
890 lines
26 KiB

package baseapp
import (
abci ""
dbm ""
sdk ""
// Key to store the consensus params in the main store.
var mainConsensusParamsKey = []byte("consensus_params")
// Enum mode for app.runTx
type runTxMode uint8
const (
// Check a transaction
runTxModeCheck runTxMode = iota
// Simulate a transaction
runTxModeSimulate runTxMode = iota
// Deliver a transaction
runTxModeDeliver runTxMode = iota
// MainStoreKey is the string representation of the main store
MainStoreKey = "main"
// BaseApp reflects the ABCI application implementation.
type BaseApp struct {
// initialized on creation
logger log.Logger
name string // application name from abci.Info
db dbm.DB // common DB backend
cms sdk.CommitMultiStore // Main (uncached) state
router Router // handle any kind of message
queryRouter QueryRouter // router for redirecting query calls
txDecoder sdk.TxDecoder // unmarshal []byte into sdk.Tx
// set upon LoadVersion or LoadLatestVersion.
baseKey *sdk.KVStoreKey // Main KVStore in cms
anteHandler sdk.AnteHandler // ante handler for fee and auth
initChainer sdk.InitChainer // initialize state with validators and state blob
beginBlocker sdk.BeginBlocker // logic to run before any txs
endBlocker sdk.EndBlocker // logic to run after all txs, and to determine valset changes
addrPeerFilter sdk.PeerFilter // filter peers by address and port
idPeerFilter sdk.PeerFilter // filter peers by node ID
fauxMerkleMode bool // if true, IAVL MountStores uses MountStoresDB for simulation speed.
// --------------------
// Volatile state
// checkState is set on initialization and reset on Commit.
// deliverState is set in InitChain and BeginBlock and cleared on Commit.
// See methods setCheckState and setDeliverState.
checkState *state // for CheckTx
deliverState *state // for DeliverTx
voteInfos []abci.VoteInfo // absent validators from begin block
// consensus params
// TODO: Move this in the future to baseapp param store on main store.
consensusParams *abci.ConsensusParams
// The minimum gas prices a validator is willing to accept for processing a
// transaction. This is mainly used for DoS and spam prevention.
minGasPrices sdk.DecCoins
// flag for sealing options and parameters to a BaseApp
sealed bool
var _ abci.Application = (*BaseApp)(nil)
// NewBaseApp returns a reference to an initialized BaseApp. It accepts a
// variadic number of option functions, which act on the BaseApp to set
// configuration choices.
// NOTE: The db is used to store the version number for now.
func NewBaseApp(
name string, logger log.Logger, db dbm.DB, txDecoder sdk.TxDecoder, options ...func(*BaseApp),
) *BaseApp {
app := &BaseApp{
logger: logger,
name: name,
db: db,
cms: store.NewCommitMultiStore(db),
router: NewRouter(),
queryRouter: NewQueryRouter(),
txDecoder: txDecoder,
fauxMerkleMode: false,
for _, option := range options {
return app
// Name returns the name of the BaseApp.
func (app *BaseApp) Name() string {
// Logger returns the logger of the BaseApp.
func (app *BaseApp) Logger() log.Logger {
return app.logger
// SetCommitMultiStoreTracer sets the store tracer on the BaseApp's underlying
// CommitMultiStore.
func (app *BaseApp) SetCommitMultiStoreTracer(w io.Writer) {
// MountStores mounts all IAVL or DB stores to the provided keys in the BaseApp
// multistore.
func (app *BaseApp) MountStores(keys ...sdk.StoreKey) {
for _, key := range keys {
switch key.(type) {
case *sdk.KVStoreKey:
if !app.fauxMerkleMode {
app.MountStore(key, sdk.StoreTypeIAVL)
} else {
// StoreTypeDB doesn't do anything upon commit, and it doesn't
// retain history, but it's useful for faster simulation.
app.MountStore(key, sdk.StoreTypeDB)
case *sdk.TransientStoreKey:
app.MountStore(key, sdk.StoreTypeTransient)
panic("Unrecognized store key type " + reflect.TypeOf(key).Name())
// MountStoreWithDB mounts a store to the provided key in the BaseApp
// multistore, using a specified DB.
