
277 lines
9.5 KiB

package gov
import (
sdk ""
// Governance Keeper
type Keeper struct {
// The reference to the Param Keeper to get and set Global Params
paramsKeeper params.Keeper
// The reference to the Paramstore to get and set gov specific params
paramSpace params.Subspace
// The SupplyKeeper to reduce the supply of the network
supplyKeeper SupplyKeeper
// The reference to the DelegationSet and ValidatorSet to get information about validators and delegators
sk StakingKeeper
// The (unexposed) keys used to access the stores from the Context.
storeKey sdk.StoreKey
// The codec codec for binary encoding/decoding.
cdc *codec.Codec
// Reserved codespace
codespace sdk.CodespaceType
// Proposal router
router Router
// NewKeeper returns a governance keeper. It handles:
// - submitting governance proposals
// - depositing funds into proposals, and activating upon sufficient funds being deposited
// - users voting on proposals, with weight proportional to stake in the system
// - and tallying the result of the vote.
func NewKeeper(
cdc *codec.Codec, key sdk.StoreKey, paramsKeeper params.Keeper, paramSpace params.Subspace,
supplyKeeper SupplyKeeper, sk StakingKeeper, codespace sdk.CodespaceType, rtr Router,
) Keeper {
// ensure governance module account is set
if addr := supplyKeeper.GetModuleAddress(types.ModuleName); addr == nil {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("%s module account has not been set", types.ModuleName))
// It is vital to seal the governance proposal router here as to not allow
// further handlers to be registered after the keeper is created since this
// could create invalid or non-deterministic behavior.
return Keeper{
storeKey: key,
paramsKeeper: paramsKeeper,
paramSpace: paramSpace.WithKeyTable(ParamKeyTable()),
supplyKeeper: supplyKeeper,
sk: sk,
cdc: cdc,
codespace: codespace,
router: rtr,
// Logger returns a module-specific logger.
func (keeper Keeper) Logger(ctx sdk.Context) log.Logger {
return ctx.Logger().With("module", fmt.Sprintf("x/%s", types.ModuleName))
// GetGovernanceAccount returns the governance ModuleAccount
func (keeper Keeper) GetGovernanceAccount(ctx sdk.Context) exported.ModuleAccountI {
return keeper.supplyKeeper.GetModuleAccount(ctx, types.ModuleName)
// Params
// Returns the current DepositParams from the global param store
func (keeper Keeper) GetDepositParams(ctx sdk.Context) DepositParams {
var depositParams DepositParams
keeper.paramSpace.Get(ctx, ParamStoreKeyDepositParams, &depositParams)
return depositParams
// Returns the current VotingParams from the global param store
func (keeper Keeper) GetVotingParams(ctx sdk.Context) VotingParams {
var votingParams VotingParams
keeper.paramSpace.Get(ctx, ParamStoreKeyVotingParams, &votingParams)
return votingParams
// Returns the current TallyParam from the global param store
func (keeper Keeper) GetTallyParams(ctx sdk.Context) TallyParams {
var tallyParams TallyParams
keeper.paramSpace.Get(ctx, ParamStoreKeyTallyParams, &tallyParams)
return tallyParams
func (keeper Keeper) setDepositParams(ctx sdk.Context, depositParams DepositParams) {
keeper.paramSpace.Set(ctx, ParamStoreKeyDepositParams, &depositParams)
func (keeper Keeper) setVotingParams(ctx sdk.Context, votingParams VotingParams) {
keeper.paramSpace.Set(ctx, ParamStoreKeyVotingParams, &votingParams)
func (keeper Keeper) setTallyParams(ctx sdk.Context, tallyParams TallyParams) {
keeper.paramSpace.Set(ctx, ParamStoreKeyTallyParams, &tallyParams)
// ProposalQueues
// InsertActiveProposalQueue inserts a ProposalID into the active proposal queue at endTime
func (keeper Keeper) InsertActiveProposalQueue(ctx sdk.Context, proposalID uint64, endTime time.Time) {
store := ctx.KVStore(keeper.storeKey)
bz := keeper.cdc.MustMarshalBinaryLengthPrefixed(proposalID)
store.Set(types.ActiveProposalQueueKey(proposalID, endTime), bz)
// RemoveFromActiveProposalQueue removes a proposalID from the Active Proposal Queue
func (keeper Keeper) RemoveFromActiveProposalQueue(ctx sdk.Context, proposalID uint64, endTime time.Time) {
store := ctx.KVStore(keeper.storeKey)
store.Delete(types.ActiveProposalQueueKey(proposalID, endTime))
// InsertInactiveProposalQueue Inserts a ProposalID into the inactive proposal queue at endTime
func (keeper Keeper) InsertInactiveProposalQueue(ctx sdk.Context, proposalID uint64, endTime time.Time) {
store := ctx.KVStore(keeper.storeKey)
bz := keeper.cdc.MustMarshalBinaryLengthPrefixed(proposalID)
store.Set(types.InactiveProposalQueueKey(proposalID, endTime), bz)
// RemoveFromInactiveProposalQueue removes a proposalID from the Inactive Proposal Queue
