
304 lines
8.6 KiB

package state
import (
. ""
tmsp ""
// If the tx is invalid, a TMSP error will be returned.
func ExecTx(state *State, pgz *types.Plugins, tx types.Tx, isCheckTx bool, evc events.Fireable) tmsp.Result {
// TODO: do something with fees
fees := int64(0)
// Exec tx
switch tx := tx.(type) {
case *types.SendTx:
// First, get inputs
accounts, res := getInputs(state, tx.Inputs)
if res.IsErr() {
return res.PrependLog("in getInputs()")
// Then, get or make outputs.
accounts, res = getOrMakeOutputs(state, accounts, tx.Outputs)
if res.IsErr() {
return res.PrependLog("in getOrMakeOutputs()")
// Validate inputs and outputs
signBytes := tx.SignBytes(state.GetChainID())
inTotal, res := validateInputs(state, accounts, signBytes, tx.Inputs)
if res.IsErr() {
return res.PrependLog("in validateInputs()")
outTotal, res := validateOutputs(tx.Outputs)
if res.IsErr() {
return res.PrependLog("in validateOutputs()")
if outTotal > inTotal {
return tmsp.ErrBaseInsufficientFunds
fee := inTotal - outTotal
fees += fee
// TODO: Fee validation for SendTx
// Good! Adjust accounts
adjustByInputs(state, accounts, tx.Inputs, isCheckTx)
adjustByOutputs(state, accounts, tx.Outputs, isCheckTx)
// Fire events
if !isCheckTx {
if evc != nil {
for _, i := range tx.Inputs {
evc.FireEvent(types.EventStringAccInput(i.Address), types.EventDataTx{tx, nil, ""})
for _, o := range tx.Outputs {
evc.FireEvent(types.EventStringAccOutput(o.Address), types.EventDataTx{tx, nil, ""})
return tmsp.OK
case *types.AppTx:
// First, get input account
inAcc := state.GetAccount(tx.Input.Address)
if inAcc == nil {
return tmsp.ErrBaseUnknownAddress
// Validate input
// pubKey should be present in either "inAcc" or "tx.Input"
if res := checkInputPubKey(tx.Input.Address, inAcc, tx.Input); res.IsErr() {
log.Info(Fmt("Can't find pubkey for %X", tx.Input.Address))
return res
signBytes := tx.SignBytes(state.GetChainID())
res := validateInput(state, inAcc, signBytes, tx.Input)
if res.IsErr() {
log.Info(Fmt("validateInput failed on %X: %v", tx.Input.Address, res))
return res.PrependLog("in validateInput()")
if tx.Input.Amount < tx.Fee {
log.Info(Fmt("Sender did not send enough to cover the fee %X", tx.Input.Address))
return tmsp.ErrBaseInsufficientFunds
// Validate call address
plugin := pgz.GetByByte(tx.Type)
if plugin != nil {
return tmsp.ErrBaseUnknownAddress.AppendLog(
Fmt("Unrecognized type byte %v", tx.Type))
// Good!
value := tx.Input.Amount - tx.Fee
inAcc.Sequence += 1
inAcc.Balance -= tx.Input.Amount
state.SetCheckAccount(tx.Input.Address, inAcc.Sequence, inAcc.Balance)
inAccCopy := inAcc.Copy()
// If this is a CheckTx, stop now.
if isCheckTx {
return tmsp.OK
// Run the tx.
cache := NewAccountCache(state)
cache.SetAccount(tx.Input.Address, inAcc)
gas := int64(1) // TODO
ctx := types.NewCallContext(cache, inAcc, value, &gas)
res = plugin.RunTx(ctx, tx.Data)
if res.IsOK() {
log.Info("Successful execution")
// Fire events
if evc != nil {
exception := ""
if res.IsErr() {
exception = res.Error()
evc.FireEvent(types.EventStringAccInput(tx.Input.Address), types.EventDataTx{tx, ret, exception})
evc.FireEvent(types.EventStringAccOutput(tx.Address), types.EventDataTx{tx, ret, exception})
} else {
log.Info("AppTx failed", "error", res)
// Just return the value and return.
