
144 lines
6.1 KiB

package types
import (
sdk ""
//changing the int in NewSource will allow you to test different, deterministic, sets of operations
var r = rand.New(rand.NewSource(6595))
func TestGetInflation(t *testing.T) {
pool := InitialPool()
params := DefaultParams()
// Governing Mechanism:
// BondedRatio = BondedTokens / TotalSupply
// inflationRateChangePerYear = (1- BondedRatio/ GoalBonded) * MaxInflationRateChange
tests := []struct {
name string
setBondedTokens, setLooseTokens,
setInflation, expectedChange sdk.Rat
// with 0% bonded atom supply the inflation should increase by InflationRateChange
{"test 1", sdk.ZeroRat(), sdk.ZeroRat(), sdk.NewRat(7, 100), params.InflationRateChange.Quo(hrsPerYrRat).Round(precision)},
// 100% bonded, starting at 20% inflation and being reduced
// (1 - (1/0.67))*(0.13/8667)
{"test 2", sdk.OneRat(), sdk.ZeroRat(), sdk.NewRat(20, 100),
// 50% bonded, starting at 10% inflation and being increased
{"test 3", sdk.OneRat(), sdk.OneRat(), sdk.NewRat(10, 100),
sdk.OneRat().Sub(sdk.NewRat(1, 2).Quo(params.GoalBonded)).Mul(params.InflationRateChange).Quo(hrsPerYrRat).Round(precision)},
// test 7% minimum stop (testing with 100% bonded)
{"test 4", sdk.OneRat(), sdk.ZeroRat(), sdk.NewRat(7, 100), sdk.ZeroRat()},
{"test 5", sdk.OneRat(), sdk.ZeroRat(), sdk.NewRat(70001, 1000000), sdk.NewRat(-1, 1000000)},
// test 20% maximum stop (testing with 0% bonded)
{"test 6", sdk.ZeroRat(), sdk.ZeroRat(), sdk.NewRat(20, 100), sdk.ZeroRat()},
{"test 7", sdk.ZeroRat(), sdk.ZeroRat(), sdk.NewRat(199999, 1000000), sdk.NewRat(1, 1000000)},
// perfect balance shouldn't change inflation
{"test 8", sdk.NewRat(67), sdk.NewRat(33), sdk.NewRat(15, 100), sdk.ZeroRat()},
for _, tc := range tests {
pool.BondedTokens, pool.LooseTokens = tc.setBondedTokens, tc.setLooseTokens
pool.Inflation = tc.setInflation
inflation := pool.NextInflation(params)
diffInflation := inflation.Sub(tc.setInflation)
require.True(t, diffInflation.Equal(tc.expectedChange),
"Name: %v\nDiff: %v\nExpected: %v\n",, diffInflation, tc.expectedChange)
// Test that provisions are correctly added to the pool and validators each hour for 1 year
func TestProcessProvisions(t *testing.T) {
pool := InitialPool()
params := DefaultParams()
var (
initialTotalTokens int64 = 550000000
cumulativeExpProvs = sdk.ZeroRat()
pool.LooseTokens = sdk.NewRat(initialTotalTokens)
// process the provisions for a year
for hr := 0; hr < 100; hr++ {
var expProvisions sdk.Rat
_, expProvisions, pool = updateProvisions(t, pool, params, hr)
cumulativeExpProvs = cumulativeExpProvs.Add(expProvisions)
//get the pool and do the final value checks from checkFinalPoolValues
checkFinalPoolValues(t, pool, sdk.NewRat(initialTotalTokens), cumulativeExpProvs)
////////////////////////////////HELPER FUNCTIONS BELOW/////////////////////////////////////
// Final check on the global pool values for what the total tokens accumulated from each hour of provisions
func checkFinalPoolValues(t *testing.T, pool Pool, initialTotalTokens, cumulativeExpProvs sdk.Rat) {
calculatedTotalTokens := initialTotalTokens.Add(cumulativeExpProvs)
require.True(sdk.RatEq(t, calculatedTotalTokens, pool.TokenSupply()))
// Processes provisions are added to the pool correctly every hour
// Returns expected Provisions, expected Inflation, and pool, to help with cumulative calculations back in main Tests
func updateProvisions(t *testing.T, pool Pool, params Params, hr int) (sdk.Rat, sdk.Rat, Pool) {
expInflation := pool.NextInflation(params)
expProvisions := expInflation.Mul(pool.TokenSupply().Round(precision)).Quo(hrsPerYrRat)
startTotalSupply := pool.TokenSupply()
pool = pool.ProcessProvisions(params)
//check provisions were added to pool
require.True(sdk.RatEq(t, startTotalSupply.Add(expProvisions), pool.TokenSupply()))
return expInflation, expProvisions, pool
// Checks that The inflation will correctly increase or decrease after an update to the pool
// nolint: gocyclo
func checkInflation(t *testing.T, pool Pool, previousInflation, updatedInflation sdk.Rat, msg string) {
inflationChange := updatedInflation.Sub(previousInflation)
switch {
//BELOW 67% - Rate of change positive and increasing, while we are between 7% <= and < 20% inflation
case pool.BondedRatio().LT(sdk.NewRat(67, 100)) && updatedInflation.LT(sdk.NewRat(20, 100)):
require.Equal(t, true, inflationChange.GT(sdk.ZeroRat()), msg)
//BELOW 67% - Rate of change should be 0 while inflation continually stays at 20% until we reach 67% bonded ratio
case pool.BondedRatio().LT(sdk.NewRat(67, 100)) && updatedInflation.Equal(sdk.NewRat(20, 100)):
if previousInflation.Equal(sdk.NewRat(20, 100)) {
require.Equal(t, true, inflationChange.IsZero(), msg)
//This else statement covers the one off case where we first hit 20%, but we still needed a positive ROC to get to 67% bonded ratio (i.e. we went from 19.99999% to 20%)
} else {
require.Equal(t, true, inflationChange.GT(sdk.ZeroRat()), msg)
//ABOVE 67% - Rate of change should be negative while the bond is above 67, and should stay negative until we reach inflation of 7%
case pool.BondedRatio().GT(sdk.NewRat(67, 100)) && updatedInflation.LT(sdk.NewRat(20, 100)) && updatedInflation.GT(sdk.NewRat(7, 100)):
require.Equal(t, true, inflationChange.LT(sdk.ZeroRat()), msg)
//ABOVE 67% - Rate of change should be 0 while inflation continually stays at 7%.
case pool.BondedRatio().GT(sdk.NewRat(67, 100)) && updatedInflation.Equal(sdk.NewRat(7, 100)):
if previousInflation.Equal(sdk.NewRat(7, 100)) {
require.Equal(t, true, inflationChange.IsZero(), msg)
//This else statement covers the one off case where we first hit 7%, but we still needed a negative ROC to continue to get down to 67%. (i.e. we went from 7.00001% to 7%)
} else {
require.Equal(t, true, inflationChange.LT(sdk.ZeroRat()), msg)