
540 lines
13 KiB

package types
import (
// Coin
// Coin hold some amount of one currency.
// CONTRACT: A coin will never hold a negative amount of any denomination.
// TODO: Make field members private for further safety.
type Coin struct {
Denom string `json:"denom"`
// To allow the use of unsigned integers (see: #1273) a larger refactor will
// need to be made. So we use signed integers for now with safety measures in
// place preventing negative values being used.
Amount Int `json:"amount"`
// NewCoin returns a new coin with a denomination and amount. It will panic if
// the amount is negative.
func NewCoin(denom string, amount Int) Coin {
if amount.LT(ZeroInt()) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("negative coin amount: %v\n", amount))
if strings.ToLower(denom) != denom {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("denom cannot contain upper case characters: %s\n", denom))
return Coin{
Denom: denom,
Amount: amount,
// NewInt64Coin returns a new coin with a denomination and amount. It will panic
// if the amount is negative.
func NewInt64Coin(denom string, amount int64) Coin {
return NewCoin(denom, NewInt(amount))
// String provides a human-readable representation of a coin
func (coin Coin) String() string {
return fmt.Sprintf("%v%v", coin.Amount, coin.Denom)
// SameDenomAs returns true if the two coins are the same denom
func (coin Coin) SameDenomAs(other Coin) bool {
return (coin.Denom == other.Denom)
// IsZero returns if this represents no money
func (coin Coin) IsZero() bool {
return coin.Amount.IsZero()
// IsGTE returns true if they are the same type and the receiver is
// an equal or greater value
func (coin Coin) IsGTE(other Coin) bool {
return coin.SameDenomAs(other) && (!coin.Amount.LT(other.Amount))
// IsLT returns true if they are the same type and the receiver is
// a smaller value
func (coin Coin) IsLT(other Coin) bool {
return coin.SameDenomAs(other) && coin.Amount.LT(other.Amount)
// IsEqual returns true if the two sets of Coins have the same value
func (coin Coin) IsEqual(other Coin) bool {
return coin.SameDenomAs(other) && (coin.Amount.Equal(other.Amount))
// Adds amounts of two coins with same denom. If the coins differ in denom then
// it panics.
func (coin Coin) Plus(coinB Coin) Coin {
if !coin.SameDenomAs(coinB) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid coin denominations; %s, %s", coin.Denom, coinB.Denom))
return Coin{coin.Denom, coin.Amount.Add(coinB.Amount)}
// Subtracts amounts of two coins with same denom. If the coins differ in denom
// then it panics.
func (coin Coin) Minus(coinB Coin) Coin {
if !coin.SameDenomAs(coinB) {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("invalid coin denominations; %s, %s", coin.Denom, coinB.Denom))
res := Coin{coin.Denom, coin.Amount.Sub(coinB.Amount)}
if res.IsNegative() {
panic("negative count amount")
return res
// IsPositive returns true if coin amount is positive.
// TODO: Remove once unsigned integers are used.
func (coin Coin) IsPositive() bool {
return coin.Amount.Sign() == 1
// IsNegative returns true if the coin amount is negative and false otherwise.
// TODO: Remove once unsigned integers are used.
func (coin Coin) IsNegative() bool {
return coin.Amount.Sign() == -1
// Coins
// Coins is a set of Coin, one per currency
type Coins []Coin
func (coins Coins) String() string {
if len(coins) == 0 {
return ""
out := ""
for _, coin := range coins {
out += fmt.Sprintf("%v,", coin.String())
return out[:len(out)-1]
// IsValid asserts the Coins are sorted, have positive amount,
// and Denom does not contain upper case characters.
func (coins Coins) IsValid() bool {
switch len(coins) {
case 0:
return true
case 1:
if strings.ToLower(coins[0].Denom) != coins[0].Denom {
return false
return coins[0].IsPositive()
// check single coin case
if !(Coins{coins[0]}).IsValid() {
return false
lowDenom := coins[0].Denom
for _, coin := range coins[1:] {
if strings.ToLower(coin.Denom) != coin.Denom {
return false
if coin.Denom <= lowDenom {
return false
if !coin.IsPositive() {
return false
// we compare each coin against the last denom
lowDenom = coin.Denom
return true
// Plus adds two sets of coins.
// e.g.
// {2A} + {A, 2B} = {3A, 2B}
// {2A} + {0B} = {2A}
// NOTE: Plus operates under the invariant that coins are sorted by
// denominations.
