
480 lines
18 KiB

package slashing
import (
sdk ""
abci ""
// Have to change these parameters for tests
// lest the tests take forever
func keeperTestParams() Params {
params := DefaultParams()
params.SignedBlocksWindow = 1000
params.DowntimeUnbondDuration = 60 * 60
params.DoubleSignUnbondDuration = 60 * 60
return params
// ______________________________________________________________
// Test that a validator is slashed correctly
// when we discover evidence of infraction
func TestHandleDoubleSign(t *testing.T) {
// initial setup
ctx, ck, sk, _, keeper := createTestInput(t, keeperTestParams())
// validator added pre-genesis
ctx = ctx.WithBlockHeight(-1)
amtInt := int64(100)
operatorAddr, val, amt := addrs[0], pks[0], sdk.NewInt(amtInt)
got := stake.NewHandler(sk)(ctx, NewTestMsgCreateValidator(operatorAddr, val, amt))
require.True(t, got.IsOK())
validatorUpdates := stake.EndBlocker(ctx, sk)
keeper.AddValidators(ctx, validatorUpdates)
require.Equal(t, ck.GetCoins(ctx, sdk.AccAddress(operatorAddr)), sdk.Coins{{sk.GetParams(ctx).BondDenom, initCoins.Sub(amt)}})
require.True(t, sdk.NewDecFromInt(amt).Equal(sk.Validator(ctx, operatorAddr).GetPower()))
// handle a signature to set signing info
keeper.handleValidatorSignature(ctx, val.Address(), amtInt, true)
// double sign less than max age
keeper.handleDoubleSign(ctx, val.Address(), 0, time.Unix(0, 0), amtInt)
// should be jailed
require.True(t, sk.Validator(ctx, operatorAddr).GetJailed())
// unjail to measure power
sk.Unjail(ctx, sdk.ConsAddress(val.Address()))
// power should be reduced
t, sdk.NewDecFromInt(amt).Mul(sdk.NewDec(19).Quo(sdk.NewDec(20))),
sk.Validator(ctx, operatorAddr).GetPower(),
ctx = ctx.WithBlockHeader(abci.Header{Time: time.Unix(1, 0).Add(keeper.MaxEvidenceAge(ctx))})
// double sign past max age
keeper.handleDoubleSign(ctx, val.Address(), 0, time.Unix(0, 0), amtInt)
t, sdk.NewDecFromInt(amt).Mul(sdk.NewDec(19).Quo(sdk.NewDec(20))),
sk.Validator(ctx, operatorAddr).GetPower(),
// Test that the amount a validator is slashed for multiple double signs
// is correctly capped by the slashing period in which they were committed
func TestSlashingPeriodCap(t *testing.T) {
// initial setup
ctx, ck, sk, _, keeper := createTestInput(t, DefaultParams())
amtInt := int64(100)
operatorAddr, amt := addrs[0], sdk.NewInt(amtInt)
valConsPubKey, valConsAddr := pks[0], pks[0].Address()
got := stake.NewHandler(sk)(ctx, NewTestMsgCreateValidator(operatorAddr, valConsPubKey, amt))
require.True(t, got.IsOK())
validatorUpdates := stake.EndBlocker(ctx, sk)
ctx = ctx.WithBlockHeight(ctx.BlockHeight() + 1)
keeper.AddValidators(ctx, validatorUpdates)
require.Equal(t, ck.GetCoins(ctx, sdk.AccAddress(operatorAddr)), sdk.Coins{{sk.GetParams(ctx).BondDenom, initCoins.Sub(amt)}})
require.True(t, sdk.NewDecFromInt(amt).Equal(sk.Validator(ctx, operatorAddr).GetPower()))
// handle a signature to set signing info
keeper.handleValidatorSignature(ctx, valConsAddr, amtInt, true)
// double sign less than max age
keeper.handleDoubleSign(ctx, valConsAddr, 1, time.Unix(0, 0), amtInt)
// should be jailed
require.True(t, sk.Validator(ctx, operatorAddr).GetJailed())
// end block
stake.EndBlocker(ctx, sk)
// update block height
ctx = ctx.WithBlockHeight(int64(2))
// unjail to measure power
sk.Unjail(ctx, sdk.ConsAddress(valConsAddr))
// end block
stake.EndBlocker(ctx, sk)
// power should be reduced
expectedPower := sdk.NewDecFromInt(amt).Mul(sdk.NewDec(19).Quo(sdk.NewDec(20)))
require.Equal(t, expectedPower, sk.Validator(ctx, operatorAddr).GetPower())
