
768 lines
26 KiB

package keeper
import (
abci ""
sdk ""
// Cache the amino decoding of validators, as it can be the case that repeated slashing calls
// cause many calls to GetValidator, which were shown to throttle the state machine in our
// simulation. Note this is quite biased though, as the simulator does more slashes than a
// live chain should, however we require the slashing to be fast as noone pays gas for it.
type cachedValidator struct {
val types.Validator
marshalled string // marshalled amino bytes for the validator object (not operator address)
// validatorCache-key: validator amino bytes
var validatorCache = make(map[string]cachedValidator, 500)
var validatorCacheList = list.New()
// get a single validator
func (k Keeper) GetValidator(ctx sdk.Context, addr sdk.ValAddress) (validator types.Validator, found bool) {
store := ctx.KVStore(k.storeKey)
value := store.Get(GetValidatorKey(addr))
if value == nil {
return validator, false
// If these amino encoded bytes are in the cache, return the cached validator
strValue := string(value)
if val, ok := validatorCache[strValue]; ok {
valToReturn := val.val
// Doesn't mutate the cache's value
valToReturn.OperatorAddr = addr
return valToReturn, true
// amino bytes weren't found in cache, so amino unmarshal and add it to the cache
validator = types.MustUnmarshalValidator(k.cdc, addr, value)
cachedVal := cachedValidator{validator, strValue}
validatorCache[strValue] = cachedValidator{validator, strValue}
// if the cache is too big, pop off the last element from it
if validatorCacheList.Len() > 500 {
valToRemove := validatorCacheList.Remove(validatorCacheList.Front()).(cachedValidator)
delete(validatorCache, valToRemove.marshalled)
validator = types.MustUnmarshalValidator(k.cdc, addr, value)
return validator, true
// get a single validator by pubkey
func (k Keeper) GetValidatorByConsAddr(ctx sdk.Context, consAddr sdk.ConsAddress) (validator types.Validator, found bool) {
store := ctx.KVStore(k.storeKey)
opAddr := store.Get(GetValidatorByConsAddrKey(consAddr))
if opAddr == nil {
return validator, false
return k.GetValidator(ctx, opAddr)
// set the main record holding validator details
func (k Keeper) SetValidator(ctx sdk.Context, validator types.Validator) {
store := ctx.KVStore(k.storeKey)
bz := types.MustMarshalValidator(k.cdc, validator)
store.Set(GetValidatorKey(validator.OperatorAddr), bz)
// validator index
func (k Keeper) SetValidatorByConsAddr(ctx sdk.Context, validator types.Validator) {
store := ctx.KVStore(k.storeKey)
consAddr := sdk.ConsAddress(validator.OperatorAddr.Bytes())
store.Set(GetValidatorByConsAddrKey(consAddr), validator.OperatorAddr)
// validator index
func (k Keeper) SetValidatorByPowerIndex(ctx sdk.Context, validator types.Validator, pool types.Pool) {
store := ctx.KVStore(k.storeKey)
store.Set(GetValidatorsByPowerIndexKey(validator, pool), validator.OperatorAddr)
// validator index
func (k Keeper) SetValidatorBondedIndex(ctx sdk.Context, validator types.Validator) {
store := ctx.KVStore(k.storeKey)
store.Set(GetValidatorsBondedIndexKey(validator.OperatorAddr), []byte{})
// used in testing
func (k Keeper) validatorByPowerIndexExists(ctx sdk.Context, power []byte) bool {
store := ctx.KVStore(k.storeKey)
return store.Get(power) != nil
// Get the set of all validators with no limits, used during genesis dump
func (k Keeper) GetAllValidators(ctx sdk.Context) (validators []types.Validator) {
store := ctx.KVStore(k.storeKey)
iterator := sdk.KVStorePrefixIterator(store, ValidatorsKey)
defer iterator.Close()
for ; iterator.Valid(); iterator.Next() {
addr := iterator.Key()[1:]
validator := types.MustUnmarshalValidator(k.cdc, addr, iterator.Value())
validators = append(validators, validator)