func (app *BaseApp) MountStoreWithDB(key sdk.StoreKey, typ sdk.StoreType, db dbm.DB) {
app.cms.MountStoreWithDB(key, typ, db)
// MountStore mounts a store to the provided key in the BaseApp multistore,
// using the default DB.
func (app *BaseApp) MountStore(key sdk.StoreKey, typ sdk.StoreType) {
app.cms.MountStoreWithDB(key, typ, nil)
// LoadLatestVersion loads the latest application version. It will panic if
// called more than once on a running BaseApp.
func (app *BaseApp) LoadLatestVersion(baseKey *sdk.KVStoreKey) error {
err := app.cms.LoadLatestVersion()
if err != nil {
return err
return app.initFromMainStore(baseKey)
// LoadVersion loads the BaseApp application version. It will panic if called
// more than once on a running baseapp.
func (app *BaseApp) LoadVersion(version int64, baseKey *sdk.KVStoreKey) error {
err := app.cms.LoadVersion(version)
if err != nil {
return err
return app.initFromMainStore(baseKey)
// LastCommitID returns the last CommitID of the multistore.
func (app *BaseApp) LastCommitID() sdk.CommitID {
return app.cms.LastCommitID()
// LastBlockHeight returns the last committed block height.
func (app *BaseApp) LastBlockHeight() int64 {
return app.cms.LastCommitID().Version
// initializes the remaining logic from app.cms
func (app *BaseApp) initFromMainStore(baseKey *sdk.KVStoreKey) error {
mainStore := app.cms.GetKVStore(baseKey)
if mainStore == nil {
return errors.New("baseapp expects MultiStore with 'main' KVStore")
// memoize baseKey
if app.baseKey != nil {
panic("app.baseKey expected to be nil; duplicate init?")
app.baseKey = baseKey
// Load the consensus params from the main store. If the consensus params are
// nil, it will be saved later during InitChain.
// TODO: assert that InitChain hasn't yet been called.
consensusParamsBz := mainStore.Get(mainConsensusParamsKey)
if consensusParamsBz != nil {
var consensusParams = &abci.ConsensusParams{}
err := proto.Unmarshal(consensusParamsBz, consensusParams)
if err != nil {
// needed for `gaiad export`, which inits from store but never calls initchain
return nil
func (app *BaseApp) setMinGasPrices(gasPrices sdk.DecCoins) {
app.minGasPrices = gasPrices
// Router returns the router of the BaseApp.
func (app *BaseApp) Router() Router {
if app.sealed {
// We cannot return a router when the app is sealed because we can't have
// any routes modified which would cause unexpected routing behavior.
panic("Router() on sealed BaseApp")
return app.router
// QueryRouter returns the QueryRouter of a BaseApp.
func (app *BaseApp) QueryRouter() QueryRouter { return app.queryRouter }
// Seal seals a BaseApp. It prohibits any further modifications to a BaseApp.
func (app *BaseApp) Seal() { app.sealed = true }
// IsSealed returns true if the BaseApp is sealed and false otherwise.
func (app *BaseApp) IsSealed() bool { return app.sealed }
// setCheckState sets checkState with the cached multistore and
// the context wrapping it.
// It is called by InitChain() and Commit()
func (app *BaseApp) setCheckState(header abci.Header) {
ms := app.cms.CacheMultiStore()
app.checkState = &state{
ms: ms,
ctx: sdk.NewContext(ms, header, true, app.logger).WithMinGasPrices(app.minGasPrices),
// setCheckState sets checkState with the cached multistore and
// the context wrapping it.
// It is called by InitChain() and BeginBlock(),
// and deliverState is set nil on Commit().
func (app *BaseApp) setDeliverState(header abci.Header) {
ms := app.cms.CacheMultiStore()
app.deliverState = &state{
ms: ms,
ctx: sdk.NewContext(ms, header, false, app.logger),
// setConsensusParams memoizes the consensus params.
func (app *BaseApp) setConsensusParams(consensusParams *abci.ConsensusParams) {
app.consensusParams = consensusParams
// setConsensusParams stores the consensus params to the main store.
func (app *BaseApp) storeConsensusParams(consensusParams *abci.ConsensusParams) {
consensusParamsBz, err := proto.Marshal(consensusParams)
if err != nil {
mainStore := app.cms.GetKVStore(app.baseKey)
mainStore.Set(mainConsensusParamsKey, consensusParamsBz)
// getMaximumBlockGas gets the maximum gas from the consensus params.
