
58 lines
1.3 KiB
Protocol Buffer

syntax = "proto3";
package protobuf;
import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
message QueueName {
// chain_id is which chain this queue is
// associated with
string chain_id = 1;
enum Purpose {
SEND = 0;
Purpose purpose = 2;
// StateKey is a key for the head/tail of a given queue
message StateKey {
QueueName queue = 1;
// both encode into one byte with varint encoding
// never clash with 8 byte message indexes
enum State {
HEAD = 0;
TAIL = 0x7f;
State state = 2;
// StateValue is the type stored under a StateKey
message StateValue {
fixed64 index = 1;
// MessageKey is the key for message *index* in a given queue
message MessageKey {
QueueName queue = 1;
fixed64 index = 2;
// SendValue is stored under a MessageKey in the SEND queue
message SendValue {
uint64 maxHeight = 1;
google.protobuf.Timestamp maxTime = 2;
// use kind instead of type to avoid keyword conflict
bytes kind = 3;
bytes data = 4;
// ReceiptValue is stored under a MessageKey in the RECEIPT queue
message ReceiptValue {
// 0 is success, others are application-defined errors
int32 errorCode = 1;
// contains result on success, optional info on error
bytes data = 2;