return validators
// return a given amount of all the validators
func (k Keeper) GetValidators(ctx sdk.Context, maxRetrieve uint16) (validators []types.Validator) {
store := ctx.KVStore(k.storeKey)
validators = make([]types.Validator, maxRetrieve)
iterator := sdk.KVStorePrefixIterator(store, ValidatorsKey)
defer iterator.Close()
i := 0
for ; iterator.Valid() && i < int(maxRetrieve); iterator.Next() {
addr := iterator.Key()[1:]
validator := types.MustUnmarshalValidator(k.cdc, addr, iterator.Value())
validators[i] = validator
return validators[:i] // trim if the array length < maxRetrieve
// get the group of the bonded validators
func (k Keeper) GetValidatorsBonded(ctx sdk.Context) (validators []types.Validator) {
store := ctx.KVStore(k.storeKey)
// add the actual validator power sorted store
maxValidators := k.GetParams(ctx).MaxValidators
validators = make([]types.Validator, maxValidators)
iterator := sdk.KVStorePrefixIterator(store, ValidatorsBondedIndexKey)
defer iterator.Close()
i := 0
for ; iterator.Valid(); iterator.Next() {
// sanity check
if i > int(maxValidators-1) {
panic("maxValidators is less than the number of records in ValidatorsBonded Store, store should have been updated")
address := GetAddressFromValBondedIndexKey(iterator.Key())
validator, found := k.GetValidator(ctx, address)
ensureValidatorFound(found, address)
validators[i] = validator
return validators[:i] // trim
// get the group of bonded validators sorted by power-rank
// TODO: Rename to GetBondedValidatorsByPower or GetValidatorsByPower(ctx, status)
func (k Keeper) GetValidatorsByPower(ctx sdk.Context) []types.Validator {
store := ctx.KVStore(k.storeKey)
maxValidators := k.GetParams(ctx).MaxValidators
validators := make([]types.Validator, maxValidators)
iterator := sdk.KVStoreReversePrefixIterator(store, ValidatorsByPowerIndexKey)
defer iterator.Close()
i := 0
for ; iterator.Valid() && i < int(maxValidators); iterator.Next() {
address := iterator.Value()
validator, found := k.GetValidator(ctx, address)
ensureValidatorFound(found, address)
if validator.Status == sdk.Bonded {
validators[i] = validator
return validators[:i] // trim
// Accumulated updates to the active/bonded validator set for tendermint
// get the most recently updated validators
// CONTRACT: Only validators with non-zero power or zero-power that were bonded
// at the previous block height or were removed from the validator set entirely
// are returned to Tendermint.
func (k Keeper) GetValidTendermintUpdates(ctx sdk.Context) (updates []abci.Validator) {
tstore := ctx.TransientStore(k.storeTKey)
iterator := sdk.KVStorePrefixIterator(tstore, TendermintUpdatesTKey)
defer iterator.Close()
for ; iterator.Valid(); iterator.Next() {
var abciVal abci.Validator
abciValBytes := iterator.Value()
k.cdc.MustUnmarshalBinary(abciValBytes, &abciVal)
val, found := k.GetValidator(ctx, abciVal.GetAddress())
if found {
// The validator is new or already exists in the store and must adhere to
// Tendermint invariants.
prevBonded := val.BondHeight < ctx.BlockHeight() && val.BondHeight > val.UnbondingHeight
zeroPower := val.GetPower().Equal(sdk.ZeroDec())
if !zeroPower || zeroPower && prevBonded {
updates = append(updates, abciVal)
} else {
// Add the ABCI validator in such a case where the validator was removed
// from the store as it must have existed before.
updates = append(updates, abciVal)
// Perform all the necessary steps for when a validator changes its power. This
// function updates all validator stores as well as tendermint update store.
// It may kick out validators if a new validator is entering the bonded validator
// group.
// nolint: gocyclo
// TODO: Remove above nolint, function needs to be simplified!