// double sign again, same slashing period
keeper.handleDoubleSign(ctx, valConsAddr, 1, time.Unix(0, 0), amtInt)
// should be jailed
require.True(t, sk.Validator(ctx, operatorAddr).GetJailed())
// end block
stake.EndBlocker(ctx, sk)
// update block height
ctx = ctx.WithBlockHeight(int64(3))
// unjail to measure power
sk.Unjail(ctx, sdk.ConsAddress(valConsAddr))
// end block
stake.EndBlocker(ctx, sk)
// power should be equal, no more should have been slashed
expectedPower = sdk.NewDecFromInt(amt).Mul(sdk.NewDec(19).Quo(sdk.NewDec(20)))
require.Equal(t, expectedPower, sk.Validator(ctx, operatorAddr).GetPower())
// double sign again, new slashing period
keeper.handleDoubleSign(ctx, valConsAddr, 3, time.Unix(0, 0), amtInt)
// should be jailed
require.True(t, sk.Validator(ctx, operatorAddr).GetJailed())
// unjail to measure power
sk.Unjail(ctx, sdk.ConsAddress(valConsAddr))
// end block
stake.EndBlocker(ctx, sk)
// power should be reduced
expectedPower = sdk.NewDecFromInt(amt).Mul(sdk.NewDec(18).Quo(sdk.NewDec(20)))
require.Equal(t, expectedPower, sk.Validator(ctx, operatorAddr).GetPower())
// Test a validator through uptime, downtime, revocation,
// unrevocation, starting height reset, and revocation again
func TestHandleAbsentValidator(t *testing.T) {
// initial setup
ctx, ck, sk, _, keeper := createTestInput(t, keeperTestParams())
amtInt := int64(100)
addr, val, amt := addrs[0], pks[0], sdk.NewInt(amtInt)
sh := stake.NewHandler(sk)
slh := NewHandler(keeper)
got := sh(ctx, NewTestMsgCreateValidator(addr, val, amt))
require.True(t, got.IsOK())
validatorUpdates := stake.EndBlocker(ctx, sk)
keeper.AddValidators(ctx, validatorUpdates)
require.Equal(t, ck.GetCoins(ctx, sdk.AccAddress(addr)), sdk.Coins{{sk.GetParams(ctx).BondDenom, initCoins.Sub(amt)}})
require.True(t, sdk.NewDecFromInt(amt).Equal(sk.Validator(ctx, addr).GetPower()))
// will exist since the validator has been bonded
info, found := keeper.getValidatorSigningInfo(ctx, sdk.ConsAddress(val.Address()))
require.True(t, found)
require.Equal(t, int64(0), info.StartHeight)
require.Equal(t, int64(0), info.IndexOffset)
require.Equal(t, int64(0), info.MissedBlocksCounter)
require.Equal(t, time.Unix(0, 0).UTC(), info.JailedUntil)
height := int64(0)
// 1000 first blocks OK
for ; height < keeper.SignedBlocksWindow(ctx); height++ {
ctx = ctx.WithBlockHeight(height)
keeper.handleValidatorSignature(ctx, val.Address(), amtInt, true)
info, found = keeper.getValidatorSigningInfo(ctx, sdk.ConsAddress(val.Address()))
require.True(t, found)
require.Equal(t, int64(0), info.StartHeight)
require.Equal(t, int64(0), info.MissedBlocksCounter)
// 500 blocks missed
for ; height < keeper.SignedBlocksWindow(ctx)+(keeper.SignedBlocksWindow(ctx)-keeper.MinSignedPerWindow(ctx)); height++ {
ctx = ctx.WithBlockHeight(height)
keeper.handleValidatorSignature(ctx, val.Address(), amtInt, false)
info, found = keeper.getValidatorSigningInfo(ctx, sdk.ConsAddress(val.Address()))
require.True(t, found)
require.Equal(t, int64(0), info.StartHeight)
require.Equal(t, keeper.SignedBlocksWindow(ctx)-keeper.MinSignedPerWindow(ctx), info.MissedBlocksCounter)
// validator should be bonded still
validator, _ := sk.GetValidatorByConsAddr(ctx, sdk.GetConsAddress(val))
require.Equal(t, sdk.Bonded, validator.GetStatus())
pool := sk.GetPool(ctx)
require.Equal(t, amtInt, pool.BondedTokens.RoundInt64())
// 501st block missed
ctx = ctx.WithBlockHeight(height)
keeper.handleValidatorSignature(ctx, val.Address(), amtInt, false)
