
77 lines
2.8 KiB

package simulation
import (
sdk ""
abci ""
// AllInvariants runs all invariants of the stake module.
// Currently: total supply, positive power
func AllInvariants(ck bank.Keeper, k stake.Keeper, am auth.AccountMapper) simulation.Invariant {
return func(t *testing.T, app *baseapp.BaseApp, log string) {
SupplyInvariants(ck, k, am)(t, app, log)
PositivePowerInvariant(k)(t, app, log)
ValidatorSetInvariant(k)(t, app, log)
// SupplyInvariants checks that the total supply reflects all held loose tokens, bonded tokens, and unbonding delegations
func SupplyInvariants(ck bank.Keeper, k stake.Keeper, am auth.AccountMapper) simulation.Invariant {
return func(t *testing.T, app *baseapp.BaseApp, log string) {
ctx := app.NewContext(false, abci.Header{})
pool := k.GetPool(ctx)
// Loose tokens should equal coin supply
loose := sdk.ZeroInt()
am.IterateAccounts(ctx, func(acc auth.Account) bool {
loose = loose.Add(acc.GetCoins().AmountOf("steak"))
return false
require.True(t, pool.LooseTokens.RoundInt64() == loose.Int64(), "expected loose tokens to equal total steak held by accounts - pool.LooseTokens: %v, sum of account tokens: %v\nlog: %s",
pool.LooseTokens, loose, log)
// stats["stake/invariant/looseTokens"] += 1
// Bonded tokens should equal sum of tokens with bonded validators
bonded := sdk.ZeroRat()
k.IterateValidators(ctx, func(_ int64, validator sdk.Validator) bool {
switch validator.GetStatus() {
case sdk.Bonded:
bonded = bonded.Add(validator.GetPower())
return false
require.True(t, pool.BondedTokens.Equal(bonded), "expected bonded tokens to equal total steak held by bonded validators\nlog: %s", log)
// stats["stake/invariant/bondedTokens"] += 1
// TODO Inflation check on total supply
// PositivePowerInvariant checks that all stored validators have > 0 power
func PositivePowerInvariant(k stake.Keeper) simulation.Invariant {
return func(t *testing.T, app *baseapp.BaseApp, log string) {
ctx := app.NewContext(false, abci.Header{})
k.IterateValidatorsBonded(ctx, func(_ int64, validator sdk.Validator) bool {
require.True(t, validator.GetPower().GT(sdk.ZeroRat()), "validator with non-positive power stored")
return false
// stats["stake/invariant/positivePower"] += 1
// ValidatorSetInvariant checks equivalence of Tendermint validator set and SDK validator set
func ValidatorSetInvariant(k stake.Keeper) simulation.Invariant {
return func(t *testing.T, app *baseapp.BaseApp, log string) {