func (k Keeper) UpdateValidator(ctx sdk.Context, validator types.Validator) types.Validator {
tstore := ctx.TransientStore(k.storeTKey)
pool := k.GetPool(ctx)
oldValidator, oldFound := k.GetValidator(ctx, validator.OperatorAddr)
validator = k.updateForJailing(ctx, oldFound, oldValidator, validator)
powerIncreasing := k.getPowerIncreasing(ctx, oldFound, oldValidator, validator)
validator.BondHeight, validator.BondIntraTxCounter = k.bondIncrement(ctx, oldFound, oldValidator)
valPower := k.updateValidatorPower(ctx, oldFound, oldValidator, validator, pool)
cliffPower := k.GetCliffValidatorPower(ctx)
cliffValExists := (cliffPower != nil)
var valPowerLTcliffPower bool
if cliffValExists {
valPowerLTcliffPower = (bytes.Compare(valPower, cliffPower) == -1)
switch {
// if the validator is already bonded and the power is increasing, we need
// perform the following:
// a) update Tendermint
// b) check if the cliff validator needs to be updated
case powerIncreasing && !validator.Jailed &&
(oldFound && oldValidator.Status == sdk.Bonded):
bz := k.cdc.MustMarshalBinary(validator.ABCIValidator())
tstore.Set(GetTendermintUpdatesTKey(validator.OperatorAddr), bz)
if cliffValExists {
cliffAddr := sdk.ValAddress(k.GetCliffValidator(ctx))
if bytes.Equal(cliffAddr, validator.OperatorAddr) {
k.updateCliffValidator(ctx, validator)
// if is a new validator and the new power is less than the cliff validator
case cliffValExists && !oldFound && valPowerLTcliffPower:
// skip to completion
// if was unbonded and the new power is less than the cliff validator
case cliffValExists &&
(oldFound && oldValidator.Status == sdk.Unbonded) &&
valPowerLTcliffPower: //(valPower < cliffPower
// skip to completion
// default case - validator was either:
// a) not-bonded and now has power-rank greater than cliff validator
// b) bonded and now has decreased in power
// update the validator set for this validator
updatedVal, updated := k.UpdateBondedValidators(ctx, validator)
if updated {
// the validator has changed bonding status
validator = updatedVal
// if decreased in power but still bonded, update Tendermint validator
if oldFound && oldValidator.BondedTokens().GT(validator.BondedTokens()) {
bz := k.cdc.MustMarshalBinary(validator.ABCIValidator())
tstore.Set(GetTendermintUpdatesTKey(validator.OperatorAddr), bz)
k.SetValidator(ctx, validator)
return validator
// updateCliffValidator determines if the current cliff validator needs to be
// updated or swapped. If the provided affected validator is the current cliff
// validator before it's power was increased, either the cliff power key will
// be updated or if it's power is greater than the next bonded validator by
// power, it'll be swapped.
func (k Keeper) updateCliffValidator(ctx sdk.Context, affectedVal types.Validator) {
var newCliffVal types.Validator
store := ctx.KVStore(k.storeKey)
pool := k.GetPool(ctx)
cliffAddr := sdk.ValAddress(k.GetCliffValidator(ctx))
oldCliffVal, found := k.GetValidator(ctx, cliffAddr)
if !found {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("cliff validator record not found for address: %X\n", cliffAddr))
// Create a validator iterator ranging from smallest to largest by power
// starting the current cliff validator's power.
start := GetValidatorsByPowerIndexKey(oldCliffVal, pool)
end := sdk.PrefixEndBytes(ValidatorsByPowerIndexKey)
iterator := store.Iterator(start, end)
if iterator.Valid() {
ownerAddr := iterator.Value()
currVal, found := k.GetValidator(ctx, ownerAddr)
ensureValidatorFound(found, ownerAddr)
if currVal.Status != sdk.Bonded || currVal.Jailed {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected jailed or unbonded validator for address: %X\n", ownerAddr))
newCliffVal = currVal
} else {
panic("failed to create valid validator power iterator")
affectedValRank := GetValidatorsByPowerIndexKey(affectedVal, pool)
newCliffValRank := GetValidatorsByPowerIndexKey(newCliffVal, pool)
if bytes.Equal(affectedVal.OperatorAddr, newCliffVal.OperatorAddr) {
// The affected validator remains the cliff validator, however, since
// the store does not contain the new power, update the new power rank.
store.Set(ValidatorPowerCliffKey, affectedValRank)
} else if bytes.Compare(affectedValRank, newCliffValRank) > 0 {
// The affected validator no longer remains the cliff validator as it's
// power is greater than the new cliff validator.
