
272 lines
7.4 KiB

package main
import (
. ""
govtypes ""
eyescli ""
tmsp ""
func main() {
func testSendTx() {
eyesCli := eyescli.NewLocalClient()
chainID := "test_chain_id"
bcApp := app.NewBasecoin(eyesCli)
bcApp.SetOption("base/chainID", chainID)
test1PrivAcc := tests.PrivAccountFromSecret("test1")
test2PrivAcc := tests.PrivAccountFromSecret("test2")
// Seed Basecoin with account
test1Acc := test1PrivAcc.Account
test1Acc.Balance = types.Coins{{"", 1000}}
fmt.Println(bcApp.SetOption("base/account", string(wire.JSONBytes(test1Acc))))
// Construct a SendTx signature
tx := &types.SendTx{
Fee: 0,
Gas: 0,
Inputs: []types.TxInput{
Address: test1PrivAcc.Account.PubKey.Address(),
PubKey: test1PrivAcc.Account.PubKey, // TODO is this needed?
Coins: types.Coins{{"", 1}},
Sequence: 1,
Outputs: []types.TxOutput{
Address: test2PrivAcc.Account.PubKey.Address(),
Coins: types.Coins{{"", 1}},
// Sign request
signBytes := tx.SignBytes(chainID)
fmt.Printf("Sign bytes: %X\n", signBytes)
sig := test1PrivAcc.PrivKey.Sign(signBytes)
tx.Inputs[0].Signature = sig
//fmt.Println("tx:", tx)
fmt.Printf("Signed TX bytes: %X\n", wire.BinaryBytes(struct{ types.Tx }{tx}))
// Write request
txBytes := wire.BinaryBytes(struct{ types.Tx }{tx})
res := bcApp.AppendTx(txBytes)
if res.IsErr() {
Exit(Fmt("Failed: %v", res.Error()))
func testGov() {
eyesCli := eyescli.NewLocalClient()
chainID := "test_chain_id"
bcApp := app.NewBasecoin(eyesCli)
bcApp.SetOption("base/chainID", chainID)
adminPrivAcc := tests.PrivAccountFromSecret("admin")
val0PrivKey := crypto.GenPrivKeyEd25519FromSecret([]byte("val0"))
val1PrivKey := crypto.GenPrivKeyEd25519FromSecret([]byte("val1"))
val2PrivKey := crypto.GenPrivKeyEd25519FromSecret([]byte("val2"))
// Seed Basecoin with admin using PrivAccount
adminAcc := adminPrivAcc.Account
adminEntity := govtypes.Entity{
Addr: adminAcc.PubKey.Address(),
PubKey: adminAcc.PubKey,
log := bcApp.SetOption("gov/admin", string(wire.JSONBytes(adminEntity)))
if log != "Success" {
Exit(Fmt("Failed to set option: %v", log))
adminAccount := types.Account{
PubKey: adminAcc.PubKey,
Sequence: 0,
Balance: types.Coins{{"", 1 << 53}},
log = bcApp.SetOption("base/account", string(wire.JSONBytes(adminAccount)))
if log != "Success" {
Exit(Fmt("Failed to set option: %v", log))
// Call InitChain to initialize the validator set
{PubKey: val0PrivKey.PubKey().Bytes(), Power: 1},
{PubKey: val1PrivKey.PubKey().Bytes(), Power: 1},
{PubKey: val2PrivKey.PubKey().Bytes(), Power: 1},
// Query for validator set
res := bcApp.Query(expr.MustCompile(`x02 x01 "gov/g/validators"`))
if res.IsErr() {
Exit(Fmt("Failed to query validators: %v", res.Error()))
group := govtypes.Group{}
err := wire.ReadBinaryBytes(res.Data, &group)
if err != nil {
Exit(Fmt("Unexpected query response bytes: %X error: %v",
res.Data, err))
// fmt.Println("Initialized gov/g/validators", group)
// Mutate the validator set.
proposal := govtypes.Proposal{
ID: "my_proposal_id",
VoteGroupID: "admin",
StartHeight: 0,
EndHeight: 0,
Info: &govtypes.GroupUpdateProposalInfo{
UpdateGroupID: "validators",
NextVersion: 0,
ChangedMembers: []govtypes.Member{
{nil, 1}, // TODO Fill this out.
proposalTx := &govtypes.ProposalTx{
EntityAddr: adminEntity.Addr,
Proposal: proposal,
proposalTx.SetSignature(nil, adminPrivAcc.Sign(proposalTx.SignBytes()))
tx := &types.AppTx{
Fee: 1,
Gas: 1,
Type: app.PluginTypeByteGov, // XXX Remove typebytes?
