
154 lines
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package types
import (
sdk ""
// common parameters used in withdraws from validators
type WithdrawContext struct {
FeePool FeePool
Height int64 // block height
TotalPower sdk.Dec // total bonded tokens in the network
ValPower sdk.Dec // validator's bonded tokens
CommissionRate sdk.Dec // validator commission rate
func NewWithdrawContext(feePool FeePool, height int64, totalPower,
valPower, commissionRate sdk.Dec) WithdrawContext {
return WithdrawContext{
FeePool: feePool,
Height: height,
TotalPower: totalPower,
ValPower: valPower,
CommissionRate: commissionRate,
// distribution info for a particular validator
type ValidatorDistInfo struct {
OperatorAddr sdk.ValAddress `json:"operator_addr"`
FeePoolWithdrawalHeight int64 `json:"fee_pool_withdrawal_height"` // last height this validator withdrew from the global pool
DelAccum TotalAccum `json:"del_accum"` // total accumulation factor held by delegators
DelPool DecCoins `json:"del_pool"` // rewards owed to delegators, commission has already been charged (includes proposer reward)
ValCommission DecCoins `json:"val_commission"` // commission collected by this validator (pending withdrawal)
func NewValidatorDistInfo(operatorAddr sdk.ValAddress, currentHeight int64) ValidatorDistInfo {
return ValidatorDistInfo{
OperatorAddr: operatorAddr,
FeePoolWithdrawalHeight: currentHeight,
DelPool: DecCoins{},
DelAccum: NewTotalAccum(currentHeight),
ValCommission: DecCoins{},
// update total delegator accumululation
func (vi ValidatorDistInfo) UpdateTotalDelAccum(height int64, totalDelShares sdk.Dec) ValidatorDistInfo {
vi.DelAccum = vi.DelAccum.UpdateForNewHeight(height, totalDelShares)
return vi
// Get the total delegator accum within this validator at the provided height
func (vi ValidatorDistInfo) GetTotalDelAccum(height int64, totalDelShares sdk.Dec) sdk.Dec {
return vi.DelAccum.GetAccum(height, totalDelShares)
// Get the validator accum at the provided height
func (vi ValidatorDistInfo) GetValAccum(height int64, valTokens sdk.Dec) sdk.Dec {
blocks := height - vi.FeePoolWithdrawalHeight
return valTokens.MulInt(sdk.NewInt(blocks))
// Move any available accumulated fees in the FeePool to the validator's pool
// - updates validator info's FeePoolWithdrawalHeight, thus setting accum to 0
// - updates fee pool to latest height and total val accum w/ given totalBonded
// This is the only way to update the FeePool's validator TotalAccum.
// NOTE: This algorithm works as long as TakeFeePoolRewards is called after every power change.
// - called in ValidationDistInfo.WithdrawCommission
// - called in DelegationDistInfo.WithdrawRewards
// NOTE: When a delegator unbonds, say, onDelegationSharesModified ->
// WithdrawDelegationReward -> WithdrawRewards
func (vi ValidatorDistInfo) TakeFeePoolRewards(wc WithdrawContext) (
ValidatorDistInfo, FeePool) {
fp := wc.FeePool.UpdateTotalValAccum(wc.Height, wc.TotalPower)
if fp.TotalValAccum.Accum.IsZero() {
vi.FeePoolWithdrawalHeight = wc.Height
return vi, fp
// update the validators pool
accum := vi.GetValAccum(wc.Height, wc.ValPower)
vi.FeePoolWithdrawalHeight = wc.Height
if accum.GT(fp.TotalValAccum.Accum) {
panic("individual accum should never be greater than the total")
withdrawalTokens := fp.ValPool.MulDec(accum).QuoDec(fp.TotalValAccum.Accum) // XXX ensure this doesn't cause problems
remValPool := fp.ValPool.Minus(withdrawalTokens)
commission := withdrawalTokens.MulDec(wc.CommissionRate)
afterCommission := withdrawalTokens.Minus(commission)
fp.TotalValAccum.Accum = fp.TotalValAccum.Accum.Sub(accum)
fp.ValPool = remValPool
vi.ValCommission = vi.ValCommission.Plus(commission)
vi.DelPool = vi.DelPool.Plus(afterCommission)
return vi, fp
// withdraw commission rewards
func (vi ValidatorDistInfo) WithdrawCommission(wc WithdrawContext) (
vio ValidatorDistInfo, fpo FeePool, withdrawn DecCoins) {
vi, fp := vi.TakeFeePoolRewards(wc)
withdrawalTokens := vi.ValCommission
vi.ValCommission = DecCoins{} // zero
return vi, fp, withdrawalTokens
// get the validator's pool rewards at this current state,
func (vi ValidatorDistInfo) CurrentPoolRewards(
wc WithdrawContext) DecCoins {
fp := wc.FeePool
totalValAccum := fp.GetTotalValAccum(wc.Height, wc.TotalPower)
valAccum := vi.GetValAccum(wc.Height, wc.ValPower)
if valAccum.GT(totalValAccum) {
panic("individual accum should never be greater than the total")
withdrawalTokens := fp.ValPool.MulDec(valAccum).QuoDec(totalValAccum)
commission := withdrawalTokens.MulDec(wc.CommissionRate)
afterCommission := withdrawalTokens.Minus(commission)
pool := vi.DelPool.Plus(afterCommission)
return pool
// get the validator's commission pool rewards at this current state,
func (vi ValidatorDistInfo) CurrentCommissionRewards(
wc WithdrawContext) DecCoins {
fp := wc.FeePool
totalValAccum := fp.GetTotalValAccum(wc.Height, wc.TotalPower)
valAccum := vi.GetValAccum(wc.Height, wc.ValPower)
if valAccum.GT(totalValAccum) {
panic("individual accum should never be greater than the total")
withdrawalTokens := fp.ValPool.MulDec(valAccum).QuoDec(totalValAccum)
commission := withdrawalTokens.MulDec(wc.CommissionRate)
commissionPool := vi.ValCommission.Plus(commission)
return commissionPool