
409 lines
13 KiB

package testing
import (
abci ""
tmmath ""
lite ""
tmtypes ""
sdk ""
authtypes ""
connectiontypes ""
channeltypes ""
ibctmtypes ""
commitmenttypes ""
host ""
const (
// Default params used to create a TM client
TrustingPeriod time.Duration = time.Hour * 24 * 7 * 2
UnbondingPeriod time.Duration = time.Hour * 24 * 7 * 3
MaxClockDrift time.Duration = time.Second * 10
ConnectionVersion = "1.0"
ChannelVersion = "1.0"
ClientIDPrefix = "clientFor"
ConnectionIDPrefix = "connectionid"
ChannelIDPrefix = "channelid"
PortIDPrefix = "portid"
var (
DefaultTrustLevel tmmath.Fraction = lite.DefaultTrustLevel
// TestChain is a testing struct that wraps a simapp with the last TM Header, the current ABCI
// header and the validators of the TestChain. It also contains a field called ChainID. This
// is the clientID that *other* chains use to refer to this TestChain. The SenderAccount
// is used for delivering transactions through the application state.
// NOTE: the actual application uses an empty chain-id for ease of testing.
type TestChain struct {
t *testing.T
App *simapp.SimApp
ChainID string
LastHeader ibctmtypes.Header // header for last block height committed
CurrentHeader abci.Header // header for current block height
Querier sdk.Querier
Vals *tmtypes.ValidatorSet
Signers []tmtypes.PrivValidator
senderPrivKey crypto.PrivKey
SenderAccount authtypes.AccountI
// IBC specific helpers
ClientIDs []string // ClientID's used on this chain
Connections []TestConnection // track connectionID's created for this chain
Channels []TestChannel // track portID/channelID's created for this chain
// NewTestChain initializes a new TestChain instance with a single validator set using a
// generated private key. It also creates a sender account to be used for delivering transactions.
// The first block height is committed to state in order to allow for client creations on
// counterparty chains. The TestChain will return with a block height starting at 2.
// Time management is handled by the Coordinator in order to ensure synchrony between chains.
// Each update of any chain increments the block header time for all chains by 5 seconds.
func NewTestChain(t *testing.T, chainID string) *TestChain {
// generate validator private/public key
privVal := tmtypes.NewMockPV()
pubKey, err := privVal.GetPubKey()
require.NoError(t, err)
// create validator set with single validator
validator := tmtypes.NewValidator(pubKey, 1)
valSet := tmtypes.NewValidatorSet([]*tmtypes.Validator{validator})
signers := []tmtypes.PrivValidator{privVal}
app := simapp.Setup(false)
ctx := app.BaseApp.NewContext(false,
Height: 1,
Time: globalStartTime,
// generate and set SenderAccount
senderPrivKey := secp256k1.GenPrivKey()
simapp.AddTestAddrsFromPubKeys(app, ctx, []crypto.PubKey{senderPrivKey.PubKey()}, sdk.NewInt(10000000000))
acc := app.AccountKeeper.GetAccount(ctx, sdk.AccAddress(senderPrivKey.PubKey().Address()))
// commit init chain changes so create client can be called by a counterparty chain
// create current header and call begin block
header := abci.Header{
Height: 2,
Time: globalStartTime.Add(timeIncrement),
app.BeginBlock(abci.RequestBeginBlock{Header: header})
lastHeader := ibctmtypes.CreateTestHeader(chainID, 1, globalStartTime, valSet, signers)
// create an account to send transactions from
return &TestChain{
t: t,
ChainID: chainID,
App: app,
LastHeader: lastHeader,
CurrentHeader: header,
Querier: keeper.NewQuerier(*app.IBCKeeper),
Vals: valSet,
Signers: signers,
senderPrivKey: senderPrivKey,
SenderAccount: acc,
// GetContext returns the current context for the application.
func (chain *TestChain) GetContext() sdk.Context {
return chain.App.BaseApp.NewContext(false, chain.CurrentHeader)
// QueryProof performs an abci query with the given key and returns the proto encoded merkle proof
// for the query and the height at which the query was performed.
func (chain *TestChain) QueryProof(key []byte) ([]byte, uint64) {
res := chain.App.Query(abci.RequestQuery{
Path: fmt.Sprintf("store/%s/key", host.StoreKey),
Height: chain.App.LastBlockHeight(),
Data: key,
Prove: true,
merkleProof := commitmenttypes.MerkleProof{
Proof: res.Proof,
proof, err := chain.App.AppCodec().MarshalBinaryBare(&merkleProof)
require.NoError(chain.t, err)
return proof, uint64(res.Height)
// NextBlock sets the last header to the current header and increments the current header to be
// at the next block height. It does not update the time as that is handled by the Coordinator.