func (app *BaseApp) getMaximumBlockGas() (maxGas uint64) {
if app.consensusParams == nil || app.consensusParams.BlockSize == nil {
return 0
return uint64(app.consensusParams.BlockSize.MaxGas)
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Info implements the ABCI interface.
func (app *BaseApp) Info(req abci.RequestInfo) abci.ResponseInfo {
lastCommitID := app.cms.LastCommitID()
return abci.ResponseInfo{
LastBlockHeight: lastCommitID.Version,
LastBlockAppHash: lastCommitID.Hash,
// SetOption implements the ABCI interface.
func (app *BaseApp) SetOption(req abci.RequestSetOption) (res abci.ResponseSetOption) {
// TODO: Implement!
// InitChain implements the ABCI interface. It runs the initialization logic
// directly on the CommitMultiStore.
func (app *BaseApp) InitChain(req abci.RequestInitChain) (res abci.ResponseInitChain) {
// stash the consensus params in the cms main store and memoize
if req.ConsensusParams != nil {
// initialize the deliver state and check state with ChainID and run initChain
app.setDeliverState(abci.Header{ChainID: req.ChainId})
app.setCheckState(abci.Header{ChainID: req.ChainId})
if app.initChainer == nil {
// add block gas meter for any genesis transactions (allow infinite gas)
app.deliverState.ctx = app.deliverState.ctx.
res = app.initChainer(app.deliverState.ctx, req)
// NOTE: We don't commit, but BeginBlock for block 1 starts from this
// deliverState.
// FilterPeerByAddrPort filters peers by address/port.
func (app *BaseApp) FilterPeerByAddrPort(info string) abci.ResponseQuery {
if app.addrPeerFilter != nil {
return app.addrPeerFilter(info)
return abci.ResponseQuery{}
// FilterPeerByIDfilters peers by node ID.
func (app *BaseApp) FilterPeerByID(info string) abci.ResponseQuery {
if app.idPeerFilter != nil {
return app.idPeerFilter(info)
return abci.ResponseQuery{}
// Splits a string path using the delimiter '/'.
// e.g. "this/is/funny" becomes []string{"this", "is", "funny"}
func splitPath(requestPath string) (path []string) {
path = strings.Split(requestPath, "/")
// first element is empty string
if len(path) > 0 && path[0] == "" {
path = path[1:]
return path
// Query implements the ABCI interface. It delegates to CommitMultiStore if it
// implements Queryable.
func (app *BaseApp) Query(req abci.RequestQuery) (res abci.ResponseQuery) {
path := splitPath(req.Path)
if len(path) == 0 {
msg := "no query path provided"
return sdk.ErrUnknownRequest(msg).QueryResult()
switch path[0] {
// "/app" prefix for special application queries
case "app":
return handleQueryApp(app, path, req)
case "store":
return handleQueryStore(app, path, req)
case "p2p":
return handleQueryP2P(app, path, req)
case "custom":
return handleQueryCustom(app, path, req)
msg := "unknown query path"
return sdk.ErrUnknownRequest(msg).QueryResult()
func handleQueryApp(app *BaseApp, path []string, req abci.RequestQuery) (res abci.ResponseQuery) {
if len(path) >= 2 {
var result sdk.Result
switch path[1] {
case "simulate":
txBytes := req.Data
tx, err := app.txDecoder(txBytes)
if err != nil {
result = err.Result()
} else {
result = app.Simulate(txBytes, tx)
case "version":
return abci.ResponseQuery{
Code: uint32(sdk.CodeOK),
Codespace: string(sdk.CodespaceRoot),
Value: []byte(version.Version),
result = sdk.ErrUnknownRequest(fmt.Sprintf("Unknown query: %s", path)).Result()
value := codec.Cdc.MustMarshalBinaryLengthPrefixed(result)
return abci.ResponseQuery{
Code: uint32(sdk.CodeOK),
Codespace: string(sdk.CodespaceRoot),
Value: value,
msg := "Expected second parameter to be either simulate or version, neither was present"
return sdk.ErrUnknownRequest(msg).QueryResult()
func handleQueryStore(app *BaseApp, path []string, req abci.RequestQuery) (res abci.ResponseQuery) {
// "/store" prefix for store queries
queryable, ok := app.cms.(sdk.Queryable)
if !ok {
msg := "multistore doesn't support queries"
return sdk.ErrUnknownRequest(msg).QueryResult()
req.Path = "/" + strings.Join(path[1:], "/")
return queryable.Query(req)
func handleQueryP2P(app *BaseApp, path []string, _ abci.RequestQuery) (res abci.ResponseQuery) {
// "/p2p" prefix for p2p queries
if len(path) >= 4 {
cmd, typ, arg := path[1], path[2], path[3]
switch cmd {
case "filter":
switch typ {
case "addr":
return app.FilterPeerByAddrPort(arg)
case "id":
return app.FilterPeerByID(arg)
msg := "Expected second parameter to be filter"
return sdk.ErrUnknownRequest(msg).QueryResult()
msg := "Expected path is p2p filter <addr|id> <parameter>"
return sdk.ErrUnknownRequest(msg).QueryResult()
func handleQueryCustom(app *BaseApp, path []string, req abci.RequestQuery) (res abci.ResponseQuery) {
// path[0] should be "custom" because "/custom" prefix is required for keeper
// queries.
