
150 lines
5.7 KiB

package simulation_test
import (
abci ""
simappparams ""
sdk ""
simtypes ""
distrtypes ""
minttypes ""
stakingtypes ""
// TestWeightedOperations tests the weights of the operations.
func TestWeightedOperations(t *testing.T) {
app, ctx := createTestApp(false)
cdc := app.AppCodec()
appParams := make(simtypes.AppParams)
s := rand.NewSource(1)
r := rand.New(s)
accs := simtypes.RandomAccounts(r, 3)
expected := []struct {
weight int
opMsgRoute string
opMsgName string
}{{simappparams.DefaultWeightMsgUnjail, types.ModuleName, types.TypeMsgUnjail}}
weightesOps := simulation.WeightedOperations(appParams, cdc, app.AccountKeeper, app.BankKeeper, app.SlashingKeeper, app.StakingKeeper)
for i, w := range weightesOps {
operationMsg, _, _ := w.Op()(r, app.BaseApp, ctx, accs, ctx.ChainID())
// the following checks are very much dependent from the ordering of the output given
// by WeightedOperations. if the ordering in WeightedOperations changes some tests
// will fail
require.Equal(t, expected[i].weight, w.Weight(), "weight should be the same")
require.Equal(t, expected[i].opMsgRoute, operationMsg.Route, "route should be the same")
require.Equal(t, expected[i].opMsgName, operationMsg.Name, "operation Msg name should be the same")
// TestSimulateMsgUnjail tests the normal scenario of a valid message of type types.MsgUnjail.
// Abonormal scenarios, where the message is created by an errors, are not tested here.
func TestSimulateMsgUnjail(t *testing.T) {
app, ctx := createTestApp(false)
blockTime := time.Now().UTC()
ctx = ctx.WithBlockTime(blockTime)
// setup 3 accounts
s := rand.NewSource(1)
r := rand.New(s)
accounts := getTestingAccounts(t, r, app, ctx, 3)
// setup accounts[0] as validator0
validator0 := getTestingValidator0(t, app, ctx, accounts)
// setup validator0 by consensus address
app.StakingKeeper.SetValidatorByConsAddr(ctx, validator0)
val0ConsAddress := sdk.ConsAddress(validator0.GetConsPubKey().Address())
info := types.NewValidatorSigningInfo(val0ConsAddress, int64(4), int64(3),
time.Unix(2, 0), false, int64(10))
app.SlashingKeeper.SetValidatorSigningInfo(ctx, val0ConsAddress, info)
// put validator0 in jail
app.StakingKeeper.Jail(ctx, val0ConsAddress)
// setup self delegation
delTokens := sdk.TokensFromConsensusPower(2)
validator0, issuedShares := validator0.AddTokensFromDel(delTokens)
val0AccAddress := sdk.AccAddress(validator0.OperatorAddress.Bytes())
selfDelegation := stakingtypes.NewDelegation(val0AccAddress, validator0.OperatorAddress, issuedShares)
app.StakingKeeper.SetDelegation(ctx, selfDelegation)
app.DistrKeeper.SetDelegatorStartingInfo(ctx, validator0.OperatorAddress, val0AccAddress, distrtypes.NewDelegatorStartingInfo(2, sdk.OneDec(), 200))
// begin a new block
app.BeginBlock(abci.RequestBeginBlock{Header: abci.Header{Height: app.LastBlockHeight() + 1, AppHash: app.LastCommitID().Hash, Time: blockTime}})
// execute operation
op := simulation.SimulateMsgUnjail(app.AccountKeeper, app.BankKeeper, app.SlashingKeeper, app.StakingKeeper)
operationMsg, futureOperations, err := op(r, app.BaseApp, ctx, accounts, "")
require.NoError(t, err)
var msg types.MsgUnjail
types.ModuleCdc.UnmarshalJSON(operationMsg.Msg, &msg)
require.True(t, operationMsg.OK)
require.Equal(t, types.TypeMsgUnjail, msg.Type())
require.Equal(t, "cosmosvaloper1tnh2q55v8wyygtt9srz5safamzdengsn9dsd7z", msg.GetValidatorAddr().String())
require.Len(t, futureOperations, 0)
// returns context and an app with updated mint keeper
func createTestApp(isCheckTx bool) (*simapp.SimApp, sdk.Context) {
app := simapp.Setup(isCheckTx)
ctx := app.BaseApp.NewContext(isCheckTx, abci.Header{})
app.MintKeeper.SetParams(ctx, minttypes.DefaultParams())
app.MintKeeper.SetMinter(ctx, minttypes.DefaultInitialMinter())
return app, ctx
func getTestingAccounts(t *testing.T, r *rand.Rand, app *simapp.SimApp, ctx sdk.Context, n int) []simtypes.Account {
accounts := simtypes.RandomAccounts(r, n)
initAmt := sdk.TokensFromConsensusPower(200)
initCoins := sdk.NewCoins(sdk.NewCoin(sdk.DefaultBondDenom, initAmt))
// add coins to the accounts
for _, account := range accounts {
acc := app.AccountKeeper.NewAccountWithAddress(ctx, account.Address)
app.AccountKeeper.SetAccount(ctx, acc)
err := app.BankKeeper.SetBalances(ctx, account.Address, initCoins)
require.NoError(t, err)
return accounts
func getTestingValidator0(t *testing.T, app *simapp.SimApp, ctx sdk.Context, accounts []simtypes.Account) stakingtypes.Validator {
commission0 := stakingtypes.NewCommission(sdk.ZeroDec(), sdk.OneDec(), sdk.OneDec())
return getTestingValidator(t, app, ctx, accounts, commission0, 0)
func getTestingValidator(t *testing.T, app *simapp.SimApp, ctx sdk.Context, accounts []simtypes.Account, commission stakingtypes.Commission, n int) stakingtypes.Validator {
account := accounts[n]
valPubKey := account.PubKey
valAddr := sdk.ValAddress(account.PubKey.Address().Bytes())
validator := stakingtypes.NewValidator(valAddr, valPubKey, stakingtypes.Description{})
validator, err := validator.SetInitialCommission(commission)
require.NoError(t, err)
validator.DelegatorShares = sdk.NewDec(100)
validator.Tokens = sdk.NewInt(1000000)
app.StakingKeeper.SetValidator(ctx, validator)
return validator