// CONTRACT: this function must only be called after app.Commit() occurs
func (chain *TestChain) NextBlock() {
// set the last header to the current header
chain.LastHeader = ibctmtypes.CreateTestHeader(
chain.Vals, chain.Signers,
// increment the current header
chain.CurrentHeader = abci.Header{
Height: chain.CurrentHeader.Height + 1,
Time: chain.CurrentHeader.Time,
// SendMsg delivers a transaction through the application. It updates the senders sequence
// number and updates the TestChain's headers.
func (chain *TestChain) SendMsg(msg sdk.Msg) error {
_, _, err := simapp.SignCheckDeliver(
true, true, chain.senderPrivKey,
if err != nil {
return err
// SignCheckDeliver calls app.Commit()
// increment sequence for successful transaction execution
chain.SenderAccount.SetSequence(chain.SenderAccount.GetSequence() + 1)
return nil
// NewClientID appends a new clientID string in the format:
// ClientFor<counterparty-chain-id><index>
func (chain *TestChain) NewClientID(counterpartyChainID string) string {
clientID := ClientIDPrefix + counterpartyChainID + string(len(chain.ClientIDs))
chain.ClientIDs = append(chain.ClientIDs, clientID)
return clientID
// NewConnection appends a new TestConnection which contains references to the connection id,
// client id and counterparty client id. The connection id format:
// connectionid<index>
func (chain *TestChain) NewTestConnection(clientID, counterpartyClientID string) TestConnection {
connectionID := ConnectionIDPrefix + string(len(chain.Connections))
conn := TestConnection{
ID: connectionID,
ClientID: clientID,
CounterpartyClientID: counterpartyClientID,
chain.Connections = append(chain.Connections, conn)
return conn
// NewTestChannel appends a new TestChannel which contains references to the port and channel ID
// used for channel creation and interaction. The channel id and port id format:
// channelid<index>
// portid<index>
func (chain *TestChain) NewTestChannel() TestChannel {
portID := PortIDPrefix + string(len(chain.Channels))
channelID := ChannelIDPrefix + string(len(chain.Channels))
channel := TestChannel{
PortID: portID,
ChannelID: channelID,
chain.Channels = append(chain.Channels, channel)
return channel
// CreateTMClient will construct and execute a 07-tendermint MsgCreateClient. A counterparty
// client will be created on the (target) chain.
func (chain *TestChain) CreateTMClient(counterparty *TestChain, clientID string) error {
// construct MsgCreateClient using counterparty
msg := ibctmtypes.NewMsgCreateClient(
clientID, counterparty.LastHeader,
DefaultTrustLevel, TrustingPeriod, UnbondingPeriod, MaxClockDrift,
commitmenttypes.GetSDKSpecs(), chain.SenderAccount.GetAddress(),
return chain.SendMsg(msg)
// UpdateTMClient will construct and execute a 07-tendermint MsgUpdateClient. The counterparty
// client will be updated on the (target) chain.
func (chain *TestChain) UpdateTMClient(counterparty *TestChain, clientID string) error {
msg := ibctmtypes.NewMsgUpdateClient(
clientID, counterparty.LastHeader,
return chain.SendMsg(msg)
// ConnectionOpenInit will construct and execute a MsgConnectionOpenInit.
func (chain *TestChain) ConnectionOpenInit(
counterparty *TestChain,
connection, counterpartyConnection TestConnection,
) error {
prefix := commitmenttypes.NewMerklePrefix(counterparty.App.IBCKeeper.ConnectionKeeper.GetCommitmentPrefix().Bytes())
msg := connectiontypes.NewMsgConnectionOpenInit(
connection.ID, connection.ClientID,
counterpartyConnection.ID, connection.CounterpartyClientID,
return chain.SendMsg(msg)
// ConnectionOpenTry will construct and execute a MsgConnectionOpenTry.