// The queryRouter routes using path[1]. For example, in the path
// "custom/gov/proposal", queryRouter routes using "gov".
if len(path) < 2 || path[1] == "" {
return sdk.ErrUnknownRequest("No route for custom query specified").QueryResult()
querier := app.queryRouter.Route(path[1])
if querier == nil {
return sdk.ErrUnknownRequest(fmt.Sprintf("no custom querier found for route %s", path[1])).QueryResult()
// cache wrap the commit-multistore for safety
ctx := sdk.NewContext(
app.cms.CacheMultiStore(), app.checkState.ctx.BlockHeader(), true, app.logger,
// Passes the rest of the path as an argument to the querier.
// For example, in the path "custom/gov/proposal/test", the gov querier gets
// []string{"proposal", "test"} as the path.
resBytes, err := querier(ctx, path[2:], req)
if err != nil {
return abci.ResponseQuery{
Code: uint32(err.Code()),
Codespace: string(err.Codespace()),
Log: err.ABCILog(),
return abci.ResponseQuery{
Code: uint32(sdk.CodeOK),
Value: resBytes,
// BeginBlock implements the ABCI application interface.
func (app *BaseApp) BeginBlock(req abci.RequestBeginBlock) (res abci.ResponseBeginBlock) {
if app.cms.TracingEnabled() {
map[string]interface{}{"blockHeight": req.Header.Height},
// Initialize the DeliverTx state. If this is the first block, it should
// already be initialized in InitChain. Otherwise app.deliverState will be
// nil, since it is reset on Commit.
if app.deliverState == nil {
} else {
// In the first block, app.deliverState.ctx will already be initialized
// by InitChain. Context is now updated with Header information.
app.deliverState.ctx = app.deliverState.ctx.
// add block gas meter
var gasMeter sdk.GasMeter
if maxGas := app.getMaximumBlockGas(); maxGas > 0 {
gasMeter = sdk.NewGasMeter(maxGas)
} else {
gasMeter = sdk.NewInfiniteGasMeter()
app.deliverState.ctx = app.deliverState.ctx.WithBlockGasMeter(gasMeter)
if app.beginBlocker != nil {
res = app.beginBlocker(app.deliverState.ctx, req)
// set the signed validators for addition to context in deliverTx
app.voteInfos = req.LastCommitInfo.GetVotes()
// CheckTx implements the ABCI interface. It runs the "basic checks" to see
// whether or not a transaction can possibly be executed, first decoding, then
// the ante handler (which checks signatures/fees/ValidateBasic), then finally
// the route match to see whether a handler exists.
// NOTE:CheckTx does not run the actual Msg handler function(s).
func (app *BaseApp) CheckTx(txBytes []byte) (res abci.ResponseCheckTx) {
var result sdk.Result
tx, err := app.txDecoder(txBytes)
if err != nil {
result = err.Result()
} else {
result = app.runTx(runTxModeCheck, txBytes, tx)
return abci.ResponseCheckTx{
Code: uint32(result.Code),
Data: result.Data,
Log: result.Log,
GasWanted: int64(result.GasWanted), // TODO: Should type accept unsigned ints?
GasUsed: int64(result.GasUsed), // TODO: Should type accept unsigned ints?
