
72 lines
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package service
import (
crgerrs ""
crgtypes ""
// genesisBlockFetchTimeout defines a timeout to fetch the genesis block
const genesisBlockFetchTimeout = 15 * time.Second
// NewOnlineNetwork builds a single network adapter.
// It will get the Genesis block on the beginning to avoid calling it everytime.
func NewOnlineNetwork(network *types.NetworkIdentifier, client crgtypes.Client) (crgtypes.API, error) {
ctx, cancel := context.WithTimeout(context.Background(), genesisBlockFetchTimeout)
defer cancel()
var genesisHeight int64 = -1 // to use initial_height in genesis.json
block, err := client.BlockByHeight(ctx, &genesisHeight)
if err != nil {
return OnlineNetwork{}, err
return OnlineNetwork{
client: client,
network: network,
networkOptions: networkOptionsFromClient(client, block.Block),
genesisBlockIdentifier: block.Block,
}, nil
// OnlineNetwork groups together all the components required for the full rosetta implementation
type OnlineNetwork struct {
client crgtypes.Client // used to query cosmos app + tendermint
network *types.NetworkIdentifier // identifies the network, it's static
networkOptions *types.NetworkOptionsResponse // identifies the network options, it's static
genesisBlockIdentifier *types.BlockIdentifier // identifies genesis block, it's static
// AccountsCoins - relevant only for UTXO based chain
// see
func (o OnlineNetwork) AccountCoins(_ context.Context, _ *types.AccountCoinsRequest) (*types.AccountCoinsResponse, *types.Error) {
return nil, crgerrs.ToRosetta(crgerrs.ErrOffline)
// networkOptionsFromClient builds network options given the client
func networkOptionsFromClient(client crgtypes.Client, genesisBlock *types.BlockIdentifier) *types.NetworkOptionsResponse {
var tsi *int64
if genesisBlock != nil {
tsi = &(genesisBlock.Index)
return &types.NetworkOptionsResponse{
Version: &types.Version{
RosettaVersion: crgtypes.SpecVersion,
NodeVersion: client.Version(),
Allow: &types.Allow{
OperationStatuses: client.OperationStatuses(),
OperationTypes: client.SupportedOperations(),
Errors: crgerrs.SealAndListErrors(),
HistoricalBalanceLookup: true,
TimestampStartIndex: tsi,