info, found = keeper.getValidatorSigningInfo(ctx, sdk.ConsAddress(val.Address()))
require.True(t, found)
require.Equal(t, int64(0), info.StartHeight)
// counter now reset to zero
require.Equal(t, int64(0), info.MissedBlocksCounter)
// end block
stake.EndBlocker(ctx, sk)
// validator should have been jailed
validator, _ = sk.GetValidatorByConsAddr(ctx, sdk.GetConsAddress(val))
require.Equal(t, sdk.Unbonding, validator.GetStatus())
slashAmt := sdk.NewDec(amtInt).Mul(keeper.SlashFractionDowntime(ctx)).RoundInt64()
// validator should have been slashed
require.Equal(t, amtInt-slashAmt, validator.GetTokens().RoundInt64())
// 502nd block *also* missed (since the LastCommit would have still included the just-unbonded validator)
ctx = ctx.WithBlockHeight(height)
keeper.handleValidatorSignature(ctx, val.Address(), amtInt, false)
info, found = keeper.getValidatorSigningInfo(ctx, sdk.ConsAddress(val.Address()))
require.True(t, found)
require.Equal(t, int64(0), info.StartHeight)
require.Equal(t, int64(1), info.MissedBlocksCounter)
// end block
stake.EndBlocker(ctx, sk)
// validator should not have been slashed any more, since it was already jailed
validator, _ = sk.GetValidatorByConsAddr(ctx, sdk.GetConsAddress(val))
require.Equal(t, amtInt-slashAmt, validator.GetTokens().RoundInt64())
// 502nd block *double signed* (oh no!)
keeper.handleDoubleSign(ctx, val.Address(), height, ctx.BlockHeader().Time, amtInt)
// validator should have been slashed
validator, _ = sk.GetValidatorByConsAddr(ctx, sdk.GetConsAddress(val))
secondSlashAmt := sdk.NewDec(amtInt).Mul(keeper.SlashFractionDoubleSign(ctx)).RoundInt64()
require.Equal(t, amtInt-slashAmt-secondSlashAmt, validator.GetTokens().RoundInt64())
// unrevocation should fail prior to jail expiration
got = slh(ctx, NewMsgUnjail(addr))
require.False(t, got.IsOK())
// unrevocation should succeed after jail expiration
ctx = ctx.WithBlockHeader(abci.Header{Time: time.Unix(1, 0).Add(keeper.DowntimeUnbondDuration(ctx))})
got = slh(ctx, NewMsgUnjail(addr))
require.True(t, got.IsOK())
// end block
stake.EndBlocker(ctx, sk)
// validator should be rebonded now
validator, _ = sk.GetValidatorByConsAddr(ctx, sdk.GetConsAddress(val))
require.Equal(t, sdk.Bonded, validator.GetStatus())
// validator should have been slashed
pool = sk.GetPool(ctx)
require.Equal(t, amtInt-slashAmt-secondSlashAmt, pool.BondedTokens.RoundInt64())
// validator start height should not have been changed
info, found = keeper.getValidatorSigningInfo(ctx, sdk.ConsAddress(val.Address()))
require.True(t, found)
require.Equal(t, int64(0), info.StartHeight)
// we've missed 2 blocks more than the maximum, so the counter was reset to 0 at 1 block more and is now 1
require.Equal(t, int64(1), info.MissedBlocksCounter)
// validator should not be immediately jailed again
ctx = ctx.WithBlockHeight(height)
keeper.handleValidatorSignature(ctx, val.Address(), amtInt, false)
validator, _ = sk.GetValidatorByConsAddr(ctx, sdk.GetConsAddress(val))
require.Equal(t, sdk.Bonded, validator.GetStatus())
// 500 signed blocks
nextHeight := height + keeper.MinSignedPerWindow(ctx) + 1
for ; height < nextHeight; height++ {
ctx = ctx.WithBlockHeight(height)
keeper.handleValidatorSignature(ctx, val.Address(), amtInt, false)
// end block
stake.EndBlocker(ctx, sk)
// validator should be jailed again after 500 unsigned blocks
nextHeight = height + keeper.MinSignedPerWindow(ctx) + 1
for ; height <= nextHeight; height++ {
ctx = ctx.WithBlockHeight(height)