k.setCliffValidator(ctx, newCliffVal, pool)
} else {
panic("invariant broken: the cliff validator should change or it should remain the same")
func (k Keeper) updateForJailing(ctx sdk.Context, oldFound bool, oldValidator, newValidator types.Validator) types.Validator {
if newValidator.Jailed && oldFound && oldValidator.Status == sdk.Bonded {
newValidator = k.beginUnbondingValidator(ctx, newValidator)
// need to also clear the cliff validator spot because the jail has
// opened up a new spot which will be filled when
// updateValidatorsBonded is called
return newValidator
// nolint: unparam
func (k Keeper) getPowerIncreasing(ctx sdk.Context, oldFound bool, oldValidator, newValidator types.Validator) bool {
if oldFound && oldValidator.BondedTokens().LT(newValidator.BondedTokens()) {
return true
return false
// get the bond height and incremented intra-tx counter
// nolint: unparam
func (k Keeper) bondIncrement(
ctx sdk.Context, found bool, oldValidator types.Validator) (height int64, intraTxCounter int16) {
// if already a validator, copy the old block height and counter
if found && oldValidator.Status == sdk.Bonded {
height = oldValidator.BondHeight
intraTxCounter = oldValidator.BondIntraTxCounter
height = ctx.BlockHeight()
counter := k.GetIntraTxCounter(ctx)
intraTxCounter = counter
k.SetIntraTxCounter(ctx, counter+1)
func (k Keeper) updateValidatorPower(ctx sdk.Context, oldFound bool, oldValidator,
newValidator types.Validator, pool types.Pool) (valPower []byte) {
store := ctx.KVStore(k.storeKey)
// update the list ordered by voting power
if oldFound {
store.Delete(GetValidatorsByPowerIndexKey(oldValidator, pool))
valPower = GetValidatorsByPowerIndexKey(newValidator, pool)
store.Set(valPower, newValidator.OperatorAddr)
return valPower
// Update the bonded validator group based on a change to the validator
// affectedValidator. This function potentially adds the affectedValidator to
// the bonded validator group which kicks out the cliff validator. Under this
// situation this function returns the updated affectedValidator.
// The correct bonded subset of validators is retrieved by iterating through an
// index of the validators sorted by power, stored using the
// ValidatorsByPowerIndexKey. Simultaneously the current validator records are
// updated in store with the ValidatorsBondedIndexKey. This store is used to
// determine if a validator is a validator without needing to iterate over all
// validators.
// nolint: gocyclo
// TODO: Remove the above golint
func (k Keeper) UpdateBondedValidators(
ctx sdk.Context, affectedValidator types.Validator) (
updatedVal types.Validator, updated bool) {
store := ctx.KVStore(k.storeKey)
oldCliffValidatorAddr := k.GetCliffValidator(ctx)
maxValidators := k.GetParams(ctx).MaxValidators
bondedValidatorsCount := 0
var validator, validatorToBond types.Validator
newValidatorBonded := false
// create a validator iterator ranging from largest to smallest by power
iterator := sdk.KVStoreReversePrefixIterator(store, ValidatorsByPowerIndexKey)
for ; iterator.Valid() && bondedValidatorsCount < int(maxValidators); iterator.Next() {
// either retrieve the original validator from the store, or under the
// situation that this is the "affected validator" just use the
// validator provided because it has not yet been updated in the store
ownerAddr := iterator.Value()
if bytes.Equal(ownerAddr, affectedValidator.OperatorAddr) {
validator = affectedValidator
} else {
var found bool
validator, found = k.GetValidator(ctx, ownerAddr)
ensureValidatorFound(found, ownerAddr)
// if we've reached jailed validators no further bonded validators exist
if validator.Jailed {
if validator.Status == sdk.Bonded {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("jailed validator cannot be bonded, address: %X\n", ownerAddr))
// increment the total number of bonded validators and potentially mark
// the validator to bond
if validator.Status != sdk.Bonded {
validatorToBond = validator
if newValidatorBonded {
panic("already decided to bond a validator, can't bond another!")
