
93 lines
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package sdk
// Decorator is anything that wraps another handler
// to enhance functionality.
// They are usually chained together via ChainDecorators
// before wrapping an interface.
type Decorator interface {
type DecorateChecker interface {
CheckTx(ctx Context, store SimpleDB,
tx interface{}, next Checker) (CheckResult, error)
type DecorateDeliverer interface {
DeliverTx(ctx Context, store SimpleDB, tx interface{},
next Deliverer) (DeliverResult, error)
// Stack is the entire application stack
type Stack struct {
decorators []Decorator
handler Handler
Handler // the compiled version, which we expose
var _ Handler = &Stack{}
// ChainDecorators prepares a stack of decorators,
// you must call `.WithHandler()` before you can execute it.
func ChainDecorators(decorators ...Decorator) *Stack {
s := &Stack{
decorators: decorators,
return s
// WithHandler sets the final handler for the stack and
// prepares it for use
func (s *Stack) WithHandler(handler Handler) *Stack {
if handler == nil {
panic("Cannot have a Stack without an end handler")
s.handler = handler
s.Handler = build(s.decorators, s.handler)
return s
// build wraps each decorator around the next, so that
// the last in the list is closest to the handler
func build(stack []Decorator, end Handler) Handler {
if len(stack) == 0 {
return end
return wrap(stack[0], build(stack[1:], end))
// decorator lets us wrap a whole stack up into one Handler
// heavily inspired by negroni's design
type decorator struct {
decorator Decorator
next Handler
// ensure it fulfils the interface
var _ Handler = &decorator{}
// CheckTx fulfils Handler interface
func (m *decorator) CheckTx(ctx Context, store SimpleDB,
tx interface{}) (CheckResult, error) {
return m.decorator.CheckTx(ctx, store, tx,
// DeliverTx fulfils Handler interface
func (m *decorator) DeliverTx(ctx Context, store SimpleDB,
tx interface{}) (res DeliverResult, err error) {
return m.decorator.DeliverTx(ctx, store, tx,
// wrap puts one decorator around a handler
func wrap(dec Decorator, next Handler) Handler {
return &decorator{
decorator: dec,
next: next,