keeper.handleValidatorSignature(ctx, val.Address(), amtInt, false)
// end block
stake.EndBlocker(ctx, sk)
validator, _ = sk.GetValidatorByConsAddr(ctx, sdk.GetConsAddress(val))
require.Equal(t, sdk.Unbonding, validator.GetStatus())
// Test a new validator entering the validator set
// Ensure that SigningInfo.StartHeight is set correctly
// and that they are not immediately jailed
func TestHandleNewValidator(t *testing.T) {
// initial setup
ctx, ck, sk, _, keeper := createTestInput(t, keeperTestParams())
addr, val, amt := addrs[0], pks[0], int64(100)
sh := stake.NewHandler(sk)
// 1000 first blocks not a validator
ctx = ctx.WithBlockHeight(keeper.SignedBlocksWindow(ctx) + 1)
// Validator created
got := sh(ctx, NewTestMsgCreateValidator(addr, val, sdk.NewInt(amt)))
require.True(t, got.IsOK())
validatorUpdates := stake.EndBlocker(ctx, sk)
keeper.AddValidators(ctx, validatorUpdates)
require.Equal(t, ck.GetCoins(ctx, sdk.AccAddress(addr)), sdk.Coins{{sk.GetParams(ctx).BondDenom, initCoins.SubRaw(amt)}})
require.Equal(t, sdk.NewDec(amt), sk.Validator(ctx, addr).GetPower())
// Now a validator, for two blocks
keeper.handleValidatorSignature(ctx, val.Address(), 100, true)
ctx = ctx.WithBlockHeight(keeper.SignedBlocksWindow(ctx) + 2)
keeper.handleValidatorSignature(ctx, val.Address(), 100, false)
info, found := keeper.getValidatorSigningInfo(ctx, sdk.ConsAddress(val.Address()))
require.True(t, found)
require.Equal(t, keeper.SignedBlocksWindow(ctx)+1, info.StartHeight)
require.Equal(t, int64(2), info.IndexOffset)
require.Equal(t, int64(1), info.MissedBlocksCounter)
require.Equal(t, time.Unix(0, 0).UTC(), info.JailedUntil)
// validator should be bonded still, should not have been jailed or slashed
validator, _ := sk.GetValidatorByConsAddr(ctx, sdk.GetConsAddress(val))
require.Equal(t, sdk.Bonded, validator.GetStatus())
pool := sk.GetPool(ctx)
require.Equal(t, int64(100), pool.BondedTokens.RoundInt64())
// Test a jailed validator being "down" twice
// Ensure that they're only slashed once
func TestHandleAlreadyJailed(t *testing.T) {
// initial setup
ctx, _, sk, _, keeper := createTestInput(t, DefaultParams())
amtInt := int64(100)
addr, val, amt := addrs[0], pks[0], sdk.NewInt(amtInt)
sh := stake.NewHandler(sk)
got := sh(ctx, NewTestMsgCreateValidator(addr, val, amt))
require.True(t, got.IsOK())
validatorUpdates := stake.EndBlocker(ctx, sk)
keeper.AddValidators(ctx, validatorUpdates)
// 1000 first blocks OK
height := int64(0)
for ; height < keeper.SignedBlocksWindow(ctx); height++ {
ctx = ctx.WithBlockHeight(height)
keeper.handleValidatorSignature(ctx, val.Address(), amtInt, true)
// 501 blocks missed
for ; height < keeper.SignedBlocksWindow(ctx)+(keeper.SignedBlocksWindow(ctx)-keeper.MinSignedPerWindow(ctx))+1; height++ {
ctx = ctx.WithBlockHeight(height)
keeper.handleValidatorSignature(ctx, val.Address(), amtInt, false)
// end block
stake.EndBlocker(ctx, sk)
// validator should have been jailed and slashed
validator, _ := sk.GetValidatorByConsAddr(ctx, sdk.GetConsAddress(val))
require.Equal(t, sdk.Unbonding, validator.GetStatus())
// validator should have been slashed
require.Equal(t, amtInt-1, validator.GetTokens().RoundInt64())
// another block missed
ctx = ctx.WithBlockHeight(height)
keeper.handleValidatorSignature(ctx, val.Address(), amtInt, false)
// validator should not have been slashed twice
validator, _ = sk.GetValidatorByConsAddr(ctx, sdk.GetConsAddress(val))
require.Equal(t, amtInt-1, validator.GetTokens().RoundInt64())
// Test a validator dipping in and out of the validator set