// TODO: return gas?
inAccCopy.Balance += value
state.SetAccount(tx.Input.Address, inAccCopy)
return res
return tmsp.ErrBaseEncodingError.SetLog("Unknown tx type")
// The accounts from the TxInputs must either already have
// crypto.PubKey.(type) != nil, (it must be known),
// or it must be specified in the TxInput. If redeclared,
// the TxInput is modified and input.PubKey set to nil.
func getInputs(state types.AccountGetter, ins []types.TxInput) (map[string]*types.Account, tmsp.Result) {
accounts := map[string]*types.Account{}
for _, in := range ins {
// Account shouldn't be duplicated
if _, ok := accounts[string(in.Address)]; ok {
return nil, tmsp.ErrBaseDuplicateAddress
acc := state.GetAccount(in.Address)
if acc == nil {
return nil, tmsp.ErrBaseUnknownAddress
// PubKey should be present in either "account" or "in"
if res := checkInputPubKey(in.Address, acc, in); res.IsErr() {
return nil, res
accounts[string(in.Address)] = acc
return accounts, tmsp.OK
func getOrMakeOutputs(state types.AccountGetter, accounts map[string]*types.Account, outs []types.TxOutput) (map[string]*types.Account, tmsp.Result) {
if accounts == nil {
accounts = make(map[string]*types.Account)
for _, out := range outs {
// Account shouldn't be duplicated
if _, ok := accounts[string(out.Address)]; ok {
return nil, tmsp.ErrBaseDuplicateAddress
acc := state.GetAccount(out.Address)
// output account may be nil (new)
if acc == nil {
acc = &types.Account{
PubKey: nil,
Sequence: 0,
Balance: 0,
accounts[string(out.Address)] = acc
return accounts, tmsp.OK
// Input must not have a redundant PubKey (i.e. Account already has PubKey).
// NOTE: Account has PubKey if Sequence > 0
func checkInputPubKey(address []byte, acc *types.Account, in types.TxInput) tmsp.Result {
if acc.PubKey == nil {
if in.PubKey == nil {
return tmsp.ErrBaseUnknownPubKey.AppendLog("PubKey not present in either acc or input")
if !bytes.Equal(in.PubKey.Address(), address) {
return tmsp.ErrBaseInvalidPubKey.AppendLog("Input PubKey address does not match address")
acc.PubKey = in.PubKey
} else {
if in.PubKey != nil {
// NOTE: allow redundant pubkey.
if !bytes.Equal(in.PubKey.Address(), address) {
return tmsp.ErrBaseInvalidPubKey.AppendLog("Input PubKey address does not match address")
return tmsp.OK
// Validate inputs and compute total amount
func validateInputs(state *State, accounts map[string]*types.Account, signBytes []byte, ins []types.TxInput) (total int64, res tmsp.Result) {
for _, in := range ins {
acc := accounts[string(in.Address)]
if acc == nil {
PanicSanity("validateInputs() expects account in accounts")
res = validateInput(state, acc, signBytes, in)
if res.IsErr() {
// Good. Add amount to total
total += in.Amount
return total, tmsp.OK
func validateInput(state *State, acc *types.Account, signBytes []byte, in types.TxInput) (res tmsp.Result) {
// Check TxInput basic
if res := in.ValidateBasic(); res.IsErr() {
return res
// Check sequence/balance
seq, balance := state.GetCheckAccount(in.Address, acc.Sequence, acc.Balance)
if seq+1 != in.Sequence {
return tmsp.ErrBaseInvalidSequence.AppendLog(Fmt("Got %v, expected %v. (acc.seq=%v)", in.Sequence, seq+1, acc.Sequence))
// Check amount
if balance < in.Amount {
return tmsp.ErrBaseInsufficientFunds
// Check signatures
if !acc.PubKey.VerifyBytes(signBytes, in.Signature) {
return tmsp.ErrBaseInvalidSignature.AppendLog(Fmt("SignBytes: %X", signBytes))
return tmsp.OK
func validateOutputs(outs []types.TxOutput) (total int64, res tmsp.Result) {
for _, out := range outs {
// Check TxOutput basic
if res := out.ValidateBasic(); res.IsErr() {
return 0, res
// Good. Add amount to total
total += out.Amount
return total, tmsp.OK
func adjustByInputs(state *State, accounts map[string]*types.Account, ins []types.TxInput, isCheckTx bool) {
for _, in := range ins {
acc := accounts[string(in.Address)]
if acc == nil {
PanicSanity("adjustByInputs() expects account in accounts")
if acc.Balance < in.Amount {
PanicSanity("adjustByInputs() expects sufficient funds")
acc.Balance -= in.Amount
acc.Sequence += 1
state.SetCheckAccount(in.Address, acc.Sequence, acc.Balance)
if !isCheckTx {
// NOTE: Must be set in deterministic order
state.SetAccount(in.Address, acc)
func adjustByOutputs(state *State, accounts map[string]*types.Account, outs []types.TxOutput, isCheckTx bool) {
for _, out := range outs {
acc := accounts[string(out.Address)]
if acc == nil {
PanicSanity("adjustByOutputs() expects account in accounts")
acc.Balance += out.Amount
if !isCheckTx {
state.SetCheckAccount(out.Address, acc.Sequence, acc.Balance)
// NOTE: Must be set in deterministic order
state.SetAccount(out.Address, acc)