues("foobar", prefix)
assert.EqualValues("", suffix)
func TestSetOption(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
eyesCli := eyes.NewLocalClient("", 0)
app := NewBasecoin(eyesCli)
//testing ChainID
res := app.SetOption("base/chain_id", chainID)
assert.EqualValues(app.GetState().GetChainID(), chainID)
assert.EqualValues(res, "Success")
accsFoo := makeAccs([]string{"foo"})
accsFooBytes, err := json.Marshal(accsFoo[0].Account)
res = app.SetOption("base/account", string(accsFooBytes))
assert.EqualValues(res, "Success")
res = app.SetOption("base/dslfkgjdas", "")
assert.NotEqual(res, "Success")
res = app.SetOption("dslfkgjdas", "")
assert.NotEqual(res, "Success")
res = app.SetOption("dslfkgjdas/szfdjzs", "")
assert.NotEqual(res, "Success")
//CheckTx - bad bytes, bad tx, good tx.
//DeliverTx - bad bytes, bad tx, good tx.
func TestTx(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
var accsFoo, accsBar []types.PrivAccount
var app *Basecoin
acc2app := func(acc types.Account) {
accBytes, err := json.Marshal(acc)
res := app.SetOption("base/account", string(accBytes))
assert.EqualValues(res, "Success")
reset := func() {
accsFoo = makeAccs([]string{"foo"})
accsBar = makeAccs([]string{"bar"})
eyesCli := eyes.NewLocalClient("", 0)
app = NewBasecoin(eyesCli)
res := app.SetOption("base/chain_id", chainID)
assert.EqualValues(res, "Success")
resabci := app.Commit()
assert.True(resabci.IsOK(), resabci)
accs2TxInputs := func(accs []types.PrivAccount, seq int) []types.TxInput {
var txs []types.TxInput
for _, acc := range accs {
tx := types.NewTxInput(
types.Coins{{"mycoin", 5}},
txs = append(txs, tx)
return txs
//turn a list of accounts into basic list of transaction outputs
accs2TxOutputs := func(accs []types.PrivAccount) []types.TxOutput {
var txs []types.TxOutput
for _, acc := range accs {
tx := types.TxOutput{
types.Coins{{"mycoin", 4}}}
txs = append(txs, tx)
return txs
getTx := func(seq int) *types.SendTx {
txs := &types.SendTx{
Gas: 0,
Fee: types.Coin{"mycoin", 1},
Inputs: accs2TxInputs(accsFoo, seq),
Outputs: accs2TxOutputs(accsBar),
signBytes := txs.SignBytes(chainID)
for i, _ := range txs.Inputs {
txs.Inputs[i].Signature = crypto.SignatureS{accsFoo[i].Sign(signBytes)}
return txs
txs := getTx(1)
exec := func(checkTx bool) (res abci.Result, foo, fooExp, bar, barExp types.Coins) {
initBalFoo := app.GetState().GetAccount(accsFoo[0].Account.PubKey.Address()).Balance
initBalBar := app.GetState().GetAccount(accsBar[0].Account.PubKey.Address()).Balance
txBytes := []byte(wire.BinaryBytes(struct {
types.Tx `json:"unwrap"`
if checkTx {
res = app.CheckTx(txBytes)
} else {
res = app.DeliverTx(txBytes)
endBalFoo := app.GetState().GetAccount(accsFoo[0].Account.PubKey.Address()).Balance
endBalBar := app.GetState().GetAccount(accsBar[0].Account.PubKey.Address()).Balance
decrBalFooExp := txs.Outputs[0].Coins.Plus(types.Coins{txs.Fee})
return res, endBalFoo, initBalFoo.Minus(decrBalFooExp), endBalBar, initBalBar.Plus(txs.Outputs[0].Coins)
//Bad Balance
accsFoo[0].Balance = types.Coins{{"mycoin", 2}}
res, _, _, _, _ := exec(true)
assert.True(res.IsErr(), fmt.Sprintf("ExecTx/Bad CheckTx: Expected error return from ExecTx, returned: %v", res))
res, foo, fooexp, bar, barexp := exec(false)
assert.True(res.IsErr(), fmt.Sprintf("ExecTx/Bad DeliverTx: Expected error return from ExecTx, returned: %v", res))
assert.True(!foo.IsEqual(fooexp), fmt.Sprintf("ExecTx/Bad DeliverTx: shouldn't be equal, foo: %v, fooExp: %v", foo, fooexp))
assert.True(!bar.IsEqual(barexp), fmt.Sprintf("ExecTx/Bad DeliverTx: shouldn't be equal, bar: %v, barExp: %v", bar, barexp))
//Regular CheckTx
res, _, _, _, _ = exec(true)
assert.True(res.IsOK(), fmt.Sprintf("ExecTx/Good CheckTx: Expected OK return from ExecTx, Error: %v", res))
//Regular DeliverTx
res, foo, fooexp, bar, barexp = exec(false)
assert.True(res.IsOK(), fmt.Sprintf("ExecTx/Good DeliverTx: Expected OK return from ExecTx, Error: %v", res))
assert.True(foo.IsEqual(fooexp), fmt.Sprintf("ExecTx/good DeliverTx: unexpected change in input coins, foo: %v, fooExp: %v", foo, fooexp))
assert.True(bar.IsEqual(barexp), fmt.Sprintf("ExecTx/good DeliverTx: unexpected change in output coins, bar: %v, barExp: %v", bar, barexp))
//test Commit/Query
//After Delivered TX foo should have no more coins to send,
// but because the state hasn't yet been committed, checkTx should still
// pass but after a commit it shouldn't
txs = getTx(1)
res, _, _, _, _ = exec(false)
assert.True(res.IsOK(), fmt.Sprintf("Commit, CheckTx: Expected OK return from CheckTx, Error: %v", res))
txs = getTx(2)
res, _, _, _, _ = exec(true)
assert.True(res.IsOK(), fmt.Sprintf("Commit, CheckTx: Expected OK return from CheckTx, Error: %v", res))
resQueryPreCommit := app.Query(abci.RequestQuery{
Path: "/account",
Data: accsFoo[0].Account.PubKey.Address(),
res = app.Commit()
assert.True(res.IsOK(), res)
resQueryPostCommit := app.Query(abci.RequestQuery{
Path: "/account",
Data: accsFoo[0].Account.PubKey.Address(),
assert.NotEqual(resQueryPreCommit, resQueryPostCommit, "Query should change before/after commit")
txs = getTx(3)
res, _, _, _, _ = exec(true)
assert.True(res.IsErr(), fmt.Sprintf("Commit, CheckTx: Expected error return from CheckTx, returned: %v", res))