func (chain *TestChain) ConnectionOpenTry(
counterparty *TestChain,
connection, counterpartyConnection TestConnection,
) error {
prefix := commitmenttypes.NewMerklePrefix(counterparty.App.IBCKeeper.ConnectionKeeper.GetCommitmentPrefix().Bytes())
connectionKey := host.KeyConnection(counterpartyConnection.ID)
proofInit, proofHeight := counterparty.QueryProof(connectionKey)
consensusHeight := uint64(counterparty.App.LastBlockHeight())
consensusKey := prefixedClientKey(connection.ClientID, host.KeyConsensusState(consensusHeight))
proofConsensus, _ := counterparty.QueryProof(consensusKey)
msg := connectiontypes.NewMsgConnectionOpenTry(
connection.ID, connection.ClientID,
counterpartyConnection.ID, connection.CounterpartyClientID,
prefix, []string{ConnectionVersion},
proofInit, proofConsensus,
proofHeight, consensusHeight,
return chain.SendMsg(msg)
// ConnectionOpenAck will construct and execute a MsgConnectionOpenAck.
func (chain *TestChain) ConnectionOpenAck(
counterparty *TestChain,
connection, counterpartyConnection TestConnection,
) error {
connectionKey := host.KeyConnection(counterpartyConnection.ID)
proofTry, proofHeight := counterparty.QueryProof(connectionKey)
consensusHeight := uint64(counterparty.App.LastBlockHeight())
consensusKey := prefixedClientKey(connection.ClientID, host.KeyConsensusState(consensusHeight))
proofConsensus, _ := counterparty.QueryProof(consensusKey)
msg := connectiontypes.NewMsgConnectionOpenAck(
proofTry, proofConsensus,
proofHeight, consensusHeight,
return chain.SendMsg(msg)
// ConnectionOpenConfirm will construct and execute a MsgConnectionOpenConfirm.
func (chain *TestChain) ConnectionOpenConfirm(
counterparty *TestChain,
connection, counterpartyConnection TestConnection,
) error {
connectionKey := host.KeyConnection(counterpartyConnection.ID)
proof, height := counterparty.QueryProof(connectionKey)
msg := connectiontypes.NewMsgConnectionOpenConfirm(
proof, height,
return chain.SendMsg(msg)
// ChannelOpenInit will construct and execute a MsgChannelOpenInit.
func (chain *TestChain) ChannelOpenInit(
ch, counterparty TestChannel,
order channeltypes.Order,
connectionID string,
) error {
msg := channeltypes.NewMsgChannelOpenInit(
ch.PortID, ch.ChannelID,
ChannelVersion, order, []string{connectionID},
counterparty.PortID, counterparty.ChannelID,
return chain.SendMsg(msg)
// ChannelOpenTry will construct and execute a MsgChannelOpenTry.
func (chain *TestChain) ChannelOpenTry(
ch, counterparty TestChannel,
order channeltypes.Order,
connectionID string,
) error {
proof, height := chain.QueryProof(host.KeyConnection(connectionID))
msg := channeltypes.NewMsgChannelOpenTry(
ch.PortID, ch.ChannelID,
ChannelVersion, order, []string{connectionID},
counterparty.PortID, counterparty.ChannelID,
proof, height,
return chain.SendMsg(msg)
// ChannelOpenAck will construct and execute a MsgChannelOpenAck.
func (chain *TestChain) ChannelOpenAck(
ch, counterparty TestChannel,
connectionID string,
) error {
proof, height := chain.QueryProof(host.KeyConnection(connectionID))
msg := channeltypes.NewMsgChannelOpenAck(
ch.PortID, ch.ChannelID,
proof, height,
return chain.SendMsg(msg)
// ChannelOpenConfirm will construct and execute a MsgChannelOpenConfirm.
func (chain *TestChain) ChannelOpenConfirm(
ch, counterparty TestChannel,
connectionID string,
) error {
proof, height := chain.QueryProof(host.KeyConnection(connectionID))
msg := channeltypes.NewMsgChannelOpenConfirm(
ch.PortID, ch.ChannelID,
proof, height,
return chain.SendMsg(msg)