Tags: result.Tags,
// DeliverTx implements the ABCI interface.
func (app *BaseApp) DeliverTx(txBytes []byte) (res abci.ResponseDeliverTx) {
var result sdk.Result
tx, err := app.txDecoder(txBytes)
if err != nil {
result = err.Result()
} else {
result = app.runTx(runTxModeDeliver, txBytes, tx)
return abci.ResponseDeliverTx{
Code: uint32(result.Code),
Codespace: string(result.Codespace),
Data: result.Data,
Log: result.Log,
GasWanted: int64(result.GasWanted), // TODO: Should type accept unsigned ints?
GasUsed: int64(result.GasUsed), // TODO: Should type accept unsigned ints?
Tags: result.Tags,
// validateBasicTxMsgs executes basic validator calls for messages.
func validateBasicTxMsgs(msgs []sdk.Msg) sdk.Error {
if msgs == nil || len(msgs) == 0 {
return sdk.ErrUnknownRequest("Tx.GetMsgs() must return at least one message in list")
for _, msg := range msgs {
// Validate the Msg.
err := msg.ValidateBasic()
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
// retrieve the context for the tx w/ txBytes and other memoized values.
func (app *BaseApp) getContextForTx(mode runTxMode, txBytes []byte) (ctx sdk.Context) {
ctx = app.getState(mode).ctx.
if mode == runTxModeSimulate {
ctx, _ = ctx.CacheContext()
// runMsgs iterates through all the messages and executes them.
func (app *BaseApp) runMsgs(ctx sdk.Context, msgs []sdk.Msg, mode runTxMode) (result sdk.Result) {
logs := make([]string, 0, len(msgs))
var data []byte // NOTE: we just append them all (?!)
var tags sdk.Tags // also just append them all
var code sdk.CodeType
var codespace sdk.CodespaceType
for msgIdx, msg := range msgs {
// match message route
msgRoute := msg.Route()
handler := app.router.Route(msgRoute)
if handler == nil {
return sdk.ErrUnknownRequest("Unrecognized Msg type: " + msgRoute).Result()
var msgResult sdk.Result
// skip actual execution for CheckTx mode
if mode != runTxModeCheck {
msgResult = handler(ctx, msg)
// NOTE: GasWanted is determined by ante handler and GasUsed by the GasMeter.
// Result.Data must be length prefixed in order to separate each result
data = append(data, msgResult.Data...)
tags = append(tags, sdk.MakeTag(sdk.TagAction, msg.Type()))
tags = append(tags, msgResult.Tags...)
// stop execution and return on first failed message
if !msgResult.IsOK() {
logs = append(logs, fmt.Sprintf("Msg %d failed: %s", msgIdx, msgResult.Log))
code = msgResult.Code
codespace = msgResult.Codespace
// construct usable logs in multi-message transactions
logs = append(logs, fmt.Sprintf("Msg %d: %s", msgIdx, msgResult.Log))
result = sdk.Result{
Code: code,
Codespace: codespace,
Data: data,
Log: strings.Join(logs, "\n"),
GasUsed: ctx.GasMeter().GasConsumed(),
Tags: tags,
return result
// Returns the applicantion's deliverState if app is in runTxModeDeliver,
// otherwise it returns the application's checkstate.
func (app *BaseApp) getState(mode runTxMode) *state {
if mode == runTxModeCheck || mode == runTxModeSimulate {
return app.checkState
return app.deliverState
// cacheTxContext returns a new context based off of the provided context with
// a cache wrapped multi-store.
func (app *BaseApp) cacheTxContext(ctx sdk.Context, txBytes []byte) (
sdk.Context, sdk.CacheMultiStore) {
ms := ctx.MultiStore()
// TODO:
msCache := ms.CacheMultiStore()
if msCache.TracingEnabled() {
msCache = msCache.SetTracingContext(
"txHash": fmt.Sprintf("%X", tmhash.Sum(txBytes)),
return ctx.WithMultiStore(msCache), msCache
// runTx processes a transaction. The transactions is proccessed via an
// anteHandler. The provided txBytes may be nil in some cases, eg. in tests. For
// further details on transaction execution, reference the BaseApp SDK
// documentation.
func (app *BaseApp) runTx(mode runTxMode, txBytes []byte, tx sdk.Tx) (result sdk.Result) {
// NOTE: GasWanted should be returned by the AnteHandler. GasUsed is
// determined by the GasMeter. We need access to the context to get the gas
// meter so we initialize upfront.