newValidatorBonded = true
if newValidatorBonded && bytes.Equal(oldCliffValidatorAddr, validator.OperatorAddr) {
panic("cliff validator has not been changed, yet we bonded a new validator")
// clear or set the cliff validator
if bondedValidatorsCount == int(maxValidators) {
k.setCliffValidator(ctx, validator, k.GetPool(ctx))
} else if len(oldCliffValidatorAddr) > 0 {
// swap the cliff validator for a new validator if the affected validator
// was bonded
if newValidatorBonded {
if oldCliffValidatorAddr != nil {
oldCliffVal, found := k.GetValidator(ctx, oldCliffValidatorAddr)
ensureValidatorFound(found, oldCliffValidatorAddr)
if bytes.Equal(validatorToBond.OperatorAddr, affectedValidator.OperatorAddr) {
// begin unbonding the old cliff validator iff the affected
// validator was newly bonded and has greater power
k.beginUnbondingValidator(ctx, oldCliffVal)
} else {
// otherwise begin unbonding the affected validator, which must
// have been kicked out
affectedValidator = k.beginUnbondingValidator(ctx, affectedValidator)
validator = k.bondValidator(ctx, validatorToBond)
if bytes.Equal(validator.OperatorAddr, affectedValidator.OperatorAddr) {
return validator, true
return affectedValidator, true
return types.Validator{}, false
// full update of the bonded validator set, many can be added/kicked
func (k Keeper) UpdateBondedValidatorsFull(ctx sdk.Context) {
store := ctx.KVStore(k.storeKey)
// clear the current validators store, add to the ToKickOut temp store
toKickOut := make(map[string]byte)
iterator := sdk.KVStorePrefixIterator(store, ValidatorsBondedIndexKey)
for ; iterator.Valid(); iterator.Next() {
ownerAddr := GetAddressFromValBondedIndexKey(iterator.Key())
toKickOut[string(ownerAddr)] = 0
var validator types.Validator
oldCliffValidatorAddr := k.GetCliffValidator(ctx)
maxValidators := k.GetParams(ctx).MaxValidators
bondedValidatorsCount := 0
iterator = sdk.KVStoreReversePrefixIterator(store, ValidatorsByPowerIndexKey)
for ; iterator.Valid() && bondedValidatorsCount < int(maxValidators); iterator.Next() {
var found bool
ownerAddr := iterator.Value()
validator, found = k.GetValidator(ctx, ownerAddr)
ensureValidatorFound(found, ownerAddr)
_, found = toKickOut[string(ownerAddr)]
if found {
delete(toKickOut, string(ownerAddr))
} else {
// If the validator wasn't in the toKickOut group it means it wasn't
// previously a validator, therefor update the validator to enter
// the validator group.
validator = k.bondValidator(ctx, validator)
if validator.Jailed {
// we should no longer consider jailed validators as they are ranked
// lower than any non-jailed/bonded validators
if validator.Status == sdk.Bonded {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("jailed validator cannot be bonded for address: %s\n", ownerAddr))
// clear or set the cliff validator
if bondedValidatorsCount == int(maxValidators) {
k.setCliffValidator(ctx, validator, k.GetPool(ctx))
} else if len(oldCliffValidatorAddr) > 0 {
kickOutValidators(k, ctx, toKickOut)
func kickOutValidators(k Keeper, ctx sdk.Context, toKickOut map[string]byte) {
for key := range toKickOut {
ownerAddr := []byte(key)
validator, found := k.GetValidator(ctx, ownerAddr)
ensureValidatorFound(found, ownerAddr)
k.beginUnbondingValidator(ctx, validator)
// perform all the store operations for when a validator status becomes unbonded
func (k Keeper) beginUnbondingValidator(ctx sdk.Context, validator types.Validator) types.Validator {
store := ctx.KVStore(k.storeKey)
pool := k.GetPool(ctx)
params := k.GetParams(ctx)
// sanity check
if validator.Status == sdk.Unbonded ||
validator.Status == sdk.Unbonding {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("should not already be unbonded or unbonding, validator: %v\n", validator))
// set the status
validator, pool = validator.UpdateStatus(pool, sdk.Unbonding)
k.SetPool(ctx, pool)
validator.UnbondingMinTime = ctx.BlockHeader().Time.Add(params.UnbondingTime)
validator.UnbondingHeight = ctx.BlockHeader().Height
// save the now unbonded validator record
k.SetValidator(ctx, validator)
// add to accumulated changes for tendermint
bzABCI := k.cdc.MustMarshalBinary(validator.ABCIValidatorZero())
tstore := ctx.TransientStore(k.storeTKey)
