
261 lines
7.5 KiB

package cli
import (
sdk ""
const (
flagMultisig = "multisig"
flagAppend = "append"
flagValidateSigs = "validate-signatures"
flagSigOnly = "signature-only"
flagOutfile = "output-document"
// GetSignCommand returns the transaction sign command.
func GetSignCommand(codec *codec.Codec) *cobra.Command {
cmd := &cobra.Command{
Use: "sign [file]",
Short: "Sign transactions generated offline",
Long: `Sign transactions created with the --generate-only flag.
It will read a transaction from [file], sign it, and print its JSON encoding.
If the flag --signature-only flag is set, it will output a JSON representation
of the generated signature only.
If the flag --validate-signatures is set, then the command would check whether all required
signers have signed the transactions, whether the signatures were collected in the right
order, and if the signature is valid over the given transaction. If the --offline
flag is also set, signature validation over the transaction will be not be
performed as that will require RPC communication with a full node.
The --offline flag makes sure that the client will not reach out to full node.
As a result, the account and sequence number queries will not be performed and
it is required to set such parameters manually. Note, invalid values will cause
the transaction to fail.
The --multisig=<multisig_key> flag generates a signature on behalf of a multisig account
key. It implies --signature-only. Full multisig signed transactions may eventually
be generated via the 'multisign' command.
PreRun: preSignCmd,
RunE: makeSignCmd(codec),
Args: cobra.ExactArgs(1),
flagMultisig, "",
"Address of the multisig account on behalf of which the transaction shall be signed",
flagAppend, true,
"Append the signature to the existing ones. If disabled, old signatures would be overwritten. Ignored if --multisig is on",
flagValidateSigs, false,
"Print the addresses that must sign the transaction, those who have already signed it, and make sure that signatures are in the correct order",
cmd.Flags().Bool(flagSigOnly, false, "Print only the generated signature, then exit")
cmd.Flags().String(flagOutfile, "", "The document will be written to the given file instead of STDOUT")
cmd = flags.PostCommands(cmd)[0]
return cmd
func preSignCmd(cmd *cobra.Command, _ []string) {
// Conditionally mark the account and sequence numbers required as no RPC
// query will be done.
if viper.GetBool(flags.FlagOffline) {
func makeSignCmd(cdc *codec.Codec) func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
return func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) error {
stdTx, err := client.ReadStdTxFromFile(cdc, args[0])
if err != nil {
return err
inBuf := bufio.NewReader(cmd.InOrStdin())
cliCtx := context.NewCLIContextWithInput(inBuf).WithCodec(cdc)
txBldr := types.NewTxBuilderFromCLI(inBuf)
if viper.GetBool(flagValidateSigs) {
if !printAndValidateSigs(cliCtx, txBldr.ChainID(), stdTx, cliCtx.Offline) {
return fmt.Errorf("signatures validation failed")
return nil
// if --signature-only is on, then override --append
var newTx types.StdTx
generateSignatureOnly := viper.GetBool(flagSigOnly)
multisigAddrStr := viper.GetString(flagMultisig)
if multisigAddrStr != "" {
var multisigAddr sdk.AccAddress
multisigAddr, err = sdk.AccAddressFromBech32(multisigAddrStr)
if err != nil {
return err
newTx, err = client.SignStdTxWithSignerAddress(
txBldr, cliCtx, multisigAddr, cliCtx.GetFromName(), stdTx, cliCtx.Offline,
generateSignatureOnly = true
} else {
appendSig := viper.GetBool(flagAppend) && !generateSignatureOnly
newTx, err = client.SignStdTx(txBldr, cliCtx, cliCtx.GetFromName(), stdTx, appendSig, cliCtx.Offline)
if err != nil {
return err
json, err := getSignatureJSON(cdc, newTx, cliCtx.Indent, generateSignatureOnly)
if err != nil {
return err
if viper.GetString(flagOutfile) == "" {
fmt.Printf("%s\n", json)
return nil
fp, err := os.OpenFile(
viper.GetString(flagOutfile), os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE|os.O_TRUNC, 0644,
if err != nil {
return err
defer fp.Close()
fmt.Fprintf(fp, "%s\n", json)
return nil
func getSignatureJSON(cdc *codec.Codec, newTx types.StdTx, indent, generateSignatureOnly bool) ([]byte, error) {
switch generateSignatureOnly {
case true:
switch indent {
case true:
return cdc.MarshalJSONIndent(newTx.Signatures[0], "", " ")
return cdc.MarshalJSON(newTx.Signatures[0])
switch indent {
case true:
return cdc.MarshalJSONIndent(newTx, "", " ")
return cdc.MarshalJSON(newTx)
// printAndValidateSigs will validate the signatures of a given transaction over
// its expected signers. In addition, if offline has not been supplied, the
// signature is verified over the transaction sign bytes.
func printAndValidateSigs(
cliCtx context.CLIContext, chainID string, stdTx types.StdTx, offline bool,
) bool {
signers := stdTx.GetSigners()
for i, signer := range signers {
fmt.Printf(" %v: %v\n", i, signer.String())
success := true
sigs := stdTx.Signatures
if len(sigs) != len(signers) {
success = false
for i, sig := range sigs {
sigAddr := sdk.AccAddress(sig.GetPubKey().Address())
sigSanity := "OK"
var (
multiSigHeader string
multiSigMsg string
if i >= len(signers) || !sigAddr.Equals(signers[i]) {
sigSanity = "ERROR: signature does not match its respective signer"
success = false
// Validate the actual signature over the transaction bytes since we can
// reach out to a full node to query accounts.
if !offline && success {
acc, err := types.NewAccountRetriever(client.Codec, cliCtx).GetAccount(sigAddr)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("failed to get account: %s\n", sigAddr)
return false
sigBytes := types.StdSignBytes(
chainID, acc.GetAccountNumber(), acc.GetSequence(),
stdTx.Fee, stdTx.GetMsgs(), stdTx.GetMemo(),
if ok := sig.GetPubKey().VerifyBytes(sigBytes, sig.Signature); !ok {
sigSanity = "ERROR: signature invalid"
success = false
multiPK, ok := sig.GetPubKey().(multisig.PubKeyMultisigThreshold)
if ok {
var multiSig multisig.Multisignature
cliCtx.Codec.MustUnmarshalBinaryBare(sig.Signature, &multiSig)
var b strings.Builder
b.WriteString("\n MultiSig Signatures:\n")
for i := 0; i < multiSig.BitArray.Size(); i++ {
if multiSig.BitArray.GetIndex(i) {
addr := sdk.AccAddress(multiPK.PubKeys[i].Address().Bytes())
b.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf(" %d: %s (weight: %d)\n", i, addr, 1))
multiSigHeader = fmt.Sprintf(" [multisig threshold: %d/%d]", multiPK.K, len(multiPK.PubKeys))
multiSigMsg = b.String()
fmt.Printf(" %d: %s\t\t\t[%s]%s%s\n", i, sigAddr.String(), sigSanity, multiSigHeader, multiSigMsg)
return success