// CONTRACT: Plus will never return Coins where one Coin has a non-positive
// amount. In otherwords, IsValid will always return true.
func (coins Coins) Plus(coinsB Coins) Coins {
return coins.safePlus(coinsB)
// safePlus will perform addition of two coins sets. If both coin sets are
// empty, then an empty set is returned. If only a single set is empty, the
// other set is returned. Otherwise, the coins are compared in order of their
// denomination and addition only occurs when the denominations match, otherwise
// the coin is simply added to the sum assuming it's not zero.
func (coins Coins) safePlus(coinsB Coins) Coins {
sum := ([]Coin)(nil)
indexA, indexB := 0, 0
lenA, lenB := len(coins), len(coinsB)
for {
if indexA == lenA {
if indexB == lenB {
// return nil coins if both sets are empty
return sum
// return set B (excluding zero coins) if set A is empty
return append(sum, removeZeroCoins(coinsB[indexB:])...)
} else if indexB == lenB {
// return set A (excluding zero coins) if set B is empty
return append(sum, removeZeroCoins(coins[indexA:])...)
coinA, coinB := coins[indexA], coinsB[indexB]
switch strings.Compare(coinA.Denom, coinB.Denom) {
case -1: // coin A denom < coin B denom
if !coinA.IsZero() {
sum = append(sum, coinA)
case 0: // coin A denom == coin B denom
res := coinA.Plus(coinB)
if !res.IsZero() {
sum = append(sum, res)
case 1: // coin A denom > coin B denom
if !coinB.IsZero() {
sum = append(sum, coinB)
// Minus subtracts a set of coins from another.
// e.g.
// {2A, 3B} - {A} = {A, 3B}
// {2A} - {0B} = {2A}
// {A, B} - {A} = {B}
// CONTRACT: Minus will never return Coins where one Coin has a non-positive
// amount. In otherwords, IsValid will always return true.
func (coins Coins) Minus(coinsB Coins) Coins {
diff, hasNeg := coins.SafeMinus(coinsB)
if hasNeg {
panic("negative coin amount")
return diff
// SafeMinus performs the same arithmetic as Minus but returns a boolean if any
// negative coin amount was returned.
func (coins Coins) SafeMinus(coinsB Coins) (Coins, bool) {
diff := coins.safePlus(coinsB.negative())
return diff, diff.IsAnyNegative()
// IsAllGT returns true if for every denom in coins, the denom is present at a
// greater amount in coinsB.
func (coins Coins) IsAllGT(coinsB Coins) bool {
diff, _ := coins.SafeMinus(coinsB)
if len(diff) == 0 {
return false
return diff.IsPositive()
// IsAllGTE returns true iff for every denom in coins, the denom is present at
// an equal or greater amount in coinsB.
func (coins Coins) IsAllGTE(coinsB Coins) bool {
diff, _ := coins.SafeMinus(coinsB)
if len(diff) == 0 {
return true
return !diff.IsAnyNegative()
// IsAllLT returns True iff for every denom in coins, the denom is present at
// a smaller amount in coinsB.
func (coins Coins) IsAllLT(coinsB Coins) bool {
return coinsB.IsAllGT(coins)
// IsAllLTE returns true iff for every denom in coins, the denom is present at
// a smaller or equal amount in coinsB.
func (coins Coins) IsAllLTE(coinsB Coins) bool {
return coinsB.IsAllGTE(coins)
// IsAnyGTE returns true iff coins contains at least one denom that is present
// at a greater or equal amount in coinsB; it returns false otherwise.
// NOTE: IsAnyGTE operates under the invariant that both coin sets are sorted
// by denominations and there exists no zero coins.
func (coins Coins) IsAnyGTE(coinsB Coins) bool {
if len(coinsB) == 0 {
return false
for _, coin := range coins {
amt := coinsB.AmountOf(coin.Denom)
if coin.Amount.GTE(amt) {
return true
return false
// IsZero returns true if there are no coins or all coins are zero.
func (coins Coins) IsZero() bool {
for _, coin := range coins {
if !coin.IsZero() {
return false
return true
// IsEqual returns true if the two sets of Coins have the same value
func (coins Coins) IsEqual(coinsB Coins) bool {
if len(coins) != len(coinsB) {
return false
coins = coins.Sort()
coinsB = coinsB.Sort()
for i := 0; i < len(coins); i++ {
if coins[i].Denom != coinsB[i].Denom || !coins[i].Amount.Equal(coinsB[i].Amount) {
return false
return true
// Empty returns true if there are no coins and false otherwise.