tstore.Set(GetTendermintUpdatesTKey(validator.OperatorAddr), bzABCI)
// also remove from the Bonded types.Validators Store
// call the unbond hook if present
if k.hooks != nil {
k.hooks.OnValidatorBeginUnbonding(ctx, validator.ConsAddress())
// return updated validator
return validator
// perform all the store operations for when a validator status becomes bonded
func (k Keeper) bondValidator(ctx sdk.Context, validator types.Validator) types.Validator {
store := ctx.KVStore(k.storeKey)
pool := k.GetPool(ctx)
// sanity check
if validator.Status == sdk.Bonded {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("should not already be bonded, validator: %v\n", validator))
validator.BondHeight = ctx.BlockHeight()
// set the status
validator, pool = validator.UpdateStatus(pool, sdk.Bonded)
k.SetPool(ctx, pool)
// save the now bonded validator record to the three referenced stores
k.SetValidator(ctx, validator)
store.Set(GetValidatorsBondedIndexKey(validator.OperatorAddr), []byte{})
// add to accumulated changes for tendermint
bzABCI := k.cdc.MustMarshalBinary(validator.ABCIValidator())
tstore := ctx.TransientStore(k.storeTKey)
tstore.Set(GetTendermintUpdatesTKey(validator.OperatorAddr), bzABCI)
// call the bond hook if present
if k.hooks != nil {
k.hooks.OnValidatorBonded(ctx, validator.ConsAddress())
// return updated validator
return validator
// remove the validator record and associated indexes
func (k Keeper) RemoveValidator(ctx sdk.Context, address sdk.ValAddress) {
// call the hook if present
if k.hooks != nil {
k.hooks.OnValidatorRemoved(ctx, address)
// first retrieve the old validator record
validator, found := k.GetValidator(ctx, address)
if !found {
// delete the old validator record
store := ctx.KVStore(k.storeKey)
pool := k.GetPool(ctx)
store.Delete(GetValidatorsByPowerIndexKey(validator, pool))
// delete from the current and power weighted validator groups if the validator
// is bonded - and add validator with zero power to the validator updates
if store.Get(GetValidatorsBondedIndexKey(validator.OperatorAddr)) == nil {
bz := k.cdc.MustMarshalBinary(validator.ABCIValidatorZero())
tstore := ctx.TransientStore(k.storeTKey)
tstore.Set(GetTendermintUpdatesTKey(address), bz)
// get the current validator on the cliff
func (k Keeper) GetCliffValidator(ctx sdk.Context) []byte {
store := ctx.KVStore(k.storeKey)
return store.Get(ValidatorCliffIndexKey)
// get the current power of the validator on the cliff
func (k Keeper) GetCliffValidatorPower(ctx sdk.Context) []byte {
store := ctx.KVStore(k.storeKey)
return store.Get(ValidatorPowerCliffKey)
// set the current validator and power of the validator on the cliff
func (k Keeper) setCliffValidator(ctx sdk.Context, validator types.Validator, pool types.Pool) {
store := ctx.KVStore(k.storeKey)
bz := GetValidatorsByPowerIndexKey(validator, pool)
store.Set(ValidatorPowerCliffKey, bz)
store.Set(ValidatorCliffIndexKey, validator.OperatorAddr)
// clear the current validator and power of the validator on the cliff
func (k Keeper) clearCliffValidator(ctx sdk.Context) {
store := ctx.KVStore(k.storeKey)
func ensureValidatorFound(found bool, ownerAddr []byte) {
if !found {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("validator record not found for address: %X\n", ownerAddr))
// XXX remove this code - this is should be superceded by commission work that bez is doing
// get a single validator
func (k Keeper) UpdateValidatorCommission(ctx sdk.Context, addr sdk.ValAddress, newCommission sdk.Dec) sdk.Error {
// call the hook if present
if k.hooks != nil {
k.hooks.OnValidatorCommissionChange(ctx, addr)
validator, found := k.GetValidator(ctx, addr)
// check for errors
switch {
case !found:
return types.ErrNoValidatorFound(k.Codespace())
case newCommission.LT(sdk.ZeroDec()):
return types.ErrCommissionNegative(k.Codespace())
case newCommission.GT(validator.CommissionMax):
return types.ErrCommissionBeyondMax(k.Codespace())
//case rateChange(Commission) > CommissionMaxChange: // XXX XXX XXX TODO implementation
//return types.ErrCommissionPastRate(k.Codespace())
// TODO adjust all the commission terms appropriately
validator.Commission = newCommission
k.SetValidator(ctx, validator)
return nil