
141 lines
4.4 KiB

package coin
import (
wire ""
// TODO: other test making sure tx is output on send, balance is updated
// This makes sure we respond properly to posttx
// TODO: set credit limit
func TestIBCPostPacket(t *testing.T) {
assert := assert.New(t)
require := require.New(t)
otherID := "chain-2"
ourID := "dex"
start := 200
// create the app and our chain
app := stack.New().
ourChain := ibc.NewAppChain(app, ourID)
// set up the other chain and register it with us
otherChain := ibc.NewMockChain(otherID, 7)
registerTx := otherChain.GetRegistrationTx(start).Wrap()
_, err := ourChain.DeliverTx(registerTx)
require.Nil(err, "%+v", err)
// set up a rich guy on this chain
wealth := Coins{{"btc", 300}, {"eth", 2000}, {"ltc", 5000}}
rich := NewAccountWithKey(wealth)
_, err = ourChain.SetOption("coin", "account", rich.MakeOption())
require.Nil(err, "%+v", err)
// sends money to another guy on a different chain, now other chain has credit
buddy := basecoin.Actor{ChainID: otherID, App: auth.NameSigs, Address: []byte("dude")}
outTx := NewSendOneTx(rich.Actor(), buddy, wealth)
_, err = ourChain.DeliverTx(outTx, rich.Actor())
require.Nil(err, "%+v", err)
// make sure the money moved to the other chain...
cstore := ourChain.GetStore(NameCoin)
acct, err := GetAccount(cstore, ChainAddr(buddy))
require.Nil(err, "%+v", err)
require.Equal(wealth, acct.Coins)
// make sure there is a proper packet for this....
istore := ourChain.GetStore(ibc.NameIBC)
assertPacket(t, istore, otherID, wealth)
// these are the people for testing incoming ibc from the other chain
recipient := basecoin.Actor{ChainID: ourID, App: auth.NameSigs, Address: []byte("bar")}
sender := basecoin.Actor{ChainID: otherID, App: auth.NameSigs, Address: []byte("foo")}
payment := Coins{{"eth", 100}, {"ltc", 300}}
coinTx := NewSendOneTx(sender, recipient, payment)
wrongCoin := NewSendOneTx(sender, recipient, Coins{{"missing", 20}})
p0 := ibc.NewPacket(coinTx, ourID, 0, sender)
packet0, update0 := otherChain.MakePostPacket(p0, start+5)
p1 := ibc.NewPacket(coinTx, ourID, 1, sender)
packet1, update1 := otherChain.MakePostPacket(p1, start+25)
p2 := ibc.NewPacket(wrongCoin, ourID, 2, sender)
packet2, update2 := otherChain.MakePostPacket(p2, start+50)
ibcPerm := basecoin.Actors{ibc.AllowIBC(NameCoin)}
cases := []struct {
packet ibc.PostPacketTx
permissions basecoin.Actors
checker errors.CheckErr
// out of order -> error
{packet1, ibcPerm, ibc.IsPacketOutOfOrderErr},
// all good -> execute tx
{packet0, ibcPerm, errors.NoErr},
// all good -> execute tx (even if earlier attempt failed)
{packet1, ibcPerm, errors.NoErr},
// packet 2 attempts to spend money this chain doesn't have
{packet2, ibcPerm, IsInsufficientFundsErr},
for i, tc := range cases {
_, err := ourChain.DeliverTx(tc.packet.Wrap(), tc.permissions...)
assert.True(tc.checker(err), "%d: %+v", i, err)
// now, make sure the recipient got credited for the 2 successful sendtx
cstore = ourChain.GetStore(NameCoin)
// FIXME: we need to strip off this when it is local chain-id...
// think this throw and handle this better
local := recipient.WithChain("")
acct, err = GetAccount(cstore, local)
require.Nil(err, "%+v", err)
assert.Equal(payment.Plus(payment), acct.Coins)
func assertPacket(t *testing.T, istore state.SimpleDB, destID string, amount Coins) {
assert := assert.New(t)
require := require.New(t)
iq := ibc.InputQueue(istore, destID)
require.Equal(0, iq.Size())
q := ibc.OutputQueue(istore, destID)
require.Equal(1, q.Size())
d := q.Item(0)
var res ibc.Packet
err := wire.ReadBinaryBytes(d, &res)
require.Nil(err, "%+v", err)
assert.Equal(destID, res.DestChain)
assert.EqualValues(0, res.Sequence)
stx, ok := res.Tx.Unwrap().(SendTx)
if assert.True(ok) {
assert.Equal(1, len(stx.Outputs))
assert.Equal(amount, stx.Outputs[0].Coins)