func (keeper Keeper) RemoveFromInactiveProposalQueue(ctx sdk.Context, proposalID uint64, endTime time.Time) {
store := ctx.KVStore(keeper.storeKey)
store.Delete(types.InactiveProposalQueueKey(proposalID, endTime))
// Iterators
// IterateProposals iterates over the all the proposals and performs a callback function
func (keeper Keeper) IterateProposals(ctx sdk.Context, cb func(proposal types.Proposal) (stop bool)) {
store := ctx.KVStore(keeper.storeKey)
iterator := sdk.KVStorePrefixIterator(store, types.ProposalsKeyPrefix)
defer iterator.Close()
for ; iterator.Valid(); iterator.Next() {
var proposal types.Proposal
keeper.cdc.MustUnmarshalBinaryLengthPrefixed(iterator.Value(), &proposal)
if cb(proposal) {
// IterateActiveProposalsQueue iterates over the proposals in the active proposal queue
// and performs a callback function
func (keeper Keeper) IterateActiveProposalsQueue(ctx sdk.Context, endTime time.Time, cb func(proposal types.Proposal) (stop bool)) {
iterator := keeper.ActiveProposalQueueIterator(ctx, endTime)
defer iterator.Close()
for ; iterator.Valid(); iterator.Next() {
proposalID, _ := types.SplitActiveProposalQueueKey(iterator.Key())
proposal, found := keeper.GetProposal(ctx, proposalID)
if !found {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("proposal %d does not exist", proposalID))
if cb(proposal) {
// IterateInactiveProposalsQueue iterates over the proposals in the inactive proposal queue
// and performs a callback function
func (keeper Keeper) IterateInactiveProposalsQueue(ctx sdk.Context, endTime time.Time, cb func(proposal types.Proposal) (stop bool)) {
iterator := keeper.InactiveProposalQueueIterator(ctx, endTime)
defer iterator.Close()
for ; iterator.Valid(); iterator.Next() {
proposalID, _ := types.SplitInactiveProposalQueueKey(iterator.Key())
proposal, found := keeper.GetProposal(ctx, proposalID)
if !found {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("proposal %d does not exist", proposalID))
if cb(proposal) {
// IterateAllDeposits iterates over the all the stored deposits and performs a callback function
func (keeper Keeper) IterateAllDeposits(ctx sdk.Context, cb func(deposit types.Deposit) (stop bool)) {
store := ctx.KVStore(keeper.storeKey)
iterator := sdk.KVStorePrefixIterator(store, types.DepositsKeyPrefix)
defer iterator.Close()
for ; iterator.Valid(); iterator.Next() {
var deposit types.Deposit
keeper.cdc.MustUnmarshalBinaryLengthPrefixed(iterator.Value(), &deposit)
if cb(deposit) {
// IterateDeposits iterates over the all the proposals deposits and performs a callback function
func (keeper Keeper) IterateDeposits(ctx sdk.Context, proposalID uint64, cb func(deposit types.Deposit) (stop bool)) {
iterator := keeper.GetDepositsIterator(ctx, proposalID)
defer iterator.Close()
for ; iterator.Valid(); iterator.Next() {
var deposit types.Deposit
keeper.cdc.MustUnmarshalBinaryLengthPrefixed(iterator.Value(), &deposit)
if cb(deposit) {
// IterateAllVotes iterates over the all the stored votes and performs a callback function
func (keeper Keeper) IterateAllVotes(ctx sdk.Context, cb func(vote types.Vote) (stop bool)) {
store := ctx.KVStore(keeper.storeKey)
iterator := sdk.KVStorePrefixIterator(store, types.VotesKeyPrefix)
defer iterator.Close()
for ; iterator.Valid(); iterator.Next() {
var vote types.Vote
keeper.cdc.MustUnmarshalBinaryLengthPrefixed(iterator.Value(), &vote)
if cb(vote) {
// IterateVotes iterates over the all the proposals votes and performs a callback function
func (keeper Keeper) IterateVotes(ctx sdk.Context, proposalID uint64, cb func(vote types.Vote) (stop bool)) {
iterator := keeper.GetVotesIterator(ctx, proposalID)
defer iterator.Close()
for ; iterator.Valid(); iterator.Next() {
var vote types.Vote
keeper.cdc.MustUnmarshalBinaryLengthPrefixed(iterator.Value(), &vote)
if cb(vote) {
// ActiveProposalQueueIterator returns an sdk.Iterator for all the proposals in the Active Queue that expire by endTime
func (keeper Keeper) ActiveProposalQueueIterator(ctx sdk.Context, endTime time.Time) sdk.Iterator {
store := ctx.KVStore(keeper.storeKey)
return store.Iterator(ActiveProposalQueuePrefix, sdk.PrefixEndBytes(types.ActiveProposalByTimeKey(endTime)))
// InactiveProposalQueueIterator returns an sdk.Iterator for all the proposals in the Inactive Queue that expire by endTime
func (keeper Keeper) InactiveProposalQueueIterator(ctx sdk.Context, endTime time.Time) sdk.Iterator {
store := ctx.KVStore(keeper.storeKey)
return store.Iterator(InactiveProposalQueuePrefix, sdk.PrefixEndBytes(types.InactiveProposalByTimeKey(endTime)))