func (coins Coins) Empty() bool {
return len(coins) == 0
// Returns the amount of a denom from coins
func (coins Coins) AmountOf(denom string) Int {
if strings.ToLower(denom) != denom {
panic(fmt.Sprintf("denom cannot contain upper case characters: %s\n", denom))
switch len(coins) {
case 0:
return ZeroInt()
case 1:
coin := coins[0]
if coin.Denom == denom {
return coin.Amount
return ZeroInt()
midIdx := len(coins) / 2 // 2:1, 3:1, 4:2
coin := coins[midIdx]
if denom < coin.Denom {
return coins[:midIdx].AmountOf(denom)
} else if denom == coin.Denom {
return coin.Amount
} else {
return coins[midIdx+1:].AmountOf(denom)
// IsPositive returns true if there is at least one coin and all currencies
// have a positive value.
// TODO: Remove once unsigned integers are used.
func (coins Coins) IsPositive() bool {
if len(coins) == 0 {
return false
for _, coin := range coins {
if !coin.IsPositive() {
return false
return true
// IsAnyNegative returns true if there is at least one coin whose amount
// is negative; returns false otherwise. It returns false if the coin set
// is empty too.
// TODO: Remove once unsigned integers are used.
func (coins Coins) IsAnyNegative() bool {
if len(coins) == 0 {
return false
for _, coin := range coins {
if coin.IsNegative() {
return true
return false
// negative returns a set of coins with all amount negative.
// TODO: Remove once unsigned integers are used.
func (coins Coins) negative() Coins {
res := make([]Coin, 0, len(coins))
for _, coin := range coins {
res = append(res, Coin{
Denom: coin.Denom,
Amount: coin.Amount.Neg(),
return res
// removeZeroCoins removes all zero coins from the given coin set in-place.
func removeZeroCoins(coins Coins) Coins {
i, l := 0, len(coins)
for i < l {
if coins[i].IsZero() {
// remove coin
coins = append(coins[:i], coins[i+1:]...)
} else {
return coins[:i]
func copyCoins(coins Coins) Coins {
copyCoins := make(Coins, len(coins))
copy(copyCoins, coins)
return copyCoins
// Sort interface
func (coins Coins) Len() int { return len(coins) }
func (coins Coins) Less(i, j int) bool { return coins[i].Denom < coins[j].Denom }
func (coins Coins) Swap(i, j int) { coins[i], coins[j] = coins[j], coins[i] }
var _ sort.Interface = Coins{}
// Sort is a helper function to sort the set of coins inplace
func (coins Coins) Sort() Coins {
return coins
// Parsing
var (
// Denominations can be 3 ~ 16 characters long.
reDnm = `[[:alpha:]][[:alnum:]]{2,15}`
reAmt = `[[:digit:]]+`
reDecAmt = `[[:digit:]]*\.[[:digit:]]+`
reSpc = `[[:space:]]*`
reCoin = regexp.MustCompile(fmt.Sprintf(`^(%s)%s(%s)$`, reAmt, reSpc, reDnm))
reDecCoin = regexp.MustCompile(fmt.Sprintf(`^(%s)%s(%s)$`, reDecAmt, reSpc, reDnm))
// ParseCoin parses a cli input for one coin type, returning errors if invalid.
// This returns an error on an empty string as well.
func ParseCoin(coinStr string) (coin Coin, err error) {
coinStr = strings.TrimSpace(coinStr)
matches := reCoin.FindStringSubmatch(coinStr)
if matches == nil {
return Coin{}, fmt.Errorf("invalid coin expression: %s", coinStr)
denomStr, amountStr := matches[2], matches[1]
amount, ok := NewIntFromString(amountStr)
if !ok {
return Coin{}, fmt.Errorf("failed to parse coin amount: %s", amountStr)
if denomStr != strings.ToLower(denomStr) {
return Coin{}, fmt.Errorf("denom cannot contain upper case characters: %s", denomStr)
return NewCoin(denomStr, amount), nil
// ParseCoins will parse out a list of coins separated by commas.
// If nothing is provided, it returns nil Coins.
// Returned coins are sorted.
func ParseCoins(coinsStr string) (coins Coins, err error) {
coinsStr = strings.TrimSpace(coinsStr)
if len(coinsStr) == 0 {
return nil, nil
coinStrs := strings.Split(coinsStr, ",")
for _, coinStr := range coinStrs {
coin, err := ParseCoin(coinStr)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
coins = append(coins, coin)
// Sort coins for determinism.
// Validate coins before returning.
if !coins.IsValid() {
return nil, fmt.Errorf("parseCoins invalid: %#v", coins)
return coins, nil