var gasWanted uint64
ctx := app.getContextForTx(mode, txBytes)
ms := ctx.MultiStore()
// only run the tx if there is block gas remaining
if mode == runTxModeDeliver && ctx.BlockGasMeter().IsOutOfGas() {
result = sdk.ErrOutOfGas("no block gas left to run tx").Result()
var startingGas uint64
if mode == runTxModeDeliver {
startingGas = ctx.BlockGasMeter().GasConsumed()
defer func() {
if r := recover(); r != nil {
switch rType := r.(type) {
case sdk.ErrorOutOfGas:
log := fmt.Sprintf(
"out of gas in location: %v; gasWanted: %d, gasUsed: %d",
rType.Descriptor, gasWanted, ctx.GasMeter().GasConsumed(),
result = sdk.ErrOutOfGas(log).Result()
log := fmt.Sprintf("recovered: %v\nstack:\n%v", r, string(debug.Stack()))
result = sdk.ErrInternal(log).Result()
result.GasWanted = gasWanted
result.GasUsed = ctx.GasMeter().GasConsumed()
// If BlockGasMeter() panics it will be caught by the above recover and will
// return an error - in any case BlockGasMeter will consume gas past the limit.
// NOTE: This must exist in a separate defer function for the above recovery
// to recover from this one.
defer func() {
if mode == runTxModeDeliver {
"block gas meter",
if ctx.BlockGasMeter().GasConsumed() < startingGas {
panic(sdk.ErrorGasOverflow{Descriptor: "tx gas summation"})
var msgs = tx.GetMsgs()
if err := validateBasicTxMsgs(msgs); err != nil {
return err.Result()
if app.anteHandler != nil {
var anteCtx sdk.Context
var msCache sdk.CacheMultiStore
// Cache wrap context before anteHandler call in case it aborts.
// This is required for both CheckTx and DeliverTx.
// Ref:
// NOTE: Alternatively, we could require that anteHandler ensures that
// writes do not happen if aborted/failed. This may have some
// performance benefits, but it'll be more difficult to get right.
anteCtx, msCache = app.cacheTxContext(ctx, txBytes)
newCtx, result, abort := app.anteHandler(anteCtx, tx, (mode == runTxModeSimulate))
if !newCtx.IsZero() {
// At this point, newCtx.MultiStore() is cache-wrapped, or something else
// replaced by the ante handler. We want the original multistore, not one
// which was cache-wrapped for the ante handler.
// Also, in the case of the tx aborting, we need to track gas consumed via
// the instantiated gas meter in the ante handler, so we update the context
// prior to returning.
ctx = newCtx.WithMultiStore(ms)
gasWanted = result.GasWanted
if abort {
return result
if mode == runTxModeCheck {
// Create a new context based off of the existing context with a cache wrapped
// multi-store in case message processing fails.
runMsgCtx, msCache := app.cacheTxContext(ctx, txBytes)
result = app.runMsgs(runMsgCtx, msgs, mode)
result.GasWanted = gasWanted
if mode == runTxModeSimulate {
// only update state if all messages pass
if result.IsOK() {
// EndBlock implements the ABCI interface.
func (app *BaseApp) EndBlock(req abci.RequestEndBlock) (res abci.ResponseEndBlock) {
if { =
if app.endBlocker != nil {
res = app.endBlocker(app.deliverState.ctx, req)
// Commit implements the ABCI interface.
func (app *BaseApp) Commit() (res abci.ResponseCommit) {
header := app.deliverState.ctx.BlockHeader()
// write the Deliver state and commit the MultiStore
commitID := app.cms.Commit()
app.logger.Debug("Commit synced", "commit", fmt.Sprintf("%X", commitID))
// Reset the Check state to the latest committed.
// NOTE: safe because Tendermint holds a lock on the mempool for Commit.
// Use the header from this latest block.
// empty/reset the deliver state
app.deliverState = nil
return abci.ResponseCommit{
Data: commitID.Hash,
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// State
type state struct {
ms sdk.CacheMultiStore
ctx sdk.Context
func (st *state) CacheMultiStore() sdk.CacheMultiStore {
func (st *state) Context() sdk.Context {
return st.ctx