
100 lines
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package stack
import (
crypto ""
func TestSignatureChecks(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
// generic args
ctx := NewContext("test-chain", log.NewNopLogger())
store := types.NewMemKVStore()
raw := txs.NewRaw([]byte{1, 2, 3, 4})
// let's make some keys....
priv1 := crypto.GenPrivKeyEd25519().Wrap()
actor1 := SigPerm(priv1.PubKey().Address())
priv2 := crypto.GenPrivKeySecp256k1().Wrap()
actor2 := SigPerm(priv2.PubKey().Address())
// test cases to make sure signature checks are solid
cases := []struct {
useMultiSig bool
keys []crypto.PrivKey
check basecoin.Actor
valid bool
// test with single sigs
{false, []crypto.PrivKey{priv1}, actor1, true},
{false, []crypto.PrivKey{priv1}, actor2, false},
{false, []crypto.PrivKey{priv2}, actor2, true},
{false, []crypto.PrivKey{}, actor2, false},
// same with multi sigs
{true, []crypto.PrivKey{priv1}, actor1, true},
{true, []crypto.PrivKey{priv1}, actor2, false},
{true, []crypto.PrivKey{priv2}, actor2, true},
{true, []crypto.PrivKey{}, actor2, false},
// make sure both match on a multisig
{true, []crypto.PrivKey{priv1, priv2}, actor1, true},
{true, []crypto.PrivKey{priv1, priv2}, actor2, true},
for i, tc := range cases {
idx := strconv.Itoa(i)
// make the stack check for the given permission
app := New(
Recovery{}, // we need this so panics turn to errors
CheckMiddleware{Required: tc.check},
var tx basecoin.Tx
// this does the signing as needed
if tc.useMultiSig {
mtx := txs.NewMulti(raw)
for _, k := range tc.keys {
err := txs.Sign(mtx, k)
assert.Nil(err, "%d: %+v", i, err)
tx = mtx.Wrap()
} else {
otx := txs.NewSig(raw)
for _, k := range tc.keys {
err := txs.Sign(otx, k)
assert.Nil(err, "%d: %+v", i, err)
tx = otx.Wrap()
// this will trivial expose the printing error...
// _, err := app.CheckTx(ctx, store, raw)
_, err := app.CheckTx(ctx, store, tx)
if tc.valid {
// TODO: why doen't tmerror print properly???
assert.Nil(err, "%d: %+v", i, err)
} else {
assert.NotNil(err, idx)
_, err = app.DeliverTx(ctx, store, tx)
if tc.valid {
assert.Nil(err, "%d: %+v", i, err)
} else {
assert.NotNil(err, idx)