
115 lines
3.3 KiB

// nolint
package auth
import (
abci ""
dbm ""
sdk ""
supplytypes ""
type testInput struct {
cdc *codec.Codec
ctx sdk.Context
ak AccountKeeper
sk types.SupplyKeeper
func setupTestInput() testInput {
db := dbm.NewMemDB()
cdc := codec.New()
authCapKey := sdk.NewKVStoreKey("authCapKey")
keyParams := sdk.NewKVStoreKey("subspace")
tkeyParams := sdk.NewTransientStoreKey("transient_subspace")
ms := store.NewCommitMultiStore(db)
ms.MountStoreWithDB(authCapKey, sdk.StoreTypeIAVL, db)
ms.MountStoreWithDB(keyParams, sdk.StoreTypeIAVL, db)
ms.MountStoreWithDB(tkeyParams, sdk.StoreTypeTransient, db)
ps := subspace.NewSubspace(cdc, keyParams, tkeyParams, types.DefaultParamspace)
ak := NewAccountKeeper(cdc, authCapKey, ps, types.ProtoBaseAccount)
sk := NewDummySupplyKeeper(ak)
ctx := sdk.NewContext(ms, abci.Header{ChainID: "test-chain-id"}, false, log.NewNopLogger())
ak.SetParams(ctx, types.DefaultParams())
return testInput{cdc: cdc, ctx: ctx, ak: ak, sk: sk}
// DummySupplyKeeper defines a supply keeper used only for testing to avoid
// circle dependencies
type DummySupplyKeeper struct {
ak AccountKeeper
// NewDummySupplyKeeper creates a DummySupplyKeeper instance
func NewDummySupplyKeeper(ak AccountKeeper) DummySupplyKeeper {
return DummySupplyKeeper{ak}
// SendCoinsFromAccountToModule for the dummy supply keeper
func (sk DummySupplyKeeper) SendCoinsFromAccountToModule(ctx sdk.Context, fromAddr sdk.AccAddress, recipientModule string, amt sdk.Coins) sdk.Error {
fromAcc := sk.ak.GetAccount(ctx, fromAddr)
moduleAcc := sk.GetModuleAccount(ctx, recipientModule)
newFromCoins, hasNeg := fromAcc.GetCoins().SafeSub(amt)
if hasNeg {
return sdk.ErrInsufficientCoins(fromAcc.GetCoins().String())
newToCoins := moduleAcc.GetCoins().Add(amt)
if err := fromAcc.SetCoins(newFromCoins); err != nil {
return sdk.ErrInternal(err.Error())
if err := moduleAcc.SetCoins(newToCoins); err != nil {
return sdk.ErrInternal(err.Error())
sk.ak.SetAccount(ctx, fromAcc)
sk.ak.SetAccount(ctx, moduleAcc)
return nil
// GetModuleAccount for dummy supply keeper
func (sk DummySupplyKeeper) GetModuleAccount(ctx sdk.Context, moduleName string) exported.ModuleAccountI {
addr := sk.GetModuleAddress(moduleName)
acc := sk.ak.GetAccount(ctx, addr)
if acc != nil {
macc, ok := acc.(exported.ModuleAccountI)
if ok {
return macc
// create a new module account
macc := supplytypes.NewEmptyModuleAccount(moduleName, "basic")
maccI := (sk.ak.NewAccount(ctx, macc)).(exported.ModuleAccountI)
sk.ak.SetAccount(ctx, maccI)
return maccI
// GetModuleAddress for dummy supply keeper
func (sk DummySupplyKeeper) GetModuleAddress(moduleName string) sdk.AccAddress {
return supplytypes.NewModuleAddress(moduleName)