Input: types.TxInput{
Address: adminEntity.Addr,
Coins: types.Coins{{"", 1}},
Sequence: 1,
PubKey: adminEntity.PubKey,
Data: wire.BinaryBytes(struct{ govtypes.Tx }{proposalTx}),
tx.SetSignature(nil, adminPrivAcc.Sign(tx.SignBytes(chainID)))
res = bcApp.AppendTx(wire.BinaryBytes(struct{ types.Tx }{tx}))
if res.IsErr() {
Exit(Fmt("Failed to mutate validators: %v", res.Error()))
// TODO more tests...
func testSequence() {
eyesCli := eyescli.NewLocalClient()
chainID := "test_chain_id"
bcApp := app.NewBasecoin(eyesCli)
bcApp.SetOption("base/chainID", chainID)
// Get the test account
test1PrivAcc := tests.PrivAccountFromSecret("test1")
test1Acc := test1PrivAcc.Account
test1Acc.Balance = types.Coins{{"", 1 << 53}}
fmt.Println(bcApp.SetOption("base/account", string(wire.JSONBytes(test1Acc))))
sequence := int(1)
// Make a bunch of PrivAccounts
privAccounts := tests.RandAccounts(1000, 1000000, 0)
privAccountSequences := make(map[string]int)
// Send coins to each account
for i := 0; i < len(privAccounts); i++ {
privAccount := privAccounts[i]
tx := &types.SendTx{
Fee: 2,
Gas: 2,
Inputs: []types.TxInput{
Address: test1Acc.PubKey.Address(),
PubKey: test1Acc.PubKey, // TODO is this needed?
Coins: types.Coins{{"", 1000002}},
Sequence: sequence,
Outputs: []types.TxOutput{
Address: privAccount.Account.PubKey.Address(),
Coins: types.Coins{{"", 1000000}},
sequence += 1
// Sign request
signBytes := tx.SignBytes(chainID)
sig := test1PrivAcc.PrivKey.Sign(signBytes)
tx.Inputs[0].Signature = sig
// fmt.Printf("ADDR: %X -> %X\n", tx.Inputs[0].Address, tx.Outputs[0].Address)
// Write request
txBytes := wire.BinaryBytes(struct{ types.Tx }{tx})
res := bcApp.AppendTx(txBytes)
if res.IsErr() {
Exit("AppendTx error: " + res.Error())
fmt.Println("-------------------- RANDOM SENDS --------------------")
// Now send coins between these accounts
for i := 0; i < 10000; i++ {
randA := RandInt() % len(privAccounts)
randB := RandInt() % len(privAccounts)
if randA == randB {
privAccountA := privAccounts[randA]
privAccountASequence := privAccountSequences[privAccountA.Account.PubKey.KeyString()]
privAccountSequences[privAccountA.Account.PubKey.KeyString()] = privAccountASequence + 1
privAccountB := privAccounts[randB]
tx := &types.SendTx{
Fee: 2,
Gas: 2,
Inputs: []types.TxInput{
Address: privAccountA.Account.PubKey.Address(),
PubKey: privAccountA.Account.PubKey,
Coins: types.Coins{{"", 3}},
Sequence: privAccountASequence + 1,
Outputs: []types.TxOutput{
Address: privAccountB.Account.PubKey.Address(),
Coins: types.Coins{{"", 1}},
// Sign request
signBytes := tx.SignBytes(chainID)
sig := privAccountA.PrivKey.Sign(signBytes)
tx.Inputs[0].Signature = sig
// fmt.Printf("ADDR: %X -> %X\n", tx.Inputs[0].Address, tx.Outputs[0].Address)
// Write request
txBytes := wire.BinaryBytes(struct{ types.Tx }{tx})
res := bcApp.AppendTx(txBytes)
if res.IsErr() {
Exit("AppendTx error: " + res.Error())