
137 lines
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package ibc
import (
func assertSeedEqual(t *testing.T, s, s2 certifiers.Seed) {
assert := assert.New(t)
assert.Equal(s.Height(), s2.Height())
assert.Equal(s.Hash(), s2.Hash())
// TODO: more
func TestProviderStore(t *testing.T) {
assert, require := assert.New(t), require.New(t)
// make a few seeds
keys := certifiers.GenValKeys(2)
seeds := makeSeeds(keys, 4, "some-chain", "demo-store")
// make a provider
store := state.NewMemKVStore()
p := newDBProvider(store)
// check it...
_, err := p.GetByHeight(20)
// add a seed
for _, s := range seeds {
err = p.StoreSeed(s)
// make sure we get it...
s := seeds[0]
val, err := p.GetByHeight(s.Height())
if assert.Nil(err) {
assertSeedEqual(t, s, val)
// make sure we get higher
val, err = p.GetByHeight(s.Height() + 2)
if assert.Nil(err) {
assertSeedEqual(t, s, val)
// below is nothing
_, err = p.GetByHeight(s.Height() - 2)
// make sure we get highest
val, err = certifiers.LatestSeed(p)
if assert.Nil(err) {
assertSeedEqual(t, seeds[3], val)
// make sure by hash also (note all have same hash, so overwritten)
val, err = p.GetByHash(seeds[1].Hash())
if assert.Nil(err) {
assertSeedEqual(t, seeds[3], val)
func TestDBProvider(t *testing.T) {
store := state.NewMemKVStore()
p := newDBProvider(store)
checkProvider(t, p, "test-db", "bling")
func makeSeeds(keys certifiers.ValKeys, count int, chainID, app string) []certifiers.Seed {
appHash := []byte(app)
seeds := make([]certifiers.Seed, count)
for i := 0; i < count; i++ {
// two seeds for each validator, to check how we handle dups
// (10, 0), (10, 1), (10, 1), (10, 2), (10, 2), ...
vals := keys.ToValidators(10, int64(count/2))
h := 20 + 10*i
check := keys.GenCheckpoint(chainID, h, nil, vals, appHash, 0, len(keys))
seeds[i] = certifiers.Seed{check, vals}
return seeds
func checkProvider(t *testing.T, p certifiers.Provider, chainID, app string) {
assert, require := assert.New(t), require.New(t)
keys := certifiers.GenValKeys(5)
count := 10
// make a bunch of seeds...
seeds := makeSeeds(keys, count, chainID, app)
// check provider is empty
seed, err := p.GetByHeight(20)
seed, err = p.GetByHash(seeds[3].Hash())
// now add them all to the provider
for _, s := range seeds {
err = p.StoreSeed(s)
// and make sure we can get it back
s2, err := p.GetByHash(s.Hash())
assertSeedEqual(t, s, s2)
// by height as well
s2, err = p.GetByHeight(s.Height())
assertSeedEqual(t, s, s2)
// make sure we get the last hash if we overstep
seed, err = p.GetByHeight(5000)
if assert.Nil(err) {
assertSeedEqual(t, seeds[count-1], seed)
// and middle ones as well
seed, err = p.GetByHeight(47)
if assert.Nil(err) {
// we only step by 10, so 40 must be the one below this
assert.Equal(40, seed.Height())