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// Package hd provides basic functionality Hierarchical Deterministic Wallets.
// The user must understand the overall concept of the BIP 32 and the BIP 44 specs:
// In combination with the bip39 package in go-crypto this package provides the functionality for deriving keys using a
// BIP 44 HD path, or, more general, by passing a BIP 32 path.
// In particular, this package (together with bip39) provides all necessary functionality to derive keys from
// mnemonics generated during the cosmos fundraiser.
package hd
import (
// BIP44Prefix is the parts of the BIP32 HD path that are fixed by what we used during the fundraiser.
const (
BIP44Prefix = "44'/118'/"
FullFundraiserPath = BIP44Prefix + "0'/0/0"
// BIP44Params wraps BIP 44 params (5 level BIP 32 path).
// To receive a canonical string representation ala
// m / purpose' / coin_type' / account' / change / address_index
// call String() on a BIP44Params instance.
type BIP44Params struct {
purpose uint32
coinType uint32
account uint32
change bool
addressIdx uint32
// NewParams creates a BIP 44 parameter object from the params:
// m / purpose' / coin_type' / account' / change / address_index
func NewParams(purpose, coinType, account uint32, change bool, addressIdx uint32) *BIP44Params {
return &BIP44Params{
purpose: purpose,
coinType: coinType,
account: account,
change: change,
addressIdx: addressIdx,
// NewFundraiserParams creates a BIP 44 parameter object from the params:
// m / 44' / 118' / account' / 0 / address_index
// The fixed parameters (purpose', coin_type', and change) are determined by what was used in the fundraiser.
func NewFundraiserParams(account uint32, addressIdx uint32) *BIP44Params {
return NewParams(44, 118, account, false, addressIdx)
func (p BIP44Params) String() string {
var changeStr string
if p.change {
changeStr = "1"
} else {
changeStr = "0"
// m / purpose' / coin_type' / account' / change / address_index
return fmt.Sprintf("%d'/%d'/%d'/%s/%d",
// ComputeMastersFromSeed returns the master public key, master secret, and chain code in hex.
func ComputeMastersFromSeed(seed []byte) (secret [32]byte, chainCode [32]byte) {
masterSecret := []byte("Bitcoin seed")
secret, chainCode = i64(masterSecret, seed)
// DerivePrivateKeyForPath derives the private key by following the BIP 32/44 path from privKeyBytes,
// using the given chainCode.
func DerivePrivateKeyForPath(privKeyBytes [32]byte, chainCode [32]byte, path string) ([32]byte, error) {
data := privKeyBytes
parts := strings.Split(path, "/")
for _, part := range parts {
// do we have an apostrophe?
harden := part[len(part)-1:] == "'"
// harden == private derivation, else public derivation:
if harden {
part = part[:len(part)-1]
idx, err := strconv.Atoi(part)
if err != nil {
return [32]byte{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid BIP 32 path: %s", err)
if idx < 0 {
return [32]byte{}, errors.New("invalid BIP 32 path: index negative ot too large")
data, chainCode = derivePrivateKey(data, chainCode, uint32(idx), harden)
var derivedKey [32]byte
n := copy(derivedKey[:], data[:])
if n != 32 || len(data) != 32 {
return [32]byte{}, fmt.Errorf("expected a (secp256k1) key of length 32, got length: %v", len(data))
return derivedKey, nil
// derivePrivateKey derives the private key with index and chainCode.
// If harden is true, the derivation is 'hardened'.
// It returns the new private key and new chain code.
// For more information on hardened keys see:
// -
func derivePrivateKey(privKeyBytes [32]byte, chainCode [32]byte, index uint32, harden bool) ([32]byte, [32]byte) {
var data []byte
if harden {
index = index | 0x80000000
data = append([]byte{byte(0)}, privKeyBytes[:]...)
} else {
// this can't return an error:
pubkey := secp256k1.PrivKeySecp256k1(privKeyBytes).PubKey()
public := pubkey.(secp256k1.PubKeySecp256k1)
data = public[:]
data = append(data, uint32ToBytes(index)...)
data2, chainCode2 := i64(chainCode[:], data)
x := addScalars(privKeyBytes[:], data2[:])
return x, chainCode2
// modular big endian addition
func addScalars(a []byte, b []byte) [32]byte {
aInt := new(big.Int).SetBytes(a)
bInt := new(big.Int).SetBytes(b)
sInt := new(big.Int).Add(aInt, bInt)
x := sInt.Mod(sInt, btcec.S256().N).Bytes()
x2 := [32]byte{}
copy(x2[32-len(x):], x)
return x2
func uint32ToBytes(i uint32) []byte {
b := [4]byte{}
binary.BigEndian.PutUint32(b[:], i)
return b[:]
// i64 returns the two halfs of the SHA512 HMAC of key and data.
func i64(key []byte, data []byte) (IL [32]byte, IR [32]byte) {
mac := hmac.New(sha512.New, key)
// sha512 does not err
_, _ = mac.Write(data)
I := mac.Sum(nil)
copy(IL[:], I[:32])
copy(IR[:], I[32:])