// Ensure that missed blocks are tracked correctly and that
// the start height of the signing info is reset correctly
func TestValidatorDippingInAndOut(t *testing.T) {
// initial setup
// keeperTestParams set the SignedBlocksWindow to 1000 and MaxMissedBlocksPerWindow to 500
ctx, _, sk, _, keeper := createTestInput(t, keeperTestParams())
params := sk.GetParams(ctx)
params.MaxValidators = 1
sk.SetParams(ctx, params)
amtInt := int64(100)
addr, val, amt := addrs[0], pks[0], sdk.NewInt(amtInt)
consAddr := sdk.ConsAddress(addr)
sh := stake.NewHandler(sk)
got := sh(ctx, NewTestMsgCreateValidator(addr, val, amt))
require.True(t, got.IsOK())
validatorUpdates := stake.EndBlocker(ctx, sk)
keeper.AddValidators(ctx, validatorUpdates)
// 100 first blocks OK
height := int64(0)
for ; height < int64(100); height++ {
ctx = ctx.WithBlockHeight(height)
keeper.handleValidatorSignature(ctx, val.Address(), amtInt, true)
// validator kicked out of validator set
newAmt := int64(101)
got = sh(ctx, NewTestMsgCreateValidator(addrs[1], pks[1], sdk.NewInt(newAmt)))
require.True(t, got.IsOK())
validatorUpdates = stake.EndBlocker(ctx, sk)
require.Equal(t, 2, len(validatorUpdates))
keeper.AddValidators(ctx, validatorUpdates)
validator, _ := sk.GetValidator(ctx, addr)
require.Equal(t, sdk.Unbonding, validator.Status)
// 600 more blocks happened
height = int64(700)
ctx = ctx.WithBlockHeight(height)
// validator added back in
got = sh(ctx, newTestMsgDelegate(sdk.AccAddress(addrs[2]), addrs[0], sdk.NewInt(2)))
require.True(t, got.IsOK())
validatorUpdates = stake.EndBlocker(ctx, sk)
require.Equal(t, 2, len(validatorUpdates))
validator, _ = sk.GetValidator(ctx, addr)
require.Equal(t, sdk.Bonded, validator.Status)
newAmt = int64(102)
// validator misses a block
keeper.handleValidatorSignature(ctx, val.Address(), newAmt, false)
// shouldn't be jailed/kicked yet
validator, _ = sk.GetValidator(ctx, addr)
require.Equal(t, sdk.Bonded, validator.Status)
// validator misses 500 more blocks, 501 total
latest := height
for ; height < latest+500; height++ {
ctx = ctx.WithBlockHeight(height)
keeper.handleValidatorSignature(ctx, val.Address(), newAmt, false)
// should now be jailed & kicked
stake.EndBlocker(ctx, sk)
validator, _ = sk.GetValidator(ctx, addr)
require.Equal(t, sdk.Unbonding, validator.Status)
// check all the signing information
signInfo, found := keeper.getValidatorSigningInfo(ctx, consAddr)
require.True(t, found)
require.Equal(t, int64(0), signInfo.MissedBlocksCounter)
require.Equal(t, int64(0), signInfo.IndexOffset)
// array should be cleared
for offset := int64(0); offset < keeper.SignedBlocksWindow(ctx); offset++ {
missed := keeper.getValidatorMissedBlockBitArray(ctx, consAddr, offset)
require.False(t, missed)
// some blocks pass
height = int64(5000)
ctx = ctx.WithBlockHeight(height)
// validator rejoins and starts signing again
sk.Unjail(ctx, consAddr)
keeper.handleValidatorSignature(ctx, val.Address(), newAmt, true)
// validator should not be kicked since we reset counter/array when it was jailed
stake.EndBlocker(ctx, sk)
validator, _ = sk.GetValidator(ctx, addr)
require.Equal(t, sdk.Bonded, validator.Status)
// validator misses 501 blocks
latest = height
for ; height < latest+501; height++ {
ctx = ctx.WithBlockHeight(height)
keeper.handleValidatorSignature(ctx, val.Address(), newAmt, false)
// validator should now be jailed & kicked
stake.EndBlocker(ctx, sk)
validator, _ = sk.GetValidator(ctx, addr)
require.Equal(t, sdk.Unbonding, validator.Status)