
136 lines
4.2 KiB

package stake
import (
sdk ""
// load/save the global staking state
func (k Keeper) getPool(ctx sdk.Context) (gs Pool) {
// check if cached before anything
if != (Pool{}) {
store := ctx.KVStore(k.storeKey)
b := store.Get(PoolKey)
if b == nil {
return initialPool()
err := k.cdc.UnmarshalBinary(b, &gs)
if err != nil {
panic(err) // This error should never occur big problem if does
func (k Keeper) setPool(ctx sdk.Context, p Pool) {
store := ctx.KVStore(k.storeKey)
b, err := k.cdc.MarshalBinary(p)
if err != nil {
store.Set(PoolKey, b) = Pool{} // clear the cache
//TODO make these next two functions more efficient should be reading and writting to state ye know
// move a candidates asset pool from bonded to unbonded pool
func (k Keeper) bondedToUnbondedPool(ctx sdk.Context, candidate Candidate) {
// replace bonded shares with unbonded shares
tokens := k.removeSharesBonded(ctx, candidate.Assets)
candidate.Assets = k.addTokensUnbonded(ctx, tokens)
candidate.Status = Unbonded
k.setCandidate(ctx, candidate)
// move a candidates asset pool from unbonded to bonded pool
func (k Keeper) unbondedToBondedPool(ctx sdk.Context, candidate Candidate) {
// replace unbonded shares with bonded shares
tokens := k.removeSharesUnbonded(ctx, candidate.Assets)
candidate.Assets = k.addTokensBonded(ctx, tokens)
candidate.Status = Bonded
k.setCandidate(ctx, candidate)
func (k Keeper) addTokensBonded(ctx sdk.Context, amount int64) (issuedShares sdk.Rat) {
p := k.getPool(ctx)
issuedShares = p.bondedShareExRate().Inv().Mul(sdk.NewRat(amount)) // (tokens/shares)^-1 * tokens
p.BondedPool += amount
p.BondedShares = p.BondedShares.Add(issuedShares)
k.setPool(ctx, p)
func (k Keeper) removeSharesBonded(ctx sdk.Context, shares sdk.Rat) (removedTokens int64) {
p := k.getPool(ctx)
removedTokens = p.bondedShareExRate().Mul(shares).Evaluate() // (tokens/shares) * shares
p.BondedShares = p.BondedShares.Sub(shares)
p.BondedPool -= removedTokens
k.setPool(ctx, p)
func (k Keeper) addTokensUnbonded(ctx sdk.Context, amount int64) (issuedShares sdk.Rat) {
p := k.getPool(ctx)
issuedShares = p.unbondedShareExRate().Inv().Mul(sdk.NewRat(amount)) // (tokens/shares)^-1 * tokens
p.UnbondedShares = p.UnbondedShares.Add(issuedShares)
p.UnbondedPool += amount
k.setPool(ctx, p)
func (k Keeper) removeSharesUnbonded(ctx sdk.Context, shares sdk.Rat) (removedTokens int64) {
p := k.getPool(ctx)
removedTokens = p.unbondedShareExRate().Mul(shares).Evaluate() // (tokens/shares) * shares
p.UnbondedShares = p.UnbondedShares.Sub(shares)
p.UnbondedPool -= removedTokens
k.setPool(ctx, p)
// add tokens to a candidate
func (k Keeper) candidateAddTokens(ctx sdk.Context, candidate Candidate, amount int64) (issuedDelegatorShares sdk.Rat) {
p := k.getPool(ctx)
exRate := candidate.delegatorShareExRate()
var receivedGlobalShares sdk.Rat
if candidate.Status == Bonded {
receivedGlobalShares = k.addTokensBonded(ctx, amount)
} else {
receivedGlobalShares = k.addTokensUnbonded(ctx, amount)
candidate.Assets = candidate.Assets.Add(receivedGlobalShares)
issuedDelegatorShares = exRate.Mul(receivedGlobalShares)
candidate.Liabilities = candidate.Liabilities.Add(issuedDelegatorShares)
k.setPool(ctx, p) // TODO cache Pool?
// remove shares from a candidate
func (k Keeper) candidateRemoveShares(ctx sdk.Context, candidate Candidate, shares sdk.Rat) (createdCoins int64) {
p := k.getPool(ctx)
//exRate := candidate.delegatorShareExRate() //XXX make sure not used
globalPoolSharesToRemove := candidate.delegatorShareExRate().Mul(shares)
if candidate.Status == Bonded {
createdCoins = k.removeSharesBonded(ctx, globalPoolSharesToRemove)
} else {
createdCoins = k.removeSharesUnbonded(ctx, globalPoolSharesToRemove)
candidate.Assets = candidate.Assets.Sub(globalPoolSharesToRemove)
candidate.Liabilities = candidate.Liabilities.Sub(shares)
k.setPool(ctx